
It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

author:Zhuang Zhuang has something to say

When we think of Japanese products, words like "sophisticated", "reliable", and "high-tech" often come to mind.

However, a recent incident that shocked society not only cast a shadow over the aura of Made in Japan, but also forced us to re-examine the quality assurance that we once believed in.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, a well-known name in the international market, has recently stood on the cusp because of the "Reiwa drug damage incident".

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The incident not only resulted in five deaths from kidney disease and 166 hospitalizations, but also revealed a troubling truth: even seemingly safe and harmless health supplements can become a health hazard.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

The cause of the incident was a problem with the raw materials for red yeast rice produced by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. This ingredient is not only used by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, but also supplied to more than 200 companies, which in turn process the ingredients into a variety of food products, affecting 33,000 companies in the entire Japanese market. Behind this series of figures, the trust of each family has been betrayed, and the confidence of countries in Japanese manufacturing has been shaken.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Even more alarmingly, the root cause of the problem may simply be a hygiene issue in the production process. Some experts suspect that Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's production of red yeast rice may have been contaminated with penicillium that should not have been present. Penicillium, a strange microorganism, can cause great harm to the human body. From the skin to internal organs, from the digestive tract to the bones, Penicillium attacks are ubiquitous and can be life-threatening in severe cases.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

This incident is not just a problem for Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, it reflects the crisis of the entire Japanese manufacturing industry. Once we worshipped the Japanese craftsmanship almost to the point of blindness, but now this incident has forced us to face the reality that no country or brand can guarantee that mistakes will never be made. Product quality issues can happen at any time, and we, as consumers, must be vigilant.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

Here, I would like to say to all consumers: please do not give trust to any brand lightly. When choosing a product, we need to pay more attention to the product's ingredients, production process, and safety. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the supervision of product quality, not only for our own health, but also for the well-being of society as a whole.

It turns out that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

For governments and regulators, the incident is a wake-up call. How to strengthen supervision, ensure product quality, and protect the rights and interests of consumers is an urgent task in front of us. We need stricter regulations, more detailed testing, and more transparent information disclosure to rebuild public confidence in the quality of our products.

In closing, I would like to say that although this incident has shocked and disturbed us, it has also given us an opportunity to reflect. Let's re-examine our perception of products, brands, and countries, and let us learn to treat each product more rationally and prudently. Only in this way can we better protect ourselves in this uncertain world.

#日本制造 #小林制药 #消费者权益 #产品质量 #工匠精神 #健康生活

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