
“觊觎”不读kuī qù,也不念jiàn yù喔!它到底该读啥?

author:A guest history said

The charm of Chinese characters lies in the profound culture and history behind them, and each character and word has its own unique story and connotation.

And the word "coveting" is full of ancient charm and far-reaching meaning.

“觊觎”不读kuī qù,也不念jiàn yù喔!它到底该读啥?

First, let's correct a common misconception about "coveting".

Many people mistakenly pronounce it as kuī qù or jiàn yù, but in reality, the correct pronunciation of "觊觎" is jì yú. Behind this pronunciation, there is a strong longing.

"Coveting" is composed of two more obscure Chinese characters, but its meaning is very clear and profound. In a literal sense, "coveting" means wanting to get, and "coveting" has a similar meaning.

"Coveting" denotes a strong desire and attempt for something or a certain status.

“觊觎”不读kuī qù,也不念jiàn yù喔!它到底该读啥?

It is often used to describe a person's desire and pursuit of power, wealth, status, or other precious things.

In traditional Chinese culture, it is emphasized that "a gentleman loves money and takes it in the right way", that is, people should obtain what they want through their own efforts and legitimate means, rather than coveting other people's property or status through improper means.

Therefore, the term "coveting" has a pejorative connotation in traditional culture, and it warns people to keep their duty and not covet what does not belong to them.

In ancient societies, "coveting" was often used to describe the desire of princes, magnates, etc., for the throne, land, or power.

“觊觎”不读kuī qù,也不念jiàn yù喔!它到底该读啥?

This desire often has a tinge of greed and ambition because it involves coveting what doesn't belong to you. Therefore, "coveting" is often used in ancient literature to describe those who have bad intentions.

However, in modern society, the meaning of "coveting" has expanded. It is not just used to describe the desire for power and wealth, but it can also be used to describe the intense pursuit of anything good.

For example, a person can "covet" a high-paying job or "covet" someone they like. In this case, "coveting" expresses more of a strong desire and pursuit, rather than just being derogatory.

“觊觎”不读kuī qù,也不念jiàn yù喔!它到底该读啥?

In addition to its cautionary significance, "coveting" is often used in literature as a means to express character or advance the storyline. In a novel, the author may show a character's character traits such as greed and selfishness by describing the character's "coveting" of another character's possessions or status. At the same time, "coveting" can also become a turning point in the storyline, pushing the story to a climax.

It is worth mentioning that the correct pronunciation of the word "coveting" is not easy to grasp. When many people first encounter this word, they may be confused by its complex glyphs and unfamiliar pronunciation.

In short, the word "coveting" not only has a unique pronunciation, but also contains profound cultural connotations and warning meanings. It reminds us to keep our duty and not to covet what is not our own.