
Rural hollowing: What is the road to revitalization?

author:Sister Na's witty words

When I returned to my hometown during the Qingming Festival, I witnessed the scene of my hometown in the countryside, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of worry in my heart. What you see in front of you is a distressing "hollow village". Outside the village, newly built brick houses stand, while inside the village are dilapidated adobe houses, as if telling the loneliness and changes of an era.

Rural hollowing: What is the road to revitalization?

The permanent population here is sparsely populated, less than 10 people. Most of those left behind were elderly people and young children. They became the watchmen of the land, but they also endured endless loneliness and hardship. Almost all the work in the fields is carried out by the elderly over 60 years old, and the younger generation has long since moved away from the land that raised them, and they may no longer be familiar with the farming culture.

Rural hollowing: What is the road to revitalization?

The state has taken the issue of agriculture, agriculture and agriculture as an important part of the first document for decades, and the call for rural revitalization has long been in the ears. What I saw, however, was the growing depression of the countryside and the slimness of hope. I can't help but ask, who does rural revitalization rely on? Do we really have to rely on these old people and children who are still in their last years?

Rural hollowing: What is the road to revitalization?

The countryside, the land that once nurtured countless Chinese sons and daughters, has provided nutrients for the development of cities and towns for more than 70 years. Now, it's time for the towns to feed the countryside. However, feeding back is not achieved overnight, it requires practical policies and measures, and requires the sincere recognition and active participation of farmers and rural children.

Rural revitalization, the first thing to solve is the problem of people. We need to attract more young people back to the countryside so that they can see that there is a good future to be achieved here. This requires us to strengthen the construction of rural infrastructure, improve the quality of rural education, and provide more employment and development opportunities for rural youth.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the living conditions of the elderly in rural areas, and provide them with better medical and pension services, so that they can enjoy their old age in peace. For rural children, we should pay more attention to educational equity, so that they can receive the same high-quality educational resources as urban children, and lay a solid foundation for their future.

In addition, rural revitalization also needs to pay attention to ecological and environmental protection. We need to protect the clear waters and lush mountains of the countryside, so that this land can continue to nourish our children and grandchildren. This requires us to strengthen rural environmental governance, promote green agriculture, and achieve sustainable agricultural development.

In short, rural revitalization is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of the whole society. Only by coming up with practical policies and measures to truly let farmers and rural children see hope and the future can we prevent further depression in rural areas and achieve real rural revitalization. This is our common responsibility and mission, and it is also the foundation of China's development.