
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

author:Fish ball soup

### Chapter 1: Falling and Getting Up

Cai Lei's life is a series of ups and downs. As a child, he, like all toddlers, fell to the cold floor again and again. On those stumbling days, his knees were always covered with Band-Aids. But no matter how many times he fell, little Cai Lei was always able to raise his immature face, look at his parents' encouraging gaze with a pair of clear eyes, stand up again, and continue his unsteady little steps.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

After going to school, the occasional unsatisfactory score on the report card gave him a taste of the bitterness of failure. Faced with the red annotations on the test paper, the young Cai Lei began to learn to reflect and work hard. In the dead of night, every lamp in the library bears witness to his thirst for knowledge and dedication to success. Every time he failed in the exam, he always gritted his teeth and was determined to do better in the exam next time.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

As an adult, the challenges in the workplace are even more severe. The leader's criticism is like a mirror that reflects his shortcomings. In that competitive environment, Cai Lei learned humility and cooperation. After every accusation, he can always silently tell himself in his heart: "This is just an opportunity to grow." Then gather your emotions and look up for the next challenge.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Over the years, Cai Lei has always firmly believed in a simple but profound truth: life is nothing more than constantly falling and standing up. Every failure is a learning, every pain is a catalyst for growth. He believes that as long as he stands up bravely, after every trough, a new peak will be ushered in.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

### Chapter 2: Frozen Hope

Just when Cai Lei thought that he could run the runway of life, a sudden illness quietly came. It was a seemingly ordinary day, and the doctor's expression was solemn, revealing an unprecedented seriousness. Cai Lei was diagnosed with "ALS", and the news was like a bolt from the blue, completely breaking the originally peaceful life.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

From that moment on, Cai Lei's body seemed to be under a spell, and gradually lost its former flexibility and strength. Walking has become difficult, eating has become a burden, and what used to be an easy movement now requires all the strength of the body. Life suddenly became extremely difficult, and simple daily activities became extravagant.

Faced with this incurable disease, Cai Lei's mood fell into despair for a while. However, the warmth and support of his family became a source of strength for him. Especially his beloved wife, Duan Rui, always sticks to his side and gives him endless courage and love. Her companionship allowed Cai Lei to rekindle the flame of hope, even if the clock of life kept counting down, he had to let the rest of his time shine.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

With such persistence, Cai Lei did not give up his former ideals. Although the disease ruthlessly deprived him of his physical abilities, his mind became more and more determined. He began researching at home, trying to find hope for first-line treatment. Even if it's just a small possibility, he doesn't want to give it up. Because in his heart, if there is a glimmer of light, the darkness will be dispelled.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

### Chapter 3: Life in the Countdown

As the disease progressed, Cai Lei felt a sense of weakness in his body's declining functions. The young man who used to be high-spirited in the workplace can now only rely on a wheelchair and the help of others to complete the most basic life movements. Muscles atrophy, voices become weak, and even the simplest of communication becomes difficult. Every time night came, he felt a deep fear that life seemed to be counting down, and the end was already self-evident.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Duan Rui watched her husband lose weight day by day, and the pain in her heart was indescribable. She remembers every heartwarming moment they spent together, and remembers those dreams for the future that they planned together. However, the reality is so cruel, she doesn't know what else she can do for Cai Lei, so she can only wait silently by his side and give him the last companionship.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

An unexpected suffocation incident makes the two realize that even the most basic needs of life are fraught with uncertainty. Duan Rui had to hire a full-time nurse, for fear that the next accident would ruthlessly take Cai Lei away. And Cai Lei, the optimistic and strong man who used to be, is now even robbed of his ability to speak by illness. They used to snuggle up to each other in bed and talk, enjoying the happy time that belonged to the world of the two, but now they can't even say "I love you".

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Duan Rui tried to stay calm during the interview, but when she mentioned Cai Lei, tears finally burst out of her eyes. Her words revealed an indescribable heartache and helplessness. She didn't dare to imagine what life would be like without Cai Lei, and she didn't dare to look directly into his eyes that were gradually losing their brilliance. Every night, she silently prayed for a miracle, even if it was only a small delay. However, the cruelty of life is not unforgiving because of her prayers.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

### Chapter 4: Warmth Under the Ice Bucket

Although the haze of illness envelops Cai Lei's life, there is still an unyielding flame burning in his heart. After learning of his condition, he thoughtfully filed for divorce from his wife. He couldn't bear to let her be caught in this bitter battle with no end. However, Duan Rui resolutely rejected Cai Lei's proposal, her eyes were firm, as if telling him: "We are a community with a shared future, no matter how strong the wind and rain, I will be with you." ”

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

It is precisely with his wife's indefatigable indemnity that Cai Lei rekindled his hope in life. He began to search the Internet for information about ALS, hoping to find a possible cure. The day-to-day efforts finally paid off, and he found some potential therapies and medicines. This discovery gave them a glimmer of life, and although it was weak, it was enough to keep them going.

In order to arouse more attention and understanding of ALS in the society, Cai Lei launched the "Ice Bucket Challenge". The cold ice water poured on the body seemed to wash away the haze of the disease and awaken people's attention to this rare disease. He also founded a company and organized public welfare activities to bring help and support to patients who were also suffering from the disease.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Behind this series of actions is Cai Lei's unknown courage and persistence. He knows his time is running out, but he wants to use his experience to inspire and inspire more people. Even if life is as cold and short as an ice bucket, he is still willing to be that bucket of ice water, bringing a trace of warmth and hope to the world.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

### Chapter 5: Calmness and Preparedness

Time passed like flowing water, and Cai Lei felt more and more the urgency of the time he had left. In the face of everything that may come, he calmly accepted the fact that he was going to die with an attitude beyond ordinary people. He silently spoke to death in his mind, no longer avoiding the end point that everyone had to face. In the process, his thinking became more profound and his understanding of life became more thorough.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

At the same time, Cai Lei also began to prepare for his future. He organizes his personal affairs and arranges financial distributions to ensure that his family can have a stable life after he is gone. The preparation for all this was not an easy task, and every step of the way embodies his deep love and sense of responsibility for his family. He knew that even though he couldn't accompany them for the rest of his life, at least he would do his best to ensure their future happiness.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Duan Rui witnessed her husband's strength and freedom, and her heart was mixed. When asked how Cai Lei would face that vacant life if he died one day, she was silent for a long time. Eventually, she said, "I'm ready to live alone." Behind this sentence carries her reluctance to love husband and wife, as well as her firmness and courage to live alone in the future. She knows that no matter how cruel life is, she has to live for herself.

The husband and wife supported each other and moved forward together during this difficult time. Their love story may not be perfect, but it is real and touching. In each other's company, they learn to fight against irreversible fate, how to find hope in despair, and how to light light in the darkness.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

### Chapter 6: The Continuation of Love

In the last stage of their lives, the love between Cai Lei and Duan Rui underwent the most severe test. Facing the ultimate issue of life and death, the relationship between the two has become deeper and deeper. Although the illness tortured Cai Lei all the time, he still tried to maintain an optimistic attitude, and Duan Rui supported him with an extremely strong spirit. In the midst of this difficult journey, their love becomes more precious than ever.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

During the interview, although Duan Rui tried to control her emotions, when she talked about her husband, tears flowed uncontrollably. There was a tremor in her voice, but it also revealed a determined strength. She understands that no matter how life changes, she will face it bravely. Because she knows that love does not simply depend on each other's existence, but can become the strength that supports each other's hearts even after separation.

Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken
Duan Rui said that he could no longer sleep in the same bed with Cai Lei and talk! Netizen: The defense was broken

Faced with the shadow of death, they no longer feel fear. Because they know that true love has transcended the limits of life. In this world, they have walked through ups and downs hand in hand, and in another world, their hearts are still tightly connected. Even if one day they no longer stand side by side, their stories, their love, will leave a deep mark on this world.


What the future holds, no one can predict. But for Cai Lei and Duan Rui, they have tried their best to live every moment in a rich and meaningful way. No matter where Cai Lei's life ends, he hopes that he will be less tormented by illness for the rest of his life, while Duan Rui will continue to walk strongly, with endless thoughts for his husband and good memories in his life. May everything develop in the best direction, and may love live forever on earth.

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