
The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

author:The story of you, me, him

In the field of aerospace, China and the United States have always had a protracted contest. As early as the "space race" in the 60s of the last century, the United States and the Soviet Union were unrelenting in space exploration by virtue of their strong strength. However, with the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the United States became a "unipolar hegemon" in the field of space. In the 21st century, China's aerospace industry has taken off, gradually becoming one of the world's great powers, and has begun to challenge the dominant position of the United States in the space field.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

In particular, in terms of lunar exploration, China has made remarkable achievements in recent years, showing a strong development trend. In 2018, the mainland successfully launched the "Queqiao" relay satellite, which is committed to providing communication services for the Chang'e-4 probe's survey mission on the far side of the moon. In this regard, the outside world generally believes that China's idea of building a scientific research base on the far side of the moon will be more feasible. It is worth mentioning that the "Queqiao" satellite operates in a unique orbit - the Earth-Moon Lagrange L2 point Halle orbit about 65,000 kilometers from the Moon.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

What is a Lagrangian point? It can be understood as the boundary between two large celestial bodies, where no one can exert any strength. This orbital position is extremely rare and unique, allowing for maximum fuel savings on spacecraft while keeping observation and communication links open. The location of "Queqiao" here is a sign of the far-sightedness and precise calculation of Chinese scientists.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

Compared with China's plan, the United States is lagging behind in its lunar landing program. True, NASA has proposed the "Gateway" plan, which envisages the deployment of a small space station at the Earth-Moon L1 point as a transit base for future lunar landings. However, as far as progress stands, this plan has not yet been implemented. On the other hand, China is not only focusing on the technology of conquering the moon itself, but also on the construction of the basic conditions required for the long-term stationing of the moon, such as the deployment plan of space facilities such as the lunar navigation constellation. This fundamentally surpasses the short-sighted concept of the United States of "planting the flag" and realizes the real utilization and development of lunar resources.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

At present, the United States is secretly anxious about China's idea of building a base on the far side of the moon. On the one hand, the reason for this stems from unease with China's growing space power; On the other hand, China's lunar program is also hindered by the process of returning to the moon by the United States. After all, whoever can establish a permanent base on the moon will have the initiative to develop and utilize the moon's resources in the future. In this battle for space resources, the winner will dominate the next world.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

Fortunately, China is not blindly pursuing the false name of "planting the flag", but has opened up a vast new world on the moon for mankind with its superb scientific and technological strength and clear strategic goals. We see the Lunar Research Base as a new starting point, not just a competition between nations. Only by upholding the principles of peaceful use and sustainable development can the development of the moon and even space benefit all mankind.

In fact, lunar exploration should not stop at a simple "landing", but lay the foundation for a long-term human presence on the moon in the future. The phased landing of Chinese astronauts on the moon is just the beginning, and our ultimate goal is to establish a permanent lunar base to realize resource utilization and development. In this regard, China has shown a more calm and long-term attitude.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

Chinese scientists have long planned a roadmap for a future landing on the moon. For example, the Aiken Basin in the south pole of the moon has ideal geographical conditions, large flat area, stable geological structure, and smooth signal transmission, which is very suitable for building a lunar base. Therefore, China chose to deploy the "Queqiao" communication relay satellite on the far side of the moon precisely to serve the preparation for the construction of a base in the Aiken Basin in the future.

In addition, China also plans to deploy a "lunar constellation" consisting of multiple navigation satellites in lunar orbit to provide accurate navigation and positioning services for lunar surface exploration and base construction. This "lunar Beidou" will undoubtedly greatly improve the ability and efficiency of future lunar base operations.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

Once the lunar base is completed, China will become the first country in the world to have permanent lunar ground facilities, taking the lead in the development and utilization of lunar resources. The lunar base can not only carry out scientific experiments, but also provide supplies for landing ships, and even serve as a temporary position to develop space resources at a deeper level.

The battle for the first lunar base is 1:0 in China, with 3 scoring points left, the United States, do you dare to compare?

In contrast, the U.S. development plan for the moon remains a more traditional way of thinking, relying mainly on the deployment of a transit space station at the Earth-Moon Lagrange point and the construction of a simple station on the lunar surface in preparation for future lunar missions. While the Gateway program is ambitious, it essentially lays the groundwork for a U.S. return to the moon, and its future prospects are relatively passive compared to China's.

Therefore, the United States is not worried about China's intention to build a base on the far side of the moon, for fear that China will expand its leading edge in this area and thus control the dominance of the development of lunar resources. This kind of hidden worry and anxiety is also the inevitable result of the increasingly fierce competition between China and the United States in the field of aerospace.

Although the lunar landing project seems unremarkable at first glance, it is indeed a contest and wrestling between China and the United States in the field of space. Compared with the United States, which is slightly anxious and passive, China has undoubtedly shown a more calm and long-term attitude, drawing a new blueprint for the future development of the moon and even space resources. This tenacious and persistent spirit of exploration will surely enable China to continue to write brilliant achievements in its space industry in the future.

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