
From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

author:The style blossoms and the same thing

The rivers and lakes are not fighting and killing, but human feelings, especially the NBA is still a team sport, so many superstars for the purpose of uniting the team, stabilizing the locker room, etc., or simply thanking their teammates for their help, they often give some gifts to their teammates on some specific holidays, so let's take stock from low to high!

10th place: Tim Duncan, pillow, eye mask, sleeping pills package, value: $20!

Duncan has always taken good care of James, in addition to encouraging LeBron James "The future is yours", he also sent care to another rookie named James Anderson, James Anderson was the No. 20 pick in the first round in 2010, and on several road trips, Duncan found that this young man always lost sleep on the plane, so before flying to Charlotte, Duncan specially gave Anderson his own homemade gift bag, including a pillow, An eye patch and a bottle of sleeping pills, in the follow-up interview, Anderson praised the Spurs for being full of warmth, but unfortunately Anderson was cut by the Spurs two years later because of poor performance.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

Duncan once gave Ginobili a wig

Ninth place: Kobe Bryant, send teammate DR magic sound headphones, value: $399!

This is the story that happened in 2010, this year Kobe Bryant was elected as the Western All-Star vote king with 2.45 million votes, but because of the injury Kobe did not participate in the All-Star Game held in Dallas, so before the game, Kobe Bryant specially gave Duncan, Nash, Kidd and other Western teammates his own gifts, a DR.DRE magic earphone endorsed by Kobe himself, which can be regarded as a wave of advertising.

8th place: Yao Ming, gift teammate TAG Heuer gold watch, value: $1090!

This is the story of 2004, before the game against the Bobcats, Yao Ming delayed the team's joint practice because of the late shooting practice before the game, when Christmas was approaching, so the night before Christmas, Yao Ming prepared a beautiful TAG Heuer gold watch for each of his teammates as his heart, it is worth mentioning that Francis, Mobley and Cato, who have been sent away by the rockets, also received gifts from Yao Ming.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

In addition to watches, Yao Ming also sent Moutai

7th place: Harden, give teammates headphones, game consoles, mobile phones, value: $2399!

Harden gave more gifts, 13 Christmas Harden prepared an XBOX game console for each teammate, the price was about 700 US dollars at the time, and then 18 years before the playoffs against the Jazz Harden prepared a team member with an Apple 8 latest mobile phone to encourage, at that time the Apple 8 basic model was $699, high allocation 850 US dollars, and finally the Rockets also lived up to high expectations to defeat the Jazz and successfully advanced to the Western Conference finals.

Later, 18 Christmas, Harden prepared a MacBook computer and Beats headphones for his teammates, of which the official price of the computer was $2399, and then before the 2020 playoffs against the Thunder, Harden gave away custom Beats headphones.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

After Harden gave the gift, Howard the Warcraft also gave the watch

Sixth place: Kobe Bryant, give his teammate a Swiss gold watch, value: $9,000!

In 2008, Kobe Bryant won the regular season MVP for the first time, in order to thank his teammates for their help, Kobe Bryant gave each teammate a Swiss gold watch after winning the award, and then in 2015, Dream Green also ridiculed this matter, at the press conference of Curry's MVP, Green said: At that time, Kobe Bryant prepared a gold watch for all his teammates after winning the award, what would you say? Curry replied: I have sent you greetings, but obviously this is not enough.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

After getting the FMVP, Bryant gave gifts to thank his teammates

Fifth place: Harden, give teammates a gold chain, value: 30,000 US dollars!

This is a one-to-one service, in a shopping Harrell wandered in front of a gold chain for a long time, perhaps because the price was too high, so he finally chose to give up, but a few minutes later Harden took advantage of Haral's inattention and returned to the gold store to buy this gold chain and gave it to Harald, after which Harrell sent three tweets in a row to thank Harden, but unfortunately in the end Harrell was traded away by the Rocket.

Fourth place: Grizzlies player, send the head coach car, value: $200,000!

Before Christmas 2014, Grizzlies assistant coach Brandon's car was unfortunately visited by thieves, and after getting the news, the Grizzlies players led by Tony Allen and Randolph decided to pool money to prepare a new car for Brandon as a Christmas gift, which was worth $200,000, and each player contributed a little more than 10,000 yuan on average.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

This big fat man is full of warmth in his heart

3rd place: Marbury, Barbosa car, value: $200,000!

This is the story of 2003, when Barbosa's rookie had just signed a contract in the first year and had not received a salary, so he could only ride a bicycle to and from the training gym every day, which was obviously seen by the warm man Marbury, so on November 28, Barbosa's birthday, Marbury directly sent a brand-new Mercedes-Benz car, Barbosa was moved to tears.

2nd place: O'Neal, James Rolls-Royce sedan, value: $400,000!

On James' birthday in 2009, the newly joined O'Neal directly gave away a Rolls-Royce Phantom sedan worth $400,000, and at this moment O'Neal was full of momentum, when O'Neal's annual salary was $20 million, and James's annual salary was $15.78 million.

1st place: Jordan, Pippen gold watch, Ford car, Ferrari sports car, value: $450,000!

Jordan has always been a very generous player, after the Bulls defeated the Trail Blazers to win the championship in 1992, Nike gave Jordan a special custom gold watch as a championship and FMVP gift, when Pippen looked at the side with a look of envy, so Jordan gave the gold watch to Pippen with a wave of his hand.

From $20 to $400,000, what gifts do NBA stars give to their teammates?

Jordan thanked Pippen after every victory

In 1996, Jordan won the regular season MVP for the first time after his comeback, and after winning the award, Jordan gave a Ford Galaxy sedan to Pippen as a sponsorship prize, and in 1997 Christmas, Jordan carefully prepared Cuban cigars for Pippen, Pippen was not as rich as Jordan, so he ingeniously made the diamonds in the 96 championship ring into earrings and gave them to Jordan, Jordan was greatly moved after receiving the gift, so the Ferrari sports car that he just bought was cheaper than Pippen, and Pippen made a lot of money this time and again!