
The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

author:Pavilion said

Large-scale estrus scene in the comment area?

I recently saw a video,

This video is about interviewing male high school students from other countries,

I have to say that they are a bit handsome, but as soon as I opened the comment area, I was really shocked!

The remarks made by many girls are called a spicy eye, which can be called a large-scale estrus scene...



The story originated from a short video, which is a mixed video of introducing foreign male high school students,

As for the content of the video, in fact, it introduces all kinds of handsome foreign guys.

There are American boys, and there are British boys from the United Kingdom.

In terms of appearance and dressing, he is indeed quite handsome.

But it is no exaggeration to say that in the comment area of this video, my cousin witnessed a large-scale estrus scene!

Many girls are hilarious in this comment area, and even say some shameless words...

I won't write down what they said about my cousin, so you can see for yourself.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

To be honest, my cousin was not only shocked, but also genuinely felt that they were ashamed.

What's even more outrageous is that some people said: "Let's go together, I'm in a hurry!"

Is it really good to speak unscrupulously in front of handsome foreign guys and expose your desires nakedly?

My cousin can't imagine what kind of bloody storm it will set off if this video is full of foreign beauties and there are boys in the comment area who say this...

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

However, there are even more outrageous, there are many female netizens who speak unscrupulously:

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

I don't even know if it's their true thoughts or irony...

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

My cousin couldn't imagine how these foreigners in the video would feel if they saw these remarks.

Just because the other party is handsome, there are a large number of female netizens who have abandoned courtesy, righteousness and shame, abandoned the moral bottom line, and shamelessly said hi, which is really despicable.

What's even more terrifying is that the girls who made such remarks were not one or two...

One of the female netizens also followed suit and posted this sentence,

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

But my cousin clicked on her Weibo and saw that she not only had a husband, but also showed her affection generously, showing off the new ring her husband bought him.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

Not only that, but her homepage also has a photo of her husband mopping the floor.

Seeing this cousin, I couldn't help myself...

Her husband treats her very well, saves money to give gifts and do housework,

And she followed the trend under the video of a handsome foreign guy to make such shameless comments, which is too abstract.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

This reminds me of an American who spent 10 years in China, dated more than 1,000 Chinese girlfriends, and secretly filmed indecent videos of himself with these girlfriends. In addition, he also posted these videos to overseas websites to make huge profits.

This person's name is Maynard, and he couldn't get along in the United States, so he came to China to develop.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

He is lazy by nature and is an amateur fighter.

Later, because there was no game to play, in order to support his family, he went to repair water pipes for others.

Maynard once heard from a friend that Chinese women are good-looking and enthusiastic, and they prefer Caucasian men.

This also allowed him to find an opportunity to make a lot of girls in China, and soon, he had one girlfriend after another.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

For this purpose, he rented an apartment, secretly installed a camera in the room, and brought back different women every once in a while.

Each time, the girl was filmed by the installed camera without knowing it.

Later, Maynard posted the videos to overseas websites and sold them at different prices.

According to statistics, in the past ten years in China, he has had a total of 1,242 girlfriends.

And the reason why he can easily deceive so many girls in China is because he is really cunning.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

Secondly, many of our girls blindly worship foreign men and do not have self-love, so they are more likely to be deceived.

As Mr. Qian Xuesen said:

"If you want to disintegrate a nation, you just need to take away the backbone and blood of men, and take away the integrity and kindness of women"

"The economy is backward, and it will be able to catch up in more than ten years, and the social atmosphere will be bad, and it will be difficult for several generations to repair it. ”

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

Qian Lao's words are very profound and meaningful, but in this comment area, I don't see a little bit of shame.

This also reminded my cousin of a previous interview where some women were casually coaxed by foreign men and agreed to sleep...

Here's what one of the women had to say:

He was English, and before we were together, I was attracted by his gentlemanly temperament.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

On the third day of acquaintance, I had sex with him under his attack, and we were together.

I think the day is coming when I want to fall in love with a foreign man and get married.

At that time, he didn't have a place to live for some reason, so I asked him to live in my house first, so that it would be easier for the two of us to communicate.

It was a good time when he first moved in, and we often stayed at home to watch movies and cook.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

Until one day we had a conflict over a trivial matter, he came up and punched and kicked me, and it was useless for me to beg for mercy.

Later, he apologized to me and forgave him.

But some things seem to open a mouth and it gets bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for him to hit me again, this time much worse than the last time......

But I'm still reluctant to leave him, what should I do?

Seeing that my cousin really felt that her three views collapsed, she was repeatedly subjected to domestic violence, just because her boyfriend was a foreign man, she could forgive and even be reluctant to leave...

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

Once my cousin also wrote an article about a "foreign garbage" on the Internet to record that she was dating more than 7,000 Chinese girls,

They have a foreign face, and they can't get along in their own country,

When she came to China, she became a favorite admired by everyone, and many girls hugged her...

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

So why is this happening?

Because there are some women who are more inferior and flattering in their bones,

In the eyes of these people, foreign men are inherently superior to their own men.

They will put aside all objective factors and conditions, compare foreign men with all domestic men, and finally come to the conclusion that domestic men are not as good as foreign men.

And this kind of soft-boned state is the most difficult to correct and change.

The foreigner has had 1,200 girlfriends in China for 10 years, and he was spit out by these girls licking the faces of foreign men

However, whether it is a foreign man or a man in our country, there are good and bad things in any gender and group.

If you really love someone and have a good character, but he is a foreigner, you can also love him.

You should love those qualities in him, not his superficial identity as a "foreigner".

The most important thing is that girls don't look down on themselves.

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