
Interview with Sun Daqian: The obstruction of the DPP authorities highlights the importance of Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage's "landing" exchanges

author:Straight news

Straight press press

At the time when Ma Ying-jeou led Taiwanese youths to visit the mainland, Sun Daqian, a representative of public opinion in Taiwan and executive director of Digital Domain, also came to Shenzhen to have in-depth exchanges with Shenzhen Satellite TV reporters on cross-strait youth exchanges and other topics.

Humorous and talkative, this is the first impression Sun Daqian left on reporters. In fact, in 2018, Sun Daqian became attached to Shenzhen Satellite TV's "Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" column, and at that time, he was interviewed by a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV's "Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" in Taipei to have a dialogue on political issues in Taiwan.

Sun Daqian said that if he has the opportunity to come to Shenzhen this time, he must come to the Shenzhen Radio, Film and Television Group to have a look and meet these old friends. In the past few years, there have been many opportunities for cooperation with Shenzhen Satellite TV, and he has been invited to participate in the recording of programs such as "Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" many times. When sharing his feelings about cooperating with Shenzhen Satellite TV, Sun Daqian bluntly said that Shenzhen Satellite TV is a very professional news media, and its long-term efforts in the field of journalism are obvious to all. Sun Daqian also said that Shenzhen is the capital of science and technology, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is full of opportunities, and he looks forward to more Taiwanese young people coming to shine in the future.

Interview with Sun Daqian: The obstruction of the DPP authorities highlights the importance of Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage's "landing" exchanges

In 2018, Sun Daqian was interviewed for the first time by Shenzhen Satellite TV's "Live Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan" column

Young people on the island are learning about the mainland through the emerging culture

Just two days before Sun Daqian, executive director of Digital Domain and former representative of Taiwan's public opinion, visited Shenzhen, Ma Ying-jeou, former chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang, led a delegation of Taiwanese youth to Shenzhen to begin his visit to the mainland. Sun Daqian told a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV that he is very happy to see cross-strait exchange activities, especially against the background of the DPP authorities' continuous strengthening of the barrier to cross-strait exchanges, cross-strait exchange activities have also become an important task for cross-strait emotional connection.

Sun Daqian held that over the years that the DPP has taken over the leadership of the Taiwan region, it has tried all kinds of methods to make cross-strait exchanges and interactions less and less. Through on-the-spot visits to the mainland, young people in Taiwan can more clearly understand that the mainland is not what the DPP authorities are currently propagating, and this will provide an opportunity for cross-strait relations to warm up day by day. This is also one of the main reasons why Ma Ying-jeou led the students of the "Dajiu Academy" to visit the mainland, and he bluntly said, "Young people represent the future."

Sun Daqian also noticed that many young people on the island have changed their views on the mainland by contacting many self-media and social media on the mainland. The biggest impact on Taiwan's young people is mainland TV dramas such as Tencent Games and "You Are My Glory", which allow Taiwan's young people to reconnect with Chinese history and culture and become more aware of the current development status of the mainland.

Interview with Sun Daqian: The obstruction of the DPP authorities highlights the importance of Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage's "landing" exchanges

Young people on the island are generally "suspicious of beauty"

Another trend that has aroused Sun Daqian's attention is that with the continuous extension of Taiwan's compulsory military service system, there is a general "suspicion of the United States" in the hearts of young people on the island. He said that the United States has recently stepped up efforts to play the "Taiwan card" and escalate the situation in the Taiwan Strait under the pretext of "supporting Taiwan," and the people of Taiwan have also become generally suspicious of this, fearing that Taiwan will fall into the risk of conflict.

In fact, even US public opinion itself is questioning the US intention to stir up the situation in the Taiwan Strait. After conducting on-the-spot observations in the Taiwan region a few days ago, New York Times columnist Ji Sidao wrote a commentary saying that the United States' frequent shouting of "supporting Taiwan" will not help peace in the Taiwan Strait at all, but will only increase tension in the Taiwan Strait. This year is an election year in the United States, and with being tough on China becoming the consensus of politicians in both parties in the United States, it cannot be ruled out that the Biden administration will continue to win votes by manipulating the Taiwan issue. In Sun Daqian's view, whether Biden or Trump is elected, they should not expect too much.

Sun Daqian analyzed the impact that Biden or Trump may have on world geopolitics after being elected. He believes that if Biden continues to be re-elected, the current comprehensive military containment of the United States in the "Indo-Pacific" region will continue, on the contrary, if Trump is elected, perhaps the possibility of a military conflict in the "Indo-Pacific" region will be slightly lower, but due to the characteristics of Trump's "atypical politician", it will plunge the world into another turbulent situation.

To be or not to be 对生成式AI的新思考

During this visit to Shenzhen, Sun Daqian also has a double identity, that is, as the executive director of Digital Domain, a film and television special effects company. Digital Domain is one of the world's top three film VFX companies, based in Hollywood and with offices around the world. Thirty years ago, Digital Domain won the Oscar for "Titanic" at the beginning of its establishment, and since then, Digital Domain has been committed to innovation in the field of film and television special effects, participating in the production of many popular movies around the world such as "Transformers" and "Fast and Furious 10".

Sun Daqian jokingly said, "Our company has been very good at 'destroying the earth' in the past few years, I calculated that we have destroyed the earth about 9 times in the past", and now the imaginable "destroy the earth" movies are all related to Digital Domain.

But it's not just "destruction", "resurrection" is actually what Digital Domain is good at. According to Sun Daqian, virtual digital humans are one of the areas of specialization of Digital Domain. Since the birth of the first virtual digital idol Hatsune Miku, the field of virtual digital humans has gradually matured after years of development and has begun to be used in many fields. In September 2013, at the Taipei Station of Jay Chou's "Magic Tianlun" World Tour, the duet between Jay Chou and Teresa Teng opened everyone's eyes, and this was the handiwork of Digital Domain.

More than a decade later, the word "virtual" has once again exploded in the world, with the emergence of dimension-breaking technologies such as the "metaverse", more and more virtual humans appearing in more realistic forms, and the level of generative AI such as Sora is maturing. Sun Daqian, who has been engaged in research in related fields for many years, bluntly said that the birth of generative artificial intelligence will have a subversive impact on the film and television industry and even the entire human life, and it has also caused people's long-term worries and near-term worries. The long-term concern is that generative artificial intelligence will end mankind like the story of the "Devil's Terminator", and the immediate concern is whether it will replace people's jobs? However, Sun Daqian said very indifferently that now that artificial intelligence has entered people's lives, when this trend takes shape, it is better to learn how to use it than to learn how to fight artificial intelligence.

Sun Daqian: I look forward to more young people from Taiwan developing in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area

Sun Daqian made no secret of his love for Shenzhen, and he told reporters twice in a row that he liked Shenzhen very much, because many important and large technology giants in the mainland are based in Shenzhen. Sun Daqian said that Shenzhen is the future science and technology capital of the mainland, and he is very optimistic about the scientific and technological prospects of the entire Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and looks forward to more Taiwanese young people coming to the Greater Bay Area for development in the future.

According to the latest data released by Guangdong Province, the total economic output of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will exceed 14 trillion yuan in 2023, and the Greater Bay Area will create one-ninth of the country's total economic output with less than 0.6% of the country's land area.

Sun Daqian believes that the development of science and technology, especially the development of innovative technology, represents the "future", and the "future" is strongly attractive to young people. For young people who are "citizens of the digital age", learning about emerging technologies and applying them to their working lives is a no-brainer.

Sun Daqian said bluntly, "The future of young people must be in the technology industry, so I believe that the future development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will have a magnetic effect, so that young people in Taiwan who are interested in investing in the technology industry will look for opportunities to work in the Greater Bay Area", and he also believes that the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will become a stage where young people in Taiwan can shine.

Interview with Sun Daqian: The obstruction of the DPP authorities highlights the importance of Ma Ying-jeou and his entourage's "landing" exchanges

Sun Daqian, a former representative of public opinion in Taiwan, was interviewed by Lin Shuqi, a reporter from Shenzhen Satellite TV

Author丨Lin Shuqi, Shenzhen Satellite TV direct news reporter