
I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

author:Mature milk tea 3NW

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I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

"Xiaowei, why have you been perfunctory to our two lately?" Mother said earnestly, "Your mother-in-law came from her hometown to see you, don't you accompany her?"

"Mom, I've been too busy at work lately, and I really didn't mean to. I replied with some humility.

To be honest, I did alienate my mother-in-law a little. Ever since she came to town, I've found her to be a bit of a nagging and constant dictator of my life. And her traditional ideas also made me ashamed, for example, she always hinted that we should have a baby, and pointed out my career philosophy. I know she's doing it for my good, but I just can't help but feel a little disgusted with her.

However, I also know that my attitude is too blunt, after all, she is my wife's own mother, and she is also my rightful elder. I secretly told myself in my heart that I should spend more time with her, and I couldn't always be so cold and perfunctory.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I looked at my mother's expectant eyes and couldn't help but look away. I scratched my hair with my hand and stood there a little confused. At this moment, the mother-in-law walked in, she looked radiant, even though she was nearly sixty years old, she still maintained an elegant demeanor with her head held high.

"Xiaowei, don't always work and work, and accompany me. As she spoke, she reached out and pinched my cheek, her face full of kind smiles.

I nodded quickly, trying to squeeze out a smile. My mother-in-law's eyes glanced around my mother and me, and then she said, "Listen, I'll ask you to go swimming together on the weekend, okay?"

"Go swimming?" I looked at my mother-in-law suspiciously, "What are you swimming at such an age?"

"Oh, you kid still hate me for being old?" The mother-in-law shook her head contrivedly, "I'm a fitness expert in the village, and I often swim and exercise, so you should follow me to learn." "

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

"That's right. Mom echoed, "Xiaowei, don't push back, you should accompany your mother-in-law." "

In my heart, I actually refused. To be honest, I didn't want to be alone with my mother-in-law for too long. But looking at her and her mother's expectant eyes, I couldn't make up my mind. After all, she is my wife's mother-in-law, and if I refuse, I am afraid that it will break her heart.

Besides, it's not a big deal to just swim. I thought that maybe going out to breathe and change the environment this time would also be good for our relationship. Perhaps, our estrangement can be diluted in the water, and the relationship can become more harmonious.

yes, maybe I'm too prejudiced against her now. I secretly told myself that I had to give my mother-in-law a chance to change. She is a good person after all, but her thinking is a little old, and we young people should not be too arbitrary.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I took a deep breath and tried to squeeze out a smile: "Okay, then it's up to you." But first, you have to tell me, where are you going to swim?"

When my mother-in-law heard this, she immediately smiled, and she walked up to me, patted me on the shoulder, and said, "That's wonderful! Let's go to the big swimming pool in the city, you young people will love that kind of place. "

I nodded, watching my mother-in-law smile like a child. Perhaps, she just hasn't been with her family for too long, which is why she is so clingy and dependent in front of us. When I thought about it, my heart softened a lot.

At this moment, my wife walked in, and when she saw the three of us making love, she couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that you have a good relationship, that's really good." By the way, have you already discussed the weekend?"

"It's all discussed. I said, turning my head to look at my wife, "Your mother-in-law asked us to go swimming together on the weekend, why don't you go together?"

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

"Huh, going swimming?" The wife looked puzzled, "But Mom, at your age, don't be too tired." "

"Ouch, you young people are forgetful!" The mother-in-law smiled and shook her head, "I'm a well-known fitness expert in the village, and I often swim to exercise. You should learn from me!"

"That's right. The wife smiled and nodded, "In that case, then let's all go together." Anyway, there is nothing to do on the weekend, so it is better to go out and relax. "

"That's great!" The mother-in-law clapped her hands happily, "Don't worry, with me, I will definitely have a lot of fun!"

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

Seeing my wife join in, my heart suddenly felt much more relieved. With her here, I'm sure this outing won't be too much.

Somehow, ever since my mother-in-law came, I always felt that her aura made me very uncomfortable. Maybe it's because her older generation doesn't think like I do. She always likes to restrain us with her own values, as if we young people are still children and need her to guide us.

I knew she had good intentions, but I just couldn't help but feel disgusted by what she did. Our generation grew up in cities, with a free and open mind, and many of the traditional ideas are outdated with us. But for the older generation like the mother-in-law, their thinking is as solid as cement, and it is difficult to change.

But today she offered to go swimming together, which surprised me a little. I thought she would arrange some traditional entertainment, but I didn't expect her hobbies to be so fashion-forward. Perhaps, my impression of her is still too one-sided. Everyone is a unique individual, and people should not be judged by superficial stereotypes.

Yes, I'm going to give my mother-in-law a chance to make a difference. This outing may allow me to get to know her better as a person, thus easing the gap between us. I secretly made up my mind that no matter what, I would try to accept her as much as possible and treat her with a more open mind.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I looked at my wife and mother-in-law, and I said everything I wanted, and my face was full of interest. It seems that they are looking forward to this outing.

"Then it's decided!" The mother-in-law clapped her hands and said, "Let's leave early Saturday morning and go to the big swimming pool in the city." I've heard that the environment is nice and the facilities are very advanced, and you young people will definitely like it. "

"Great!" His wife said happily, "It's been a long time since I've been swimming, so I'm going to have to relax and unwind this time." By the way, how long are you going to swim?"

"That's amazing!" I nodded hurriedly and said, "It just so happens that I've been tired from work lately, so I can relax." "

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I watched them look excited, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. Maybe this outing can really give me a new understanding of my mother-in-law.

Early Saturday morning, we drove to the big swimming pool in the city. Along the way, my mother-in-law enthusiastically introduced us to the facilities of this swimming pool.

"I've heard that there are a lot of different pools, including heated pools, jacuzzis, and big outdoor pools!" The mother-in-law said, her eyes flashing with excitement.

"Yes, I've looked it up on the Internet, and the facilities there are really good. I chimed in.

"You'll have to enjoy it then, and you can't waste this opportunity. My mother-in-law smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

Soon, we were at the swimming pool. True to its name, the environment is truly great, and the number and variety of pools are also diverse. We couldn't wait to change into our swimsuits and get ready to get into the water.

"Wow, the water temperature is so comfortable!" As soon as the wife got out of the water, she exclaimed.

"yes, there's no better place to be comfortable. I said, and began to swim freely in the water.

At this moment, I saw my mother-in-law walking towards the edge of the pool, her graceful posture and skillful swimming style immediately attracted my attention.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I couldn't help but be a little surprised as I watched my mother-in-law swim nimly in the water. I thought that at her age, she could only roam in the water at most, but I didn't expect her to swim so skillfully and neatly. It seems that she is indeed a fitness enthusiast as she says.

I couldn't help but change my opinion of her. Before, I always felt that she was old, old-fashioned, and couldn't keep up with the times in everything. But now it seems that she is not the stubborn old man I imagined, but more active than us young people.

Yes, we young people tend to imagine the elderly as slow and rigid in thinking, but in fact we are those who are narrow-minded. We have too many stereotypes about older people and simply don't try to understand and tolerate them.

My mother-in-law's heroic swimming posture seemed to remind me that people of any age deserve respect. Being old does not mean that you are backward in your thinking. She may retain some traditional ideas, but her passion for life comes from the heart. In contrast, those of us who think of her as "old and stubborn" are the narrow-minded people.

We often complain about the outdated thinking of the older generation, but we never put ourselves in their shoes. Perhaps in their day, those ideas were reasonable; Perhaps the lack of understanding of them by our young people is the root cause of the generation gap.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

I secretly warned myself that in the future, I should treat my mother-in-law with a more open mind, and I could no longer judge her with prejudices. Everyone is a unique individual and should be treated equally, which is the attitude that a civilized society should have.

While I was immersed in these thoughts, my mother-in-law had already swam to my side. She shook the drops of water from her hair and snapped her fingers at me.

"Xiaowei, why are you stunned? Come over and swim with me for a while. As she spoke, she naturally put her foot on my shoulder.

I was taken aback by her sudden intimate gesture, and subconsciously shrank back. Seeing this, the mother-in-law couldn't help but smile and said, "Ouch, did you kid flatten my old bones?" Come, let grandma teach you how to swim." "

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

As she spoke, she took me by the hand and led me to swim slowly in the water. Her movements were slow, but she was very skillful, and it was evident that she did have a knack for it. I was fascinated by her natural affinity and heartily followed her footsteps and walked together in the water.

In this way, our mother and son frolicked in the pool, you chased after me, and the atmosphere was happy. I watched her smile as innocently as a child, and the mustard in my heart gradually dissipated. Perhaps, this is her real side, a dynamic old man who is full of enthusiasm for life, not the "stubborn old state" in the mouth of our young people.

"Xiaowei, you have to study with me!" Just as we were chasing after me, my mother-in-law suddenly said, "Wait a minute, I'm going to teach you a few advanced moves!"

"Advanced moves?" I looked at her suspiciously, "What kind of advanced move?"

"You'll find out in a moment. The mother-in-law smiled mysteriously, and then began to do some difficult movements in the water.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

Her body is extremely agile and her movements are so skillful that she is like a professional athlete. I was dumbfounded, completely impressed by her swimming style.

"How's that, it's amazing, isn't it?" She said to me triumphantly, "It's all my years of hard work!"

Looking at my mother-in-law's vigorous posture in the water, I couldn't help but be shocked. I thought she was just an ordinary fitness enthusiast, but I didn't expect her to be so good at swimming and her movements are smooth, not at all like her age.

Yes, we young people often judge the elderly with a superficial eye, believing that they are conservative and stubborn and backward in their thinking. But we ourselves are those who are narrow-minded. We have too many stereotypes about the "elderly" and do not try to understand and tolerate them at all.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

"Xiaowei, why are you still stunned?" My mother-in-law swam up to me and patted me on the shoulder, "Come here, let grandma teach you those difficult moves." "

"Oh, oh, good grandma. I quickly came to my senses and obediently swam to her.

"Here, learn this move first. As she spoke, the mother-in-law demonstrated a seemingly very difficult movement in the water.

I couldn't help but be amazed to see my mother-in-law skillfully perform those difficult movements. I never imagined that an old man in his sixties could maintain such good skills. The energetic image she displayed made me deeply reflect on my own prejudices and stereotypes about the elderly.

Yes, we young people often judge the elderly with a narrow eye, believing that they are conservative and stubborn and backward in thinking. But in fact, we ourselves are those who are narrow-minded. We have too many preconceptions about the "elderly" and do not try to understand and tolerate their inner world at all.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

Everyone is unique and should be treated equally. Age is just a biological number and does not fully define a person's thoughts and behaviors. The mother-in-law is the best example of this, although she is older, she is more mentally strong than us young people. Her love and desire for life, and her acceptance and appreciation of new things, are far beyond my imagination.

I secretly sighed how narrow and superficial I was before. How I was blinded by prejudices and developed so many senseless prejudices and antipathy towards my mother-in-law. And she has been using her actions to prove that age does not limit a person's spiritual realm.

Yes, I have to change my mindset and treat my mother-in-law and other elderly people with a more open and inclusive heart. They are not the "stubborn old state" as we call them, but a group of sunny old people who are full of enthusiasm for life. We young talents should be humble enough to learn from their optimism and positivity, rather than pointing fingers at them.

"Xiaowei, what are you doing in a daze? When my mother-in-law saw that I was distracted, she couldn't help but clap her hands in the water.

I quickly focused on watching her demonstrate those difficult moves in the water. Her skills are vigorous and powerful, and her movements are smooth and smooth, and she can do it in one go. Looking at her heroic swimming, I couldn't help but feel immense admiration.

"Do you understand?" My mother-in-law asked me after she finished her movements.

"Well, I kind of get it. I nodded, and tried to mimic her movements.

Although I was still clumsy at first, under the patient guidance of my mother-in-law, I gradually mastered the essentials. We just taught me in the pool, and the atmosphere was fun. Occasionally, I can't help but sneak a glance at her, and watching her focused expression makes my heart feel warm.

Perhaps, this is family affection, I thought to myself. An old man who was prejudiced by me at first has now become my closest confidant.

In this way, my mother-in-law and I spent a wonderful morning in the pool. Through this intimate contact, I have a new understanding of her. I found out that she was not the "stubborn old man" I had in my previous stereotypes, but a sunny old man who was in good spirits and full of enthusiasm for life.

Her energetic image made me reflect on my own prejudice and narrow-mindedness towards the elderly. I realized that we young people often judge others with superficial eyes, have too many stereotypes about the "elderly", and do not try to understand and tolerate their unique inner world.

In fact, everyone is a unique individual and should be treated equally. Age is just a biological number and does not fully define a person's thoughts and behaviors. The mother-in-law proved this with practical actions, although she is older, her spirit is more vigorous than most young people.

I secretly resolved that in the future, I must correct my narrow thinking and treat my mother-in-law and other elderly people with a more open and tolerant heart. They are not the "stubborn old state" as we call them, but a group of sunny old people who are full of enthusiasm for life. We young talents should be humble enough to learn from their optimism and positivity, rather than pointing fingers at them.

While I was immersed in these thoughts, my mother-in-law had already swam to my side. She shook the drops from her hair and reached out to pat me on the shoulder, a big smile on her face.

"Alright, it's time to go out and rest for a while. She said, leading me towards the edge of the pool, "We'll continue later!"

I nodded, following her. Yes, we still have time to get along, get to know each other, and build a close relationship.

I was 26 years old, and my 53-year-old mother-in-law asked me to go swimming, and I didn't know my mother-in-law's intentions when I arrived

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