
Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

author:Winter says school
Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

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Late one night in November 2017, a deafening loud bang rang out in Changsha, followed by several heart-rending cries of terror. People followed the prestige, only to see the top of the Huayuan Huaxin Building towering into the sky, a black shadow fell from the sky, smashed towards the cold and hard ground, and instantly turned into thousands of stumps and broken arms.

It turned out that the black shadow was the body of Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old young man. Just a few hours earlier, he had climbed the 263-metre-high skyscraper with great hope, trying to raise $100,000 for his upcoming wedding by filming a thrilling video of his dreams.

No one could have imagined that this should have been the beginning of a new stage in life, but it became the end of Wu Yongning's short life. He confirmed his dedication to his dream with his life-like behavior, but he was also destined to never realize this dream, so he extinguished his last breath of vitality under the bright night sky.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Wu Yongning was born in an ordinary family, and after losing his father at the age of 6, he could only live with his mother and stepfather. His poor family predestined him to miss out on further study, and he had to go out to work to survive at a young age.

Despite this, Wu Yongning has never given up on his dreams, and has always hoped that one day he can become a good actor, earn a decent income, and live a carefree life.

After dropping out of high school, Wu Yongning has been groping his way forward on the road of chasing this dream. In the beginning, he was just an unknown extra, and his meager salary could not afford his mother's increasing medical bills for illness.

But he never gave up, and always believed that as long as he worked hard and persisted enough, he would one day be able to make a breakthrough on this road.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Acting dreams

Wu Yongning has had the dream of becoming an excellent actor since he was a child. Despite his poor family, he never gave up. After dropping out of school, he devoted himself to the entertainment industry with great expectations, hoping to realize his dream step by step.

At first, Wu Yongning was just an obscure extra, playing some very small roles in the crowd. Despite his meager income, he always showed up on the set with excitement.

Looking at the skillful acting skills and proper demeanor of the other protagonists, he can almost make up the scenes where he can one day shine in the spotlight.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

However, the cruel reality forced Wu Yongning to come to his senses. His mother's illness was getting worse and worse, and his meagre salary alone could not afford the heavy medical bills.

Seeing that he was about to be so poor that he couldn't even support his living expenses, Wu Yongning was in great pain. He is full of attachment to his dreams, but he is powerless to change his current situation.

In the face of the warm expectations of his family and the encouragement and support of relatives and friends, Wu Yongning could only grit his teeth and secretly determined to do his best to realize his ideals. He believes that as long as he perseveres, he will one day be able to break through the encirclement on this road and gain career recognition and economic freedom.

However, fate played a big joke. Just when Wu Yongning was diligently pursuing, a new opportunity quietly came, but it also brought him an unpredictable disaster.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Opportunities and pitfalls

By chance, Wu Yongning began to spread some videos of high-altitude challenges on the Internet, trying to gain attention and income in this way. At first, he just thought this kind of "extreme sports" that were crumbling in the air was interesting, and he was young and strong, and he was not afraid of the tension and fear of facing the challenges of high altitude.

Sure enough, Wu Yongning's videos quickly became popular on the Internet, making him an "Internet celebrity" in one fell swoop. People applauded his bold behavior, and also sighed at his naked provocation of life.

There are even some enthusiastic people who express their affirmation of him by rewarding.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

In this way, the considerable income from the Internet fell like snowflakes in the palm of Wu Yongning's palm, opening up a new world for him to achieve financial freedom. Seeing that the status quo has finally changed, Wu Yongning's heart is extremely excited, and his dream is finally no longer out of reach.

With this windfall, Wu Yongning quickly raised a large amount of medical expenses for his mother, and finally could treat her illness well. But at this moment, an invisible force began to pull Wu Yongning, leading him to a path that was getting more and more off track.

Wu Yongning found that as long as the high-altitude videos he shot became more dangerous and exciting, the attention of netizens and the amount of tips would increase day by day. As a result, he began to gradually get lost in this "adventure game" with extreme risks, and he could not see the importance of life and safety at all.

Almost overnight, this young man who originally had a dream was burdened by fame and fortune and completely changed the trajectory of his life. The thrill in the sky that made him crazy seemed to have become a demagogic evil force, swallowing up all Wu Yongning's sanity.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Seeing this, relatives and friends all pinched a cold sweat and earnestly dissuaded them with sincere eyes. However, these well-intentioned advice sounded like rock music in Wu Yongning's ears, deafening but difficult to understand.

Wu Yongning's mother wanted to cry without tears, she only hoped that her son could choose a stable and safe path, even if his income was meager, at least he could save his life.

All this failed to stop the rebellious soul in Wu Yongning's heart. He began to play the "game of life" in the air, turning a blind eye to danger.


Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

At the last moment of that vertical fall, Wu Yongning's mind quickly flashed through the dream of his youth: he stood in the spotlight, dressed in a sophisticated costume, and focused on playing a captivating role.

Thousands of viewers in the audience were all impressed by his excellent acting skills and were amazed.

Step by step, Wu Yongning climbed all the way to the pinnacle of life with his own efforts and talents. Money, fame, status, all the things he once dreamed of, fell into his pocket.

He lived a carefree life, reunited with his family, and moved to the next stage of his life with his wife and children.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

But in the blink of an eye, this dream has been completely shattered. What Wu Yongning saw when he fell vertically was no longer the scene in his dream, but instead the hideous face of the earth was rapidly approaching, and the sharp pain that his body was torn apart almost instantly.

There was no time to pray for his future, too late to mourn for the parting of his relatives, and fate shattered his life like a hammer. The flesh-and-blood body rolled to the ground, torn apart and shattered, just like the dream that had been pursued for many years, and at this moment it was nothing.

Wu Yongning may never have imagined that everything he had fought for would come to naught in the blink of an eye. That young self was so clear and pure, eager to change his fate through his own hands; And now he is so determined that he will not hesitate to realize his so-called "dream" at the cost of his life.

Life is so ironic, when a person tries his best to climb up, fate has smashed him to the bottom, making all his previous efforts come to naught. After all, what Wu Yongning left with his life was just a mess, but he also freed himself from the shackles of the world in a cruel but more complete way.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Dreams come true

Before dying, Wu Yongning once said proudly: "I want to leave my own mark in this world, otherwise I will waste this short life!"

Now it seems that he used his young life to interpret his dedication to his dreams, and at the same time, in an unexpected way, he completely freed himself from the shackles of the world and left this world.

After the news spread, Wu Yongning's relatives and friends were all heartbroken and burst into tears. They were shocked by this sudden bad news, but they could not do anything about it.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

As the deceased's closest people, they know Wu Yongning's personality and dreams well, but they can never understand why he would end up desperate and sacrifice his life to chase an ideal that seemed unattainable.

The desire for dreams is undoubtedly the greatest driving force for us to move forward. However, when dreams and life cannot be both, how should we choose? Wu Yongning exhausted all his strength to give a glimmer of life to his obsession with dreams, but he never expected that fate would play such a trick on him in the end.

Regret forever

When the deafening news spread all over Changsha, when Wu Yongning's relatives and friends mourned in the dark night, when his elderly mother received the bad news that knocked her to the ground, all the desire for dreams and hopes for pursuit came to an abrupt end in the middle of the night.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

In life, there are always too many dreams that are destined to be difficult to fulfill. Wu Yongning used all his courage and determination, just to let that dedication to his dream gain a glimmer of life.

But fate is often so ironic and ruthless, when a person tries his best to climb upward, it slams him to the bottom, leaving that dream to be shattered.

Wu Yongning's life is like a sleepwalk, and he uses his own way to live out the persistence of ordinary people to their dreams. However, at the end of this doomed dream, he woke up completely in an unexpected way, interpreting his insistence on ideals with a gamble of life, and at the same time making us reflect on the relationship between dreams and reality in such a cruel way.

Is every dream worth fighting so hard for? How should we weigh the value of life when life is too short? Wu Yongning did not give an answer, but lived his life with a sincere and persistent attitude.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Whether we can draw some philosophical lessons from his experience is left to each of us to think about alone.

There is no doubt that Wu Yongning's story is a sigh of relief. A young man with a dream finally has to pay the price of his life to realize that obsession, which is really sad.

Because of this, his story is even more intriguing, making us reflect on the meaning of life.

Wu Yongning was unable to answer this question in person, but he gave us a unique perspective at the cost of his life. This interpretation may or may not be wrong, but it has remained in this world forever as an eternal existence.

Wu Yongning, a 26-year-old guy, accidentally fell from a high-rise building and died in order to earn 100,000 yuan for his family's treatment

Just as the meaning of life is different for everyone, we can only perceive it in our own way, rather than trying for a standard answer.