
The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

author:Mature milk tea 3NW

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The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

From then on, I always looked for her on campus until one day I finally met her again in the library. That's how we met, and then we gradually entered each other's lives. We fell in love and had the best years of our lives.

We used to walk side by side along the tree-lined lanes of the campus, and she would put her head on my shoulder and say softly, "Honey, we will always go on like this, forever together." I would take her hand firmly and reply firmly, "Yes, I will never let you leave me." "

We are always inseparable and have nothing to talk about. She is my closest confidant, I tell my innermost thoughts, and she always listens patiently and gives pertinent advice. Sometimes I listen carefully to her talk about her ideals and ambitions for the future, and fully support her to achieve her dreams.

Just over twenty years later, on a sunny day, I had mixed feelings as I re-stepped into this familiar college campus. This was once the place where we fell in love, and there are still traces of our sweet footprints everywhere.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

I walked slowly down the tree-lined path when suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in my sight. I couldn't help but stop and look intently: she had neat short hair, a neat and neat outfit, and although the years had left a few fine lines on her face, I recognized her at a glance.

It's her, more than 20 years, and she hasn't changed at all!

Just then, she noticed me too, and looked equally surprised. We looked at each other silently on the path, and the scene was ten ten.

"It's me, hello. I stammered in reply.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

Silence once again enveloped the two of us, and the atmosphere was unusual. We used to be so close, but now we are like two strangers, so alienated from each other. My heart is full of feelings, both nostalgic for the good old days and a little melancholy for the alienation of the present.

The atmosphere lasted for a while, until she finally sighed softly and was the first to break the silence: "I really didn't expect to meet you here." When I think about the past, my heart still hurts. "

I nodded, feeling concerned: "yes, I didn't expect to meet here again." Everything back then was like a dream, beautiful and short. "

I smiled and nodded, "yes, I was so nervous that I was afraid that you would lose interest in me. But you're no better, staring at me all the time, not daring to take your eyes off. "

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

"You were so cute at that time, I would keep looking at you. Her eyes became more and more gentle, "We were really affectionate at that time, and we talked about everything." "

We laughed like this, and for a while, the tacit understanding and intimacy that had been between us seemed to return.

However, the laughter soon stopped. I know, she also remembered the painful experience of the breakup.

"That incident tormented me for a long time. Her eyes dimmed, "If we had been more considerate and tolerant of each other at that time, maybe we wouldn't have come that far." "

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

I was speechless, just nodded. We used to love each other so much, but we ended up drifting apart because of a little thing, which broke each other's hearts.

Before I could finish speaking, tears welled up in my eyes. More than 20 years of trauma and regret all erupted at this moment, and I couldn't control myself.

"You don't know what I'm in! You're so immersed in your own world that you don't understand my struggles!" She also seemed to be touched by my tears, and suddenly burst out, her voice full of anger and grievance.

I was taken aback by her words, and instinctively wanted to refute it, but I was speechless. I could only look down with red circles in my eyes.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

"You've never been considerate of me! Her words slammed down on me like a torrential rain.

"What's the use of saying I'm sorry? We've been separated for so many years! Do you think you're going to be able to write it off by saying you're sorry?" Her eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness.

I was speechless and could only let her scolding hit me again and again. I know I was so wrong that she had the right to be mad at me.

"You know, I cried all night on the night we broke up! Tears were already rolling in her eyes.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

My heart felt as if it had been hollowed out by life, and it was extremely painful. I know how deeply I hurt her, how painful and helpless she was. And I didn't know it, I only cared about my own feelings.

"For many years afterward, I would think of you in everything I did, and of the bits and pieces of our past. Those memories are like sharp knives, piercing my heart all the time!" She choked up and spoke incoherently.

My tears kept falling, and her words were like a hammer hammer that slammed into my heart. I never realized that I had been so traumatized to her.

"I wish you had been more considerate of me at that time, instead of resting on our laurels, and we wouldn't have come that far!" Her voice was filled with endless regret and pain.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

I couldn't speak anymore, just kept my head down and let the tears flow freely. I knew I would never be able to make up for the damage I had done her.

At this moment, a little girl suddenly ran over and threw herself into her arms. "Mom, what's wrong with you, why are you crying?" The little girl asked innocently.

She was startled, hurriedly wiped away her tears, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, mom is fine." "

I watched this scene and couldn't help but be stunned. It turned out that she was already a mother. Watching her gently hold her daughter, my feelings were mixed and extremely complicated.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

The little girl seemed to notice me and innocently asked, "Mom, who is this?"

My heart sank. It turned out that in her mind, our relationship no longer existed. Our once sweet love was brought by her with the word "friend" in this way.

The little girl nodded thoughtfully, then turned to look at me and asked, "Are you a good friend of your mother, and why is your mother crying when she sees you?"

I was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer. Looking at the innocent eyes of the little girl, my heart was full of mixed feelings and extremely complicated.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

The little girl nodded thoughtfully, as if accepting the explanation for the time being.

"Okay, goodbye. I nodded and watched as she took her daughter's hand and turned away.

Looking at her back, my heart was full of mixed feelings. The pain and regret of the past are still raging in my heart, but at the same time, I am deeply moved by the way she looks now.

She is already a mother with her own family and children. And I, still alone, live a lonely life. It dawned on me that maybe this was really the end of our feud.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

That's when those angry words she had said earlier came to my mind. But now those words seem to have no meaning. After all, she already has a new life, and the grievances between us don't matter anymore.

My heart rippled with unprecedented peace, as if I was touched by the innocent smile of the little girl. Yes, we should no longer dwell on the grievances of the past, but should let go of the baggage and start anew.

At that moment, I saw her choking up and crying. I realized that I should give her an explanation and let her go completely. So, I pulled my legs and chased after him.

"Wait a minute!" I stopped her.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

She looked back at me quizzically.

I took a deep breath and organized the words: "I know that I did hurt you back then, leaving an indelible shadow on you. I've been suffering and blaming myself for it all these years. "

"I know that after all these years, my apologies may have been irretrievable. However, I still hope to be able to sincerely apologize to you. My eyes moistened unconsciously, "I'm really sorry for what I did back then." If I could do it all over again, I would definitely cherish our relationship. "

She looked at me in silence with a hint of emotion in her eyes.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

"I know I'm no longer in a position to ask for your forgiveness. However, I just hope that you can let go and stop being sad about the past. I said sincerely, "You have a new life and family, and you should cherish them instead of being haunted by the gloom of the past." "

She lowered her head and pondered for a moment, and finally spoke: "Thank you, I understand." "

Her eyes seemed to have regained their former gentleness, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. It seems that she is finally relieved.

"Actually, I've been introspecting and blaming myself all these years. "I realized that we were both at fault. We were both too young and too complacent to understand each other's difficulties. "

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

I nodded, and she had a point. We were all young and lacked enough life experience and empathy to lead to that.

"But now that I think about it, maybe that was a test for us from above. She smiled slightly, "If we are really a destined couple, even if we are separated for a while, we will eventually get back together." "

I would smile and agree with her words. Yes, if it is really a marriage destined by God, even if they are separated for a while, they will still come back together in the end.

"Either way, I'm glad that we can finally let go of our past and stop dwelling on the pain of the past. She said gently, "Although our relationship can no longer be rekindled, at least we can still be friends and wish each other well." "

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later

I nodded, and my heart warmed. Yes, even if our love can no longer be regained, at least we can still be friends and sincerely bless each other.

"Thank you for coming into my life and giving me so much beauty. She said sincerely, "I hope you can find your own happiness in the future." "

I nodded with emotion and said solemnly, "I also wish you happiness and happiness with your family in the future." "

In this way, we went from being lovers to ordinary friends. Although the relationship can no longer be regained, at least the knots between us have been untied.

Watching her hold her daughter's hand and drift away, my heart was filled with relief. I am sincerely happy for her, she has found her happiness and meaning. And I can finally free myself from the haze of the past and embrace a new life again.

We've all been young, and we've all made mistakes. But it is through these mistakes and setbacks that we are able to grow and truly understand the meaning of life. This reunion made me realize that the value of life is not only in the pursuit of one's own happiness, but also in understanding and tolerating others.

It is only when we learn to be tolerant and understanding that life can be truly sublimated. We should all let go of the obsessions of the past and look at the world with a broader vision to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

After leaving the campus, I walked alone through the familiar streets, thinking about this reunion in my mind. The pain, regret and persistence of the past, after this meeting, seem to have turned into a ladder of life, which makes me more down-to-earth towards the future.

I began to reflect on my past life and realized that I had been too complacent to truly empathize with the situation of others. It is precisely because of this that I lost the love I had back then, and my life fell into long-term confusion and pain.

I realized that the value of life lies not only in the pursuit of oneself, but also in understanding and tolerating others. Only when we learn to truly put ourselves in each other's shoes can we truly sublimate our lives.

Once upon a time, we were all young, naïve, and self-satisfied. However, as we gain experience, we must learn to let go of our past obsessions and embrace the world with a broader mind to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past.

My heart suddenly opened up, and it seemed that through this reunion, I finally completely unloaded the burden in my heart and started a new journey in life.

I told myself that from today onwards, I would face the world with a more open and inclusive mind. I will learn to listen to others with empathy, rather than resting on my laurels and only looking out for my own feelings.

Yes, let it pass. I will learn to let go of the obsessions of the past and embrace the future with a new mindset. In this new journey of life, I will be more inclusive and open-minded, listening to the voice of the world and understanding the situation of others.

I believe that as long as we learn to look at the world with empathy, we will be able to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past, and avoid hurting others and hurting ourselves. We will all find our way in the long river of life and gain true sublimation.

The soldier who had been in love with her back then, and they met in college more than twenty years later