
These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

author:Gluttonous dog food

Pay attention to [gluttonous dog food], healthy and scientific pet raising

Original article, please do not plagiarize.

As dog owners, we always want the best for them, but sometimes some seemingly harmless behaviors can make dogs suffer invisibly.

These 6 behaviors are actually making the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Leave it in the cold for a long time

Dogs are social animals, and they especially need the company and love of their owners. If you snub it for a long time and ignore it, it will feel lonely, anxious, and may even develop feelings of depression. So, no matter how busy you are, don't forget to spend some time with it, play with it, and let it feel cared for.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Dogs are walked without a leash

Some owners feel that their dogs are obedient and do not leash when they go out, thinking that this way the dog is more free. But you know what? It's too risky!

Dogs may be frightened and run away, may be hit by a car, and may be injured in a fight with another dog. To make matters worse, if you accidentally bite someone, the trouble is even greater.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Neglect of deworming

Deworming is easy for many owners to ignore. If you think the dog looks healthy, there is no need to deworm. But in fact, parasites are everywhere, and dogs can bring them back after a trip to play. If you don't deworm regularly, your dog may get skin diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, and even life-threatening in serious cases.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Dress the dog casually

Sometimes when you see a dog wearing cute clothes, you really feel very cute and cute. But you know what? Not all dogs like to wear clothes, and not all clothes fit them.

Some dogs feel uncomfortable wearing clothes and can even affect their movements. To make matters worse, some clothing may contain materials that are harmful to dogs, causing skin irritation or hair loss. Therefore, before dressing your dog, you must make sure that they are willing to wear it, and that the clothes are made of the right material and size.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Feel free to punish it

It's true that a dog can be mischievous sometimes, but that doesn't mean it can be punished at will. If you punish it often and arbitrarily, such as hitting it or scolding it, it will not only make it feel frightening and upset, but it may also destroy the trust and intimacy between you.

Therefore, after the dog makes a mistake, the shovel officer can patiently educate it, and it is best to train it with freeze-dried snacks, and the effect will be better.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Irregular feeding

Did you know that dogs are actually very squeamish, and they need regular rations of food to stay healthy. If you always feed the dog when you think about it, or sometimes you are busy and just feed it, such irregular feeding habits are actually making the dog's stomach "suffer".

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Since you have a dog, you need to be responsible for the dog, feed the dog regularly, you can maintain the digestive law of the dog's stomach, and choose the dog's food carefully, do not feed inferior dog food, and choose a high-quality dog food with guaranteed quality as the dog's staple food.

These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

Conclusion: Have you been tricked by these behaviors?

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These 6 behaviors are actually to make the dog "suffer", wake up quickly!

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