
Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

author:The West Show Big City is a small thing
Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

In order to further cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, inherit the civilized family style, carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and give full play to the role of good family style, family motto and family rules in family construction, Caiguan Town recently launched a series of activities with the theme of "Bright Family Style, Family Motto, and Family Rules".

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

Since mid-March, the New Era Civilization Institute of Caiguan Town has taken the lead in carrying out the selection of "Excellent Family Style and Family Training", and a total of 21 outstanding households have been selected, and finally 3 households have been selected to participate in the district-level "Excellent Family Style and Family Training" selection after collective evaluation.

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

"'Family style is the folk style of our country', through 'evaluation, selection, and exposure', we will publicize good family style, inherit traditional virtues, promote positive social energy, and continue to 'detonate' the spread and influence of family style culture in the whole society, so that the family style of harmony, friendliness, responsibility and responsibility will be inherited and warm everyone's heart. Yao Shaojin, member of the town party committee, member of the political and legal committee, and minister of the people's armed forces, said.

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

The schools in the jurisdiction of Caiguan Town have carried out a series of activities with the theme of family style and family discipline. Through publicity and education, theme class meetings, blackboard newspapers, hand-copied newspapers, speech contests, reading clubs, symposiums, essay collection and other forms to increase publicity, take multiple measures at the same time, online and offline linkage, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of activities.

"The school carries out activities with the establishment of family civilization as the benchmark, guides students to take the typical examples around them as examples, strives to be the inheritor of good family style, and the practitioner of civilized fashion, so that the new wind of civilization that is upward and good, harmonious and orderly blows all over the campus. Zheng Fanhe, a teacher from Caiguantun Primary School, said that a good family style into the campus can effectively guide teachers and students to pay attention to family style, inherit family style, and practice family style, so as to form a vivid situation in which the whole society carries forward the fine tradition and inherits the good family style.

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

"In recent years, through the selection of 'excellent family style and family motto', a batch of typical representatives of 'good family style' have emerged, and the typical representative cases of good family style have been commended and publicized, set an example, educate the people around them with the things around them, inspire the people around them with the things around them, and guide the villagers to worship virtue and goodness, see the wise and think together, and spread positive energy. Song Biao, the branch secretary, said that now Maojiaopo Village has formed a good atmosphere of chasing after me, striving to be a good mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, with a beautiful home environment and harmonious neighborhood relations.

"A good family atmosphere, parents' words and deeds, and the inheritance of excellent family style will imperceptibly affect the growth of children, and affect social harmony and civilization. We use practical actions to tell our children that 'filial piety' is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and that only when we grow up can we become useful people by being filial to our parents and elders, treating others sincerely, and being humble. Dong Tianzhong, the representative of the "excellent family style and family motto" family of "Maojiaopo Village", said proudly that his family is considered to be the third generation of "red", and he will often tell some red stories to his children, hoping to plant red seeds in the hearts of children, so that the red family style will become an "heirloom" that will never fade in the family.

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization

In the next step, Cai Guanzhen will continue to further promote the good family style through various forms of publicity, guide everyone to start from themselves, start from the family, inherit the traditional virtues, establish the feelings of the family and the country, and support the good atmosphere of the whole society with the good family style and good family motto of the family.

Correspondent: Cai Guanzhen Sun Xiaoping Editor: Zhang Shiqi Editor: Li Anqi

Supervisor: Zhao Wenquan

Producer: Wang Xiqi

Caiguan Town, Xixiu District: Inherit the family style and family motto and cultivate the new style of civilization