
What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

author:Tide Graphics

## Shuangwen AI takes you to reveal the unknown of the poorest period!

### Too poor to complain, it's all tears when you talk too much!

What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

Hello everyone, today I would like to tell you about an unspeakable experience of my poorest time. At that time, the days were extremely difficult, but I persevered and gradually got out of the trough of life. Now, let me unveil that past and share my growth story with you!

### Eating potatoes for a month

What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

To save money, I used to eat only potatoes for a month. Potatoes were arguably a staple food of my time, and whether it was sautéed shredded potatoes, boiled potato soup, or even mashed potatoes, I was able to make them delicious in a variety of different ways. Although eating potatoes was a bit monotonous, it also exercised my creativity and adaptability.

### Same-cutter outfits

What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

To save money, I eliminated everything in my closet, leaving only a few simple t-shirts and jeans. I wear the same outfit every day, but I'm not embarrassed by it. I believe that dressing is not a measure of a person's worth and ability, but that my inner efforts are the most important.

### Endless part-time jobs

What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

In order to supplement my income, I took on several part-time jobs at the same time. I work as a waiter during the day and pack fruits and vegetables at the supermarket at night. Although tired, I understand that only through hard work can I get out of poverty and change my destiny. This experience taught me to value my time and work hard to pursue my dreams.

### The adventure of a thousand miles of travel

What unspeakable things did you do when you were the poorest?

Despite my poverty, I was still curious and longing for the world. I chose to travel on a budget, packed my bags and embarked on an unforgettable journey. Those days of communicating with strangers and picnicking on the side of the road made me feel the beauty of life, and also witnessed my own growth and perseverance.

## The power of struggle, poverty is not terrible!

Although I can't talk about the experience of being at my poorest time, it shaped my strong will and courageous attitude towards life. Through unremitting efforts, I managed to get out of poverty and find the life I wanted.

No matter how difficult the situation we encounter, as long as we persist in struggle, we can change our destiny. Let's encourage each other and never give up!