
The man beat his wife in the street, and the child knelt on the side and cried: Please don't beat your mother, hit me!

author:Meow meow meow dumb

Recently, a case of domestic violence in which a man beat his wife and children knelt on the ground and begged in the street has once again aroused widespread concern and indignation in society. Violence spreads in the home, endangering the safety and dignity of women and children. We cannot tolerate the continuation of such acts! Please join me in calling for the establishment of a penal mechanism to make the criminals pay the price they deserve!


Family is the harbor of our life and the crystallization of warmth and love. However, when we learn that someone has committed a heinous crime in the family, the disgust and shame inevitably wells up in our hearts. Not long ago, a shocking incident of domestic violence occurred again, a man beat his wife in the street, and his son knelt on the side and pleaded. This scene makes us feel the horror and ruthlessness of domestic violence.

The man beat his wife in the street, and the child knelt on the side and cried: Please don't beat your mother, hit me!
The man beat his wife in the street, and the child knelt on the side and cried: Please don't beat your mother, hit me!

Children are the future of the family, and they should thrive in a warm embrace. However, in such a place that is supposed to be full of love, an outrageous cruel scene happens. The child knelt on the ground, kept kowtowing and crying: "Please don't beat my mother, hit me if you want to!" This sentence of crying and screaming the child's heart is heartbreaking and painful.

In this day and age, we should say "no" to domestic violence. We cannot tolerate any of the atrocities that harm women and children. Family is a haven of love, our last safe haven, but there are people who have sown poison here and destroyed innocent lives.

Now, let us call together for the establishment of a penal mechanism to severely punish those who commit domestic violence and protect the rights and interests of victims. Domestic violence is not only a personal problem, but also a social problem. The establishment of a penal mechanism can have a deterrent effect, make the perpetrators pay the due price, and maintain the dignity and harmony of the family.

The man beat his wife in the street, and the child knelt on the side and cried: Please don't beat your mother, hit me!
The man beat his wife in the street, and the child knelt on the side and cried: Please don't beat your mother, hit me!

We need the support and attention of the government to strengthen the formulation and enforcement of relevant laws. The punishment must be proportionate to the seriousness of the offence and should be treated fairly regardless of gender, age or status. Only in this way can we make our home a truly welcoming place to live.

At the same time, each of us should also start from ourselves, establish a correct family concept, and advocate an atmosphere of respect and love. Educate children with correct values, so that they know equal respect and love, so as to avoid the claws of domestic violence from reaching out again.

In the days to come, let us call together for the establishment of a penal mechanism to say "no" to domestic violence. It is only through the protection of the law and the attention of society that we can make the family truly a bastion of love and dignity. Let children thrive in a sunny environment, stay away from harm, and move towards a better future!