
Thanks to Honor, it contributed more than 100 billion yuan in revenue to Huawei and survived the most difficult three years

author:Take a walk in style

Sub-heading: Parting Ways: Huawei's "Emotional Breakup" with Glory

Have you ever thought that there are also dramatic emotional entanglements in the field of technology? Just like the emotional drama in the movie, the "emotional breakup" between Huawei and Honor has made the entire technology community look sideways. This is not a simple business breakup, but a wonderful story that shows the intricate emotional entanglements between companies in the industry.

Huawei: Struggle and Rise

Huawei, the former "hardcore king", has experienced several twists and turns on the international stage. External pressures and internal challenges once made it difficult for this giant. But it is precisely in these struggles that Huawei has demonstrated their incomparably resilient survival instincts. Like a wounded lion, they did not give up, but rose stronger than others. As a leader in the 5G revolution and an explorer of technological innovation, Huawei is using its strength to interpret its "hardcore" nature.

Thanks to Honor, it contributed more than 100 billion yuan in revenue to Huawei and survived the most difficult three years

Glory: Independence and Exploration

At the same time, Huawei's "little brother", Glory, also plays a pivotal role in this drama. Once a part of Huawei, Honor thrives under Huawei's influence. However, over time, they have come to show an independent temperament. Glory's exploration does not stop there, they set their sights on the wider sky, looking for their own stage. It is in this spirit of independence and exploration that HONOR has made indelible contributions to Huawei's development.

A spirit of collaboration and innovation

However, the parting of ways between Huawei and Honor is not the end, but the beginning of a new chapter. After this "emotional breakup", the two parties still maintain the spirit of cooperation and support. The story of Huawei and Honor is not only a business legend, but also a profound interpretation of the spirit of cooperation and innovation. In a highly competitive technology market, collaboration and innovation are key to driving the industry. It is with this spirit that Huawei and HONOR continue to explore in their respective fields and contribute to scientific and technological progress and social development.

Thanks to Honor, it contributed more than 100 billion yuan in revenue to Huawei and survived the most difficult three years

What to expect from the future

Looking to the future, we can expect Huawei and Honor to continue to shine on their respective stages. Huawei will continue to lead the trend of the 5G era, and Honor will continue to explore and move forward on the road of independence. Their story is not only a business legend, but also a profound interpretation of courage, wisdom and faith. In this era full of opportunities and challenges, let us look forward to a more brilliant tomorrow in the field of science and technology.

Author's point of view:

After Huawei's emotional breakup with Honor, I deeply felt the importance of cooperation and innovation. In the highly competitive tech industry, collaboration is not only a choice, but also an inevitability. I believe that the future world of science and technology will be full of more cooperation and win-win results, and the difference between Huawei and Honor is only a node, not an end. Let us witness a more brilliant future in the field of science and technology with anticipation!

Thanks to Honor, it contributed more than 100 billion yuan in revenue to Huawei and survived the most difficult three years