
How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

author:The erudite rice ball 6Al

In these times of change, compilation seems to have become a special kind of currency, and its value is interpreted differently in the eyes of different people. Some people say that the establishment is stable and is synonymous with the quiet of the years, while others believe that the establishment is nothing more than a piece of paper that restricts the development of the individual.

So, what is the value of the currency, and how do we choose between high salaries and stability?

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

First, let's take a look at the value of compilation from examples. In the 2023 Qingjiao salary summary, a doctor of management from a 211 university in Beijing with a compilation has a salary of more than 400,000 yuan before tax and about 300,000 yuan after tax. However, the Ph.D. could also choose to abandon the establishment and move into a higher-paying but more stressful contract position, with a capital increase of up to 150,000 yuan. Coincidentally, the recruitment announcement of a doctorate talent in a certain school also shows that the annual salary of job seekers who do not enter the establishment is generally 50,000 yuan higher than that of the editor. These figures, without a doubt, provide us with an intuitive perspective and let us see the monetary value of the compilation.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

However, the value of establishment is not limited to salaries. In recent years, it is not difficult to find that more and more graduates from prestigious universities have begun to pour into the system. The news that Harvard graduate students applied for the civil service examination in Yuhang District has aroused widespread concern in the society. Behind this, it is the phenomenon of the pursuit of the establishment in society. The scarcity of the establishment of colleges and universities, and the situation of more monks and less porridge, make the establishment a scarce resource. In this case, the value of the compilation naturally rises.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

Of course, establishment and high salaries are not two completely opposite concepts. For many people, a high salary is tempting, but a stable establishment is also irreplaceable and attractive. The stability and relatively low income of teachers within the establishment often become important reasons for them to choose the system. Although teachers with annual salaries can enjoy high salaries, the pressures and risks behind them cannot be ignored. The assessment tasks and risks behind the annual salary system make many teachers have to face huge psychological pressure while pursuing high salaries.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

However, with the changes of the times, the trend of establishment reform has become irreversible. The change of the concept of "iron rice bowl" for college teachers and the promotion of national policies are accelerating the pace of establishment reform. After the abolition of the establishment, the autonomy of colleges and universities in employing personnel will be brought into full play, so that colleges and universities can retain the talents they really need. At the same time, however, we must face up to the concerns and expectations that will result from the abolition. After all, for many teachers, establishment is not only a stable job, but also a professional dignity and identity.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

Then, against the background of abolishing the establishment of teachers, how should we protect the rights and interests of teachers? This requires us to carry out in-depth reforms in the teacher appointment system, salary system, evaluation system, and so on. Through the establishment of a more scientific and reasonable system, teachers can be rewarded for their efforts, and at the same time, their enthusiasm and creativity can be stimulated. In addition, the emergence of innovative forms such as "post system" and "record system" also provides more choices and possibilities for teachers' career development.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

Of course, in the face of the tide of establishment reform, master's and doctoral talents also need to carefully choose their own career development path. They need to fully consider their interests, abilities, and career plans in order to find the best balance between a high salary and stability.

How "expensive" is the compilation? Reveal the true value of the industry

The value of the currency is not static, but constantly evolves with the development of the times and the changes in society. There is no absolute difference between high salary and stability, only suitable and unsuitable. Therefore, we need to face the challenges and opportunities of establishment reform with a more open and inclusive attitude, and at the same time, we need to continuously improve our capabilities and qualities to adapt to this era full of changes.

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