
When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

author:Jiang said bluntly
When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

To tell you very clearly, there is a high probability that the "help" you imagined in your mind will not appear.

Actually, the reality is a lot more complicated than you think, don't think too much, don't be a little toad trying to talk about whooper swans. Next, let's look at the research on sperm donation.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

1. The process of sperm donation

The first step, of course, is to find a regular medical place to sign up and wait for an appointment.

Be patient when making an appointment, and then fill out the form with a hard work, probably to register your physical condition, whether there are any hereditary diseases, or even education, family background, etc.

This is followed by a physical examination, mainly to see if the organs are normal.

Next, your tadpoles will be examined, mainly for quality, whether there are any genetic diseases, etc., and will also be asked, such as some basic information, such as whether it has had surgery, trauma, etc.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

The most important thing is to start screening blood samples, such as genetic medical tests, the presence of AIDS, gonorrhea, and many other indicators, in order to ensure that the tadpoles are healthy and risk-free.

The doctors and nurses provide a wealth of guidance and services to keep you informed of each step and any unexpected situations you may encounter along the way.

After completing all the necessary examinations and screenings, the sperm donor will be directed to the sperm collection room for specimen collection, which is completely private and self-helped.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

Once the collection is complete, the sample is sent to a laboratory for analysis and processing, and finally for the assisted reproduction procedure.

If you pass all the above tests, you will be sent a plastic box and invited to the designated area for sperm collection.

The most important thing is the second tadpole quality test, because the second round of test will be carried out after the STD is ruled out.

This test is very complicated and cumbersome, usually after three to five days, if the results are relatively normal tadpoles, and can meet the criteria for sperm donation, the sperm donor's tadpoles can be retained.

Generally, it is not recommended to take sperm in person, and you should go to the sperm retrieval room of the hospital for operation, because the hospital uses special equipment to store small tadpoles, which can avoid tadpole inactivation and provide protection for clinical research or assisted reproduction in the future.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

2. What is the nurse doing when donating sperm?

In the normal sperm donation process, the sperm donation agency will provide volunteers with a very quiet and private small empty room.

It is worth thinking that this process can be said to be very awkward and boring, but it is obviously not a problem for caring volunteers, as long as you overcome it patiently, there will be no problem.

Sensei said that the nurse is a little sister, except for yourself, you don't even have a gasp. After the nurse takes you to the sperm collection room, she leaves and goes to do her own work.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

Of course, in order to help sperm donation volunteers successfully ejaculate in this process, sperm donation agencies will prepare some "small gifts" for you, such as pictures or some information, or you can bring your own USB flash drive........ You know.

Generally, to protect the privacy of sperm donors.

There will be some corresponding things in the house, such as sperm retrieval, single bed, chair with backrest, wet wipes, paper towels, etc.

It is worth mentioning that there will also be bathrooms and changing rooms so that volunteers can wash or change their clothes during the sperm retrieval process.

Of course, this is only one of the more popular methods, and there are many ways to collect sperm, which can be described as various and varied, so that you no longer have the trouble of choice.

As the saying goes, there is no best, only more suitable for yourself, and the following will introduce some of the more extensive methods of sperm extraction, which will definitely surprise you.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

3. The way of sperm extraction

The first is the original manual. It is also possible to use a safety rubber sleeve for sperm extraction, but this kind of safety rubber sleeve for sperm extraction must be purchased separately.

The second is massage. Just listening to the name, everyone must think that this method is unconventional, as the name suggests, it is to achieve the purpose of sperm extraction through massage stimulation.

This is usually done by massaging the rectum, which is the kind you want to do, to stimulate the prostate gland so that the tadpoles can be expelled from the body.

The third is the puncture method of sperm extraction. The application scenario of this sperm retrieval method is when the tadpole excretion is blocked, or there is no way to obtain the tadpole directly through stimulation.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?

This requires the doctor to use professional equipment and facilities to pass through the flesh, remove the tadpole with his exquisite medical skills, and seal it in the appropriate space.

Before sperm donation, you must abstain from sex for more than 7 days and less than 10 days, so as to ensure the quality and vitality of tadpoles.

But you can't hold it for too long, so the activity of the tadpole is greatly reduced.

In addition, we should not smoke or drink alcohol within 15 days before sperm donation, maintain a good mood, and be responsible for others.

When you donate sperm, will the nurse really help?


Let's put it this way, sperm donation is voluntary, and after collecting tadpole samples from healthy men, it is widely used in assisted reproduction and scientific research.

For example, artificial insemination, as well as the analysis of gene fragments, the study of human reproduction and genetics, etc., are more to help some groups who cannot become parents and parents, so that they can have their own children and enjoy a happy life.