
The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed


Recently, a striking post asking for help suddenly appeared on social networks, posted by a woman named Zhang Li. She describes herself as the widow of a martyr pilot and the raising of two sons.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

In the post, she cried about the bullying her son suffered at school and the indifference of the parents of the bullies. The post quickly attracted attention and outrage across the network, with people accusing the school of violence and the irresponsibility of parents.

In this help-seeking post, Zhang Li tells the story of her husband's sacrifice for the country and her own difficult life as a martyr's widow. Her husband, a pilot, died in the line of duty, leaving her and her two young sons behind. This family should be respected and cared for by society, however, the reality is cruel.

Since childhood, Zhang Li's son has been bullied by his peers at school. Since the first grade, those bullies have attacked him with vicious words, labeling him with various insulting nicknames, such as "fat", "stupid", "snail", etc. At first, Zhang Li tried to tell her son to ignore the words and see them as a gust of wind, but the bullying became more and more rampant, and the damage to her son became more and more serious.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

His son's experience did not stop at verbal insults, and even the usual bathroom became a place of nightmares for him. Whenever he walked into the bathroom alone, the bullies would follow him, pry open the door and break in. They provoked him with vicious words, and sometimes even pushed and shoved him, leaving him with nowhere to hide and no way to escape. Their laughter echoed in the bathroom, like cold arrows, shot at his young heart again and again.

Despite his son's repeated patience and attempts to hide his pain with a smile, his efforts were ignored. It wasn't until one day, when tears flashed in his eyes again, that his mother found out about his distress. Looking at her son's painful appearance, Zhang Li's heart was like a knife, and she felt helpless and desperate. She realizes that she can no longer sit idly by and that she must fight for justice for her son and protect him from further harm.

Just this afternoon, my son was beaten again by the bullies. When Zhang Li received a call from the school and hurried to the school, she saw her son standing at the school gate with a painful face, with a blue nose and swollen face. Zhang Li couldn't hold back her tears, she hugged her son tightly and asked him what happened. The son trembled and told her that it was his classmates who had beaten him again. Zhang Li's heart ached sharply, and she decided to seek justice for her son.

Just as she was about to walk to the parents of the abusers, she saw a woman walk up, hold her mobile phone, and start recording a video. Instead of apologizing, she was the mother of one of the abusers, and instead of apologizing, she began to provoke Zhang Li, claiming that her son had done nothing wrong. Zhang Li angrily wanted to reason with her, but the other party ignored it and just sneered and continued to record. Zhang Li felt desperate, she didn't know how to solve the problem, how to protect her son from all this endless pain and bullying.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

This scene, like a sharp sword, pierced into the hearts of everyone who saw it, sparked extensive discussion and reflection. This is not just an isolated case, but a microcosm of a profound social problem that makes people aware of the seriousness of school bullying and the responsibility of parents. Angry voices are pouring out online, with comments blaming the perpetrator and his parents, and expressing sympathy and support for the victims.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

This incident has become a mirror of society, reflecting the ugliness and darkness that exists in our society, and also arousing people's thinking about the responsibility and obligation to protect children.

When the children of martyrs are bullied on campus, what are the teachers doing? What are the schools doing? Heaven does not tolerate it, and it is necessary to strictly investigate and hold them accountable, severely punish them according to the law, and give justice to the children of martyrs and their families.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

The children of martyrs are bullied by the children of bullies at school, and it is intolerable. The principal and class teacher shall be suspended. Severely punish the tyrants and their parents

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

The government and public security should protect the descendants of the martyrs and prevent them from slipping blood and dripping.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

The children of martyrs are bullied at school, this incident, the school and the society should do a big deal to deal with this incident, the school must criticize and educate the bullies, and protect the bullied!

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

The education department and government departments should attach great importance to this matter, and ordinary children should be dealt with seriously, not to mention the children of martyrs, who must be severely punished and the campus should be restored to peace.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

Teachers and principals can be expelled! I hope that the bullies will be severely punished! Don't let the martyrs chill that patriotic heart in heaven!

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

In order to gain a deeper understanding of the root causes of bullying in schools, Zhang Li decided to interview some school teachers and psychologists, as well as other parents, to discuss their views and suggestions on the problem.

After some investigation and interviews, Zhang Li found that there are many reasons for school bullying. First of all, the lack of homeschooling is an important reason. Some parents neglect to educate and guide their children, resulting in them not having the right code of conduct and ethics in school. Secondly, poor school management is also an important factor. Some schools have taken a blind approach to school violence and have not taken effective measures to prevent and stop bullying from occurring. In addition, social pressure and competition also exacerbate the contradictions and conflicts between students, so that some children choose to bully others to vent their emotions and pressure.

With the attention and efforts of all sectors of society to the problem of school violence, some positive changes and influences have gradually emerged. These changes are not only reflected in the school and social environment, but also have a direct impact on the lives and growth of victims and abusers.

First of all, the attention and attention to the problem of school violence has prompted schools and education departments to take a series of positive measures to strengthen campus security management and education. The school has strengthened mental health education for students, established a more complete campus safety mechanism, and increased the punishment for school violence. At the same time, all sectors of society are also actively involved in campus safety work, providing more support and help to the school, and working together to create a safe and harmonious learning environment.

Second, the reduction and resolution of school violence has enabled victims and their families to receive more care and help. All sectors of society have reached out to provide psychological and material support to victims to help them overcome difficulties and regain their confidence and courage. Victims' families have also received more attention and understanding, and they no longer feel lonely and helpless, but have more strength and courage to face difficulties and challenges.

Thirdly, the resolution of the problem of school violence also has a profound impact on the perpetrators and their families. Through timely intervention and education, many perpetrators realize their mistakes and actively change their behavior. Schools and parents have strengthened the education and guidance of abusers, helping them to establish correct values and codes of conduct, reintegrate into the school and society, and become useful talents.

The martyr's wife posted a request for help: her son was bullied on campus, and the other party's parents were brutally oppressed

Finally, the solution to the problem of school violence has also laid a solid foundation for the progress and development of society. A safe and harmonious learning environment is an important guarantee for the healthy growth and development of students, as well as an important condition for social stability and prosperity. By working together, we can build a better future where every child can enjoy equal rights to education and growth opportunities, and realize their life values and dreams.

In this process, Zhang Li, as a martyr's widow and mother, played an active role and influence. Her bravery and strength have infected more people and inspired them to actively participate in campus safety work and work together to solve the problem of school violence. Her story serves as a mirror of society, reflecting the problems and dilemmas that exist in our society, while also calling on us to work together to solve them. Through joint efforts and struggles, we believe that the problem of school violence can be effectively solved, so that every child can enjoy a safe, healthy and happy growth environment and welcome a better future together.