
Study Notes|2024.4.5

author:The road to regular investment for growth 202009
Study Notes|2024.4.5

Wait for the flowers to bloom

When I saw this passage in "One Hundred Years of Solitude", I was deeply touched: "The essence of life is that a person should not expect too much from others when he lives. We always want to find someone who can share our pain and sorrow, but most of the time, our earth-shattering pain is just dust in the eyes of others. Perhaps the loneliness of adults is the joy and sorrow of self-transcendence. ” ​​​

Compared with looking forward to some illusory glory and fame, looking forward to a specific person, a specific product, and a specific expression is more grounded and gratifying.

In a world that is not so reassuring, the faces of the people in the glamorous and dazzling places are blurred. It is always the small and persistent individuals who bring hope.

That's it, the wildfires can't be burned, and the spring breeze blows and grows.

You can't always be lucky.

We ordinary people must have peaks and troughs, spiraling forward.

If you insist that everything will go well and grow all the time, whether it is wealth or affection, it is unrealistic, and you are embarrassing yourself.

The trough is not necessarily a bad thing, only the trough will make us sink down and reflect on ourselves, know ourselves, review ourselves, and then better see the road ahead.

At the crest of the wave, even if you hear Jin Keyu's words, you won't listen to it.

Thank you Trough for allowing our souls to catch up with themselves.

It can be seen from Yu Xiuhua and people like her that talent is unreasonable, it will not give you one more point just because you are from a famous family and well-read, nor will it give you one point less because you are from the bottom and can only work part-time.

Naturally, the sentences that come out of the heart, and the kind of sentences that have been trained and are all flat and stable, everyone can see the flowing aura of the former, which is a realm that countless people cannot pursue in their lives.

Sometimes I even wonder if this lack of training has created Yu Xiuhua's unfettered words.

A rugged past, even an achievement. Books are romantic, words have no emotion, no matter how beautiful they are, they have no life.

Slowness and stillness are remarkable

When you are getting quieter and quieter

The energy is more and more stable

Body, mind, and spirit can be one

This is when the fulfillment of wishes happens

One thing most people often forget is that they are actually going to die.

Realize that you have a limited number of days, and you will become more aware of what doesn't really matter at all.

Don't think of life, a finite game, as an infinite game

The reason why a person cannot grow is that they do not feel loved. To put it more bluntly, I don't know how to love myself.

People who don't love themselves lack a connection with their inner self. It is difficult for them to empathize with their own feelings, let alone understand what is really good for themselves, and their behavior is completely chaotic.

It is often self-critical when it is time to be tolerant of oneself, indulgent when it is time to be serious, depraved when it is time to work hard, and oppressive when it is time to relax.

They are never passive in the face of life.

It is often necessary to wait until things reach the point of no return, and then they are reluctant to try a little change in order to get rid of the pain. And as long as there is still a little comfort, you will be lucky, self-persuasive, and logically self-consistent.

All problems with a person's behavior are actually problems with the mind. And the problem of the heart needs not great truth, but love.

Only by loving yourself will you want to change yourself, and you will want to make yourself better and better from the bottom of your heart.

After entering the society, you know that you are not a circle of people, and you will definitely not be able to fit in. I also gradually understood that "I don't persuade people lightly, I don't talk about reason, and I don't make friends with people in poverty".

After enough events, you will find that everything has changed not as well as you expected, nor as bad as you feared.

The feeling of past experience will be diluted and diluted by time and new experiences, and many of the wrong things that I thought were over in this life at the time, looking back, it was nothing more than that, and I still carried it.

People are afraid of the unknown, afraid of change.

But once you start to overcome your inertia and fear and do something, and you get positive feedback, you start to charm your fear and start thinking about what you're really afraid of.

The important thing is to come out, and it is more effective to take the first step than to think about a hundred steps in your head.


Note: The content of the notes comes from books, articles, the Internet, etc., and some of them do not have the source of the note, and they must be deleted if they are invaded.

Skipping rope Day 1273 5077

Study Notes|2024.4.5

A group, not free

Study Notes|2024.4.5
Study Notes|2024.4.5

The above content is derived from some study notes

I have a habit of studying every day, so I have set up a study group. The group will share a large number of study notes every day, such as beautiful pictures, videos, etc., covering all kinds of content, and the above is just a part of the day.

The study group is in mute mode, very quiet, and the annual fee is 19.9 yuan

A circle without a threshold is a rejection of more senior members.

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