
『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』

author:There is also a story for her
『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』
We always think that life owes us a satisfaction, but in fact, it is we who owe life an effort.

1. Tell you a good way to heal yourself: enjoy being busy and adapting to loneliness.

2. Read more books, earn more money, and think less about uselessness.

3. People can leave, but they can't lose their way.

4. Whether it is good or bad, it is all an experience, and you must be fearless and live freely and chicly. Go for it.

5. Go out for a walk, the world can give you more than what we have been thinking about.

6. When you feel inferior and blame yourself, what I want to tell you is: you have always been great.

7. Be a pure person, keep your eyes on the small and bright things, and stay away from those chaos and arrogance.

8. In fact, as long as you don't panic, it's a good life.

9. Love is not a pity, but also a blessing.

『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』

10. Cherish all encounters and respect all losses.

11. Buy a bouquet of flowers for yourself, walk through the long streets and alleys, see the clouds and sunshine, the flowers bloom, and live a calm life.

12. In this life, it is easy to be selfish, but it is difficult to love yourself.

13. Life needs enthusiasm, but also self-discipline, positivity and diligence, otherwise, life is just a calendar of days.

14. In my barren land, you are my last rose.

15. Don't love too hard, the breakup of two wrong people may create happiness for four people.

16. You have to learn to grow up, and one person can withstand thousands of troops.

17. When I am particularly sober, all I think about is confused.

18. Hold fireworks to make a living, and have poetry to make love.

『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』

19. If life kicks you a lot, don't forget to slap it twice, it's better to resist than to shed tears.

20. There are too many stories without endings, and you have to get used to meeting and parting.

21. Face life and work with a sunny and optimistic attitude, and they will also return the sunshine to you.

22. Choose the direction that suits you most and go on your own way.

23. All encounters in the world are reunions after a long absence, and every time they are separated, they may never see each other again in this life.

24. A lot of language is fake, and only what has been experienced together is true.

25. The scenery ahead is good, I mean looking ahead.

26. If you want to say something, it is the answer, and the answer is not what you ask.

27. Think less about useless things, pay less attention to indifferent people, keep yourself busy, and make more money.

『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』

28. You will never understand how hard we put in to make ourselves interested in life.

29. The road I have walked with you, I even feel that it is so difficult to pass by.

30. Everyone has his own blessings and retribution, so don't be in a hurry.

31. When you reach a certain age, you should keep in mind that everything is hidden in your heart and not in your feelings.

32. There are so many people who are scattered, why should you grieve yourself.

33. When you come to the world, nothing will belong to you except your own feelings.

34. Being lazy will ruin your figure, and being lazy will definitely ruin your dreams.

35. Understand the hardships of others, read the kindness of others, know the warmth of others, and forgive the mistakes of others.

36. The best life: no illness in the body, nothing in the heart.

37. I want to start over and be a different version of myself.

38. Accept your ordinary, and then go all out to be outstanding.

『Heart-warming healing is heart-to-heart copywriting』