
At the age of 53, I met my old lover again, and finally had a good time, and I regretted the sting on my body the next day

author:Funky pineapple l9X

Li Ming stood in front of the mirror, examining his own reflection. The years have carved their marks on his face, and every wrinkle is like a microcosm of a story. He rubbed his chin lightly and took a deep breath, trying to suppress the tension of the upcoming class reunion. At the age of 53, he still maintains a straight posture, a habit developed in his youth, like a silent protest against the passage of time.

At the age of 53, I met my old lover again, and finally had a good time, and I regretted the sting on my body the next day

He felt a little uncomfortable in the dark blue suit he had ever pride. The suit has witnessed many of his moments, but now it is tightened on his body, as if to remind him that life has long been different. Li Ming smiled bitterly, this is life, constantly changing, constantly adapting, and then inadvertently, you find that you have been left behind.

The venue for the class reunion is a quaint dining room with warm and soft lighting. He stepped into the restaurant with an inexplicable hint of anticipation in his heart. The laughter and conversation of the classmates gradually became clear, it was a familiar melody that had not been seen for a long time. Although their faces have a little more vicissitudes, their smiles are still bright, and their eyes are shining with the light of youth.

Just as Li Ming was greeting his old friends, a figure made his heart beat violently. Zhao Li, the girl who once made his heart flutter, is now an elegant middle-aged woman, still beautiful, but with more mature charm. Her appearance, like a warm current, quietly dissolved the ice in Li Ming's heart.

At the age of 53, I met my old lover again, and finally had a good time, and I regretted the sting on my body the next day

The eyes of the two met in the air, and time seemed to freeze in that moment. Li Ming walked towards Zhao Li, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Zhao Li's eyes flashed with a complicated light, was it surprise or embarrassment? She lowered her head slightly, adjusted her necklace slightly, and then raised her head and showed a warm smile.

"Li Ming, long time no see. Zhao Li's voice was still soft, with a little trembling, was it because of emotions, or because of the reunion that she hadn't seen for many years?

"Yes, Zhao Li, it's been too long. Li Ming responded, with a hint of hoarseness in his voice, which was the trace given to him by the years.

At the age of 53, I met my old lover again, and finally had a good time, and I regretted the sting on my body the next day

It's not just the conversation that flows between the two, but also the emotions that they didn't say when they were young. They tried to hide the ripples in their hearts with a calm tone, but they didn't know that each other's eyes had already betrayed their mood. At this moment, Li Ming suddenly understood that some emotions, even if they were buried by time, never really disappeared.

In the days after the party, Li Ming's mood was like a sailboat that had lost its anchor, drifting in a sea of memories. Zhao Li's smile became a lingering image in his mind, and the reunion that night ignited his long-lost passion. They began to communicate through WeChat, and every message was like a seed, buried in the hearts of the two and quietly sprouted.

They meet at an old café in the city, where every table carries memories of the past. Li Ming arrived early, ordered two cups of Mocha, and quietly waited for Zhao Li's arrival. When she appeared at the door, passing through the coffee-scented air, Li Ming felt his heart beat faster. Zhao Li's arrival painted this afternoon with a layer of soft color.

The two talked about their lives, from children's education to their work. However, as the conversation turned to the past, the air seemed to begin to thicken. They reminisce about the sweet days of college, those carefree days, and those unspoken dreams.

In a long conversation late at night, Li Ming and Zhao Li couldn't help but mention that youthful relationship again. The moonlight sprinkled on Zhao Li's face, and Li Ming saw the tenderness in her eyes, which was an emotion buried deep in her heart, a kind of tenderness that could not be erased even if time passed. Li Ming felt that the wall of his heart was quietly collapsing, and those feelings of youth were surging back to his heart like a tide.

"Do you remember that walk after the rain?" Zhao Li asked softly, her eyes flashing with memories.

"Of course I remember, it was one of my most cherished memories. Li Ming replied, with a characteristic tenderness and firmness in his voice.

They stared at each other, letting silence fill the space between them. At that moment, they all realized that the former relationship had not faded with the years, it was only covered up by the heaviness of life. Now, this thin layer of dust has been gently brushed away, and the feeling is clearly visible again.

However, this revived old love is not simple. They all have their own lives, responsibilities, and bonds. They face both moral and practical challenges. Li Ming knew that this relationship should not continue, but his heart involuntarily approached Zhao Li. The same is true for Zhao Li, her reason tells her that this is not right, but her heart beats for Li Ming every night.

Their emotions are like a war without gunpowder, and two souls are struggling to find answers. Is this old love just a beautiful mistake, or is it an indispensable part of life? It's a question that none of them can easily answer.

On that starless night, Li Ming and Zhao Li met again. They chose a small hidden restaurant, away from the familiar eye, away from those invisible shackles. This is not an ordinary gathering, this is a spiritual exploration, and it is an emotional release.

The restaurant is dimly lit, as if to demarcate the boundaries for their intimate moments. They sat in the corner, so close to each other that they could feel the temperature of each other's breathing. Li Ming looked at Zhao Li, the eyes that once haunted him, and now captured his whole world again.

Every word in their conversation was full of hints, and every touch was tinged with electricity. As time passed, the walls of the two gradually crumbled, and the boundaries that had once existed became blurred. Their laughter became more presumptuous, and their eyes became more profound. In that moment, they all understood that no matter what the outcome was, the night would be unforgettable.

After the meal, Li Ming and Zhao Li strolled through the streets, and the night breeze blew lightly, taking away the hustle and bustle of the day. The neon lights of the city flickered behind them, as if to set the stage for this forbidden emotion. Their fingers inadvertently intertwined, tightly interlocked, like an entanglement of fate.

Eventually, they stopped in front of Zhao Li's apartment. Li Ming knew that once they stepped through that door, it meant that they would completely indulge their emotions. He looked at Zhao Li, her eyes full of anticipation and hesitation. The struggles and desires in Li Ming's heart reached their peak at this moment. He knows that this may be a point of no return, but he also knows that if he doesn't grasp it tonight, he may not have a chance in the future.

Zhao Li gently opened the door and invited Li Ming to enter. His heart pounded wildly in his chest, heavy and firm with each step. When the door slowly closes, the world seems to be cut off from them. This night, they will leave everything behind, just for the love buried by time.

In the warm light, the two entangled, unleashing years of longing for each other. Their emotions erupted like lava, fiery and painful. At this moment, they belong only to each other, and the rest of the world seems to disappear.

However, as the passion receded, Li Ming began to feel a different sting. Is it physical exhaustion, or is it a burden on the mind? He lay on the bed, looking at the morning light rising quietly outside the window, and a complicated feeling surged in his heart. On this night, they finally released themselves happily, but with it, perhaps, deeper pain and regret.

The morning light was like a sharp knife, cutting through Li Ming's heavy sleep. He woke up in Zhao Li's bed, feeling a faint protest from every nerve in his body. The exhaustion of the body is like the afterache after a hearty battle, but the stinging pain in the heart is a deeper pain.

He quietly got up from the bed, careful not to disturb Zhao Li, who was still asleep. Li Ming stood in front of the window, watching the world outside the window wake up from the night, and an inexplicable sense of emptiness quietly crept into his heart. He began to reflect on his decision last night, was it an impulsive release, or an explosion after years of repression?

His heart was full of contradictions. On the one hand, he longs for this intimate connection, for the rekindling of a passion that has been forgotten by time, and on the other hand, his intellect tells him that there can be no future for this relationship, and that it will only bring more pain and chaos.

Li Ming looked at Zhao Li's peaceful sleeping face, and an inexplicable guilt surged in his heart. None of them are free souls, and there are too many responsibilities and constraints in their lives. Will this indulgence become an indelible stain on each other's lives? Will it become their future regrets?

He began to wonder if his motives were loneliness that drove him to Zhao Li, or was it true emotion? He couldn't deny that Zhao Li had a special place in his heart, but he also knew that the relationship might just be an escapist game.

When Zhao Li woke up in the morning light, her eyes also revealed complex emotions. She looked at Li Ming, with gratitude and uneasiness in her eyes. Last night's enthusiasm seemed to have ebbed, leaving only the reef of reality, sharp and cold.

They sat on the edge of the bed, relatively silent. There was an invisible tension and embarrassment in the air, and they were all trying to find the right words to fill this sudden void.

Finally, Li Ming spoke, his voice low and powerful: "Zhao Li, for last night, I ...... I don't know what to say. I don't want to cause you any trouble, and I don't want to ruin our lives on the spur of the moment. "

Zhao Li gently held Li Ming's hand, her eyes were firm and gentle: "I understand, Li Ming." We all know it's not right, we all have our own lives. Let last night be a fond memory in our hearts, not a burden for the future. "

Li Ming nodded, their fingers gently parted. At that moment, they both understood that the relationship had to end, no matter how reluctant they were. They have to face reality and have to get back on track with their lives. This short escape is a dream after all, and reality always has to wake up.

Li Ming left Zhao Li's apartment and walked down the familiar and unfamiliar street. His mood was mixed, with both the ease of relief and the pain of loss. Their encounter was like a fiery flame, burning hot, but extinguishing quickly.

When he returned to his home, he saw his wife busy in the kitchen, and a wave of guilt welled up in his heart. He knew that his actions had betrayed his wife and betrayed their marriage. He began to reflect on himself, did he come to Zhao Li out of loneliness and boredom, or did he really lose his feelings for his wife?

He decided to confess to his wife, knowing that it could lead to the breakdown of their marriage, but he also knew that if he continued to hide it, their relationship would only get worse. He found his wife and told her about him and Zhao Li, his voice low and reverent, his eyes full of remorse and guilt.

After hearing this, the wife was silent for a long time. Her eyes were filled with doubt and sadness, and she couldn't understand why their marriage had come to this point. However, she also understands that Li Ming's confession is a kind of courage and his respect for their marriage.

She decided to forgive Li Ming, she knew that their marriage was not all smooth sailing, and they also had various conflicts and problems. She is willing to give their marriage a chance to rediscover their former feelings.

Li Ming's heart was full of gratitude, and he knew that his wife was the most important person in his life. Their marriage may have had flaws, but they also had fond memories and shared experiences. He decided to let go of his past and love his wife with all his heart.

They begin to re-examine their marriage, find out the source of the problem, and look for a solution. They began to cherish each other more and understand each other's feelings better. Their marriage was strengthened as a result, and their relationship became deeper as a result.

Their stories teach us that no matter what happens in life, we should be brave and honest. Our choices may bring pain and regret, but it is only through reflection and repentance that we can truly grow. There may be twists and turns and setbacks in our lives, but it is only through perseverance and hard work that we can find true happiness.