
It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

After the acceleration of the popularization of new energy, the speed of automobile replacement is also visibly faster, and the cycle of "eight years and four years of mid-term change" in the era of fuel vehicles is no longer applicable to the current new energy vehicles. With the overall acceleration of product iteration in the industry, slow updates mean being eliminated, so everyone is desperately accelerating the facelift and replacement, and some models even launch a facelift within a few months of being on the market.

However, at the same time, the fate of some models with poor sales has also been accelerated forward, the era of fuel vehicles can not be used to adhere to a life cycle of the days are gone, many models will not wait for the replacement to usher in the fate of discontinuation, the following is the picture of the car prediction of 6 models that will be discontinued if they do not come to be replaced, such as misfortune in the words of pure coincidence.

Zeekr X

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

Many people should have forgotten about the Zeekr X, but if you look down the calendar, you will find that this car has actually been on the market for less than a year. Since the launch of ZEEKR X in April last year, the monthly sales volume has not exceeded 5000 units, and the highest monthly sales volume is more than 4700 units, and the sales volume in the first two months of this year is only more than 1000 units, especially with the launch of ZEEKR 007, the cost performance of ZEEKR X is getting lower and lower, and it is unlikely to be replaced.

The positioning of this car is quite embarrassing, a pure electric car that can barely be regarded as a compact SUV can be priced to 200,000 is really a bit overconfident, the whole feeling is to have space power, to configure acceleration, to have battery life and safety, does it feel like I'm talking nonsense? Well, Extreme Krypton X gives people the feeling that this is it.


It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

There are a lot of cars that NIO sells poorly, and the NIO ES7 is the worst one, how bad is it? I have seen an ES7 on the road so far, even if it is a little weird EC7, I have seen a lot, but I have never seen the ES7. Open the sales list and check it, wow! Sixty or seventy cars are sold a month, and you have to fight for some luck if you want to see the highs and lows.

There are some problems with the positioning of the poor sales, and NIO ES7 is no exception, it is embarrassing to be sandwiched between ES6 and ES8, the pricing overlaps with the two, but the space does not form a ladder difference at all, and customers either choose the cheaper ES6 or because of the larger spaceES8, there is no reason to choose ES7 at all. After the mid-term facelift, the product cycle of NIO ES7 has basically come to an end, and it is the first knife to streamline NIO's product line, and it is a pertinent evaluation of it to stop production as soon as possible to make room for new models.

Star Era ES

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

Star Era ES said that the car was criticized before it was listed, mainly because the pace of the car's listing was too slow, and it took a year from the debut to the official launch. There is one thing to say, if the Star Era ES is listed early, with the 800V platform and the outstanding shape, it may still be familiar, but it is just stunned and not listed, good guys, when it is listed, the medium and large markets are already full of bigwigs, and then forced to go public for two months to reduce the price, but it still can't be sold, and the monthly sales hovering around four or five hundred.

At present, the Star Era ES pure electric version is basically out of order, and it will be seen if the extended range version can be saved in the second half of the year. However, as far as Chery's consistent style is concerned, it is estimated that it is confidently priced and then quickly carried away.

Let's not say anything else, let's talk about Xiaomi cars, more than 100 million fans of the Xiaomi brand have not dared to slack off in the slightest in terms of the rhythm of listing, Xiaomi SU7 It only took three months from the first launch to the market. To be honest, the competition in this year's car market is as strong as Xiaomi's new car does not dare to delay for a year and a half before it goes on the market, otherwise the market will teach people. The Star Era belongs to the spectrum that Xiaomi doesn't dare to put without Xiaomi's life, but the problem is that Xiaomi can explode, it can't. Discontinuing production early and launching more down-to-earth products may be the way out for Star Era.

Haobo HT

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

Haobo's current situation is also very difficult, some time ago Haobo GT came out with the news of "150,000 big sale", but what's worse is actually Haobo HT, many people don't even know that there is such a car, especially in the northern region, Haobo brand awareness is too low. In the fiercely competitive 20-300,000 yuan pure electric track, Tesla, Zeekr, Weilai, Xiaopeng, Zhiji, Hongmeng Zhixing have been squeezed together, and now there is another Xiaomi with 100 million traffic, Haobo is in a rare situation and can no longer be difficult.

At the time when the Haobo brand is facing a crisis, the situation of Haobo HT without many characteristics is naturally not optimistic, power, battery life, configuration, and intelligent driving are basically on a horizontal line, depending on whose brand is louder and more cost-effective, facing Tesla Model Y, Xiaopeng G9, Zhiji LS6, Extreme Krypton 001 and other opponents, Haobo HT advantage is not obvious, and in the second half of the year, Extreme Krypton, Weilai sub-brand and Xiaomi will rush into this track, how difficult Haobo HT is can imagine.

Feifan R7

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

Feifan had rumors of "optimization merger" some time ago, but then Feifan responded by releasing spy photos of the new car, and Feifan's upcoming new model and the Feifan R7 on sale are highly overlapped, and there is reason to speculate that the newly launched R6 (tentative) is to replace Feifan R7, and the Feifan R7 with poor sales is very likely to usher in the fate of discontinuation within the year.

Feifan R7 will be launched in October 2022, during which it has undergone a generational facelift, but due to factors such as brand and pricing, Feifan R7 has been selling poorly since its launch, and most of the time the monthly sales are hovering below 1000 units.

Polar Stone 01

It is predicted that 6 models will be discontinued before they can be replaced

Last year, there was a wave of new forces making cars in China, and Polar Stone Automobile was one of them, when Polar Stone 01 was launched, it also caused a period of heated discussion, because this brand has an ideal flavor from LOGO, official website to model, and belongs to the kind of genre that skips doubts, understands the refrigerator color TV sofa stage, and directly chooses to become the refrigerator color TV sofa and put on the hard off-road shell of the ultimate refrigerator color TV sofa and unabashedly genre.

Of course, there is, since the listing, the Polar Stone 01 can basically ship five or six hundred units every month, but that's all, the first wave of media test drives and evaluations are over, this car has basically disappeared on the Internet, and no one will even remember that there is such a car after about a year or two. Judging from the current new car planning of the Polar Stone brand and the sales of Polar Stone 01, the future of this car is bleak.

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