
Top 10 Performances Men Love You

author:Golden Triangle mobile phone store
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You
Top 10 Performances Men Love You

The night is low, the stars are shining,

We strolled through the quiet streets,

Suddenly, he stopped and looked at me affectionately,

"You know what? I've been in love with you. ”

I was stunned, and a warm current surged in my heart,

I didn't expect him to express his heart so directly,

I smiled slightly, looking forward to his next words,

"Can you tell me, then, how did you like me?"

He gently took my hand, and his eyes sparkled with determination,

"Every smile you have, every concern you have, has touched me deeply. ”

As I listened to his words, my heart was filled with sweetness,

It turned out that he had been silently watching me,

And I, unconsciously, also developed a deep affection for him.

He continued to speak his heart,

"I like your intelligence and independence, and I like your love and pursuit of life. ”

I nodded, my heart full of gratitude,

It turned out that what he admired was exactly who I had been trying to be.

He looked at me with tenderness in his eyes,

"I also like your gentleness and thoughtfulness, and I like your care and care for me. ”

I listened to his words, and a warm current welled up in my heart,

It turned out that his love for me was so comprehensive and profound.

We looked at each other and smiled, our hearts were full of tacit understanding,

I know he's been my destiny.

He told me that he would give everything for me,

They will guard me and care for me until we are gray-haired.

As I listened to his words, my heart was full of emotion,

It turned out that his liking for me was so firm and persistent.

In the days that followed, I got to know him more deeply,

Every subtlety of him reveals his liking for me.

He will not hesitate to lend a hand when I need it,

When I'm unhappy, listen to me patiently.

He will care about my every feeling, care about every detail of me,

His liking is not only a verbal expression, but also a manifestation of action.

Once, we went to the movies together,

The plot in the movie moved me to tears,

He gently wiped away my tears and said softly,

"Don't cry, I'll always be there for you, guarding your smile. ”

At that moment, I deeply felt his love and care,

His presence made me feel more relieved and happy than ever before.

I know that he likes me because he sees me as he really is,

He appreciates me because he understands me and supports me.

His liking, not on the spur of the moment, but after careful consideration,

He is willing to pay for me and is willing to spend his life with me.

The top ten manifestations of men liking you are actually not just superficial behaviors,

It is also the emotion and commitment in his heart.

He will use his actions to prove his liking, and protect your happiness with sincerity.

He will go through the ups and downs of life with you, and share the joys, sorrows and sorrows of life together.

So, when you meet a man who genuinely likes you,

Please cherish him and give him a response,

Because this kind of love is so rare and precious.

Now, we've gone through many days and nights,

His love has been deeply imprinted in my heart,

I know that I will use all my passion and sincerity,

To respond to his liking and to protect our love.