
Is soft film powder an IQ tax?

author:Soldiers who learn from the scriptures

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Is soft film powder an IQ tax?

Among the many skin care products, the soft mask powder mask has gradually been loved by more and more consumers because of its unique texture and remarkable efficacy.

Compared with other functional masks used alone, its advantage lies in the "win-win cooperation" before using soft mask powder, using functional products as a foundation, which can maximize the penetration of nutrients in multiple products into the skin at the same time. While significantly multiplying the skin care effect, it can also take away the dead keratin on the skin surface, clean and rejuvenate the skin, and absorb dirt on the surface of the skin, so as to achieve a 1+1>2 skin care effect~

Is soft film powder an IQ tax?

With its delicate, soft texture and rich nutrients, the Soft Mask Powder Mask adheres closely to the skin, providing deep nourishment and repair to the skin. Its main effects include: moisturizing and hydrating, whitening and lightening spots, firming and lifting, soothing and calming, etc. By applying a soft mask powder mask, it can effectively improve the skin dryness, dullness, sagging and other problems, and restore the skin to a hydrated, radiant and elastic state.

Compared with traditional facial masks that are easy to volatile, the "soft mask" allows the skin to absorb the nutrients inside. The blended "soft film" will naturally take shape, and after it dries, it will form a protective film.

Is soft film powder an IQ tax?

When using the soft mask powder, you need to follow the steps below: first, clean the face to make sure the skin is clean and free of dirt, then, take an appropriate amount of soft mask powder into a bowl, add an appropriate amount of water or essence, and quickly stir with a stir bar until it is uniform and free of particles, then quickly apply the stirred soft mask powder to the face, paying attention to avoid the eyes and lips, and finally, wait for about 15-20 minutes, gently peel off the soft mask, and wash the face with water. It should be noted that there may be slight differences in the application method of different brands and types of soft mask powder masks, and it is recommended to read the product instructions carefully before use.

In addition to being used alone, the soft mask can also be used in conjunction with other facial masks, that is, the bottom mask is used with the soft film. This bottom mask includes ordinary patch masks, absorbable essences and some mask creams, that is, not only the mask, but also other essences and so on. In other words, the soft film at this time is more like an auxiliary tool than simple skin care products, forming a closed environment, promoting the absorption of the bottom film, and can also promote the absorption of other skin care products. It is like putting a soft shell on your face, which is soft but very sealing, and can give skin care products a good absorption environment.

Is soft film powder an IQ tax?