
The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated

author:Beacon front station

Ukraine recently used a drone modified by manned aircraft to launch an airstrike on an oil refinery in the Russian Republic of Tatarstan, which is more than 1,300 kilometers away from the Russian-Ukrainian border. Compared to the previous drone that hit the Russian capital Moscow, the drone that hit the Republic of Tatarstan was large, but the Russian air defense system was not able to detect the target of the invasion, let alone fight back. Ukrainian drones flew 1,300 kilometers with ease and delivered precision strikes on Russia's third-largest oil refinery, which hit Russia's refined oil industry chain hard.

The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated

NATO officials gave an assessment of Ukraine's frequent cross-border strikes, claiming that the actions of Ukrainian forces have caused the loss of 15% of Russia's refining capacity. Due to the extremely destructive power of Ukrainian drones, it will take a long time for Russia to repair oil refining facilities. Judging by Russia's response, it is currently impossible to completely avoid a long-range Ukrainian attack on Russia's energy system, and in fact, the Russian Kremlin has been attacked by Ukrainian drones. The West has begun to worry about the very serious consequences of Ukraine's cross-border strikes on Russian energy facilities, because it touches the core of the Russian economy and also has an impact on international energy prices.

The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated

The Kiev authorities in Ukraine are targeting Russian energy facilities for multiple purposes, in addition to weakening Russia's war potential, mainly to force the United States to approve military aid to Ukraine as soon as possible. Obviously, now Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is on a hard bar, not only for Russia, but also for the United States, the Kyiv authorities know very well that the strike on Russian energy facilities will trigger Russia's retaliation, and this is what Kyiv wants to see, because at present, Ukraine's anti-aircraft missiles are insufficient, and Russia's retaliation will make Ukraine suffer huge losses, and Ukraine is putting pressure on Western countries, especially the United States, by "selling miserably".

The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated

Regarding the provocation of the Kiev authorities in Ukraine, judging by the information disclosed by the British media, US officials have repeatedly warned the Ukrainian authorities that the reasons given by the United States are very direct, because Ukraine's attack on Russian energy facilities will lead to an increase in international energy prices, which will ultimately affect the United States. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky insisted on striking targets in Russia, so hard bar has made the US White House more and more frustrated, when the US House of Representatives did not approve the military aid appropriation bill for Ukraine, the US White House was unable to provide any form of military aid to Ukraine, and now the Biden administration is actually held back by the US Republican Party, so it is unable to deliver military aid to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated

Another reason for the loss of 15% of Russia's refining capacity is the US presidential election, which is preceded by a sharp rise in US oil prices, and the approach of the Kiev authorities in Ukraine has already embarrassed the White House. The loss of Russian refining capacity will inevitably affect the price of refined oil, and the amount of energy prices in the international market is linked, and Russia has a great right to speak, so it will put the White House in a more passive situation. When Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was complacent, US President Joe Biden was "one head and two big", and the most important issue for Biden was the presidential election.

The Ukrainian army crossed the border and destroyed 15% of Russia's oil refining capacity, Zelensky was hard, and the White House became more and more frustrated