
A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

author:We in the sun

A thatched house is facing the door of the house

In ancient times, there was a place called Qingyun Town, where the mountains and rivers were beautiful and the people were simple. However, in this quiet countryside, there is a peculiar scene that has aroused a lot of discussion. It was a family at the east end of the town, and the small thatched house of this family was facing the door of the neighbor's house, forming a very unlucky pattern.

The neighbor's surname is Li, and the head of the family, Li Laohan, is a hard-working and simple farmer, who has been industrious and thrifty all his life, and has saved a lot of family business. However, since the family moved in, the Li family's life has become more and more difficult. First, the crops in the fields failed one after another, and then the livestock fell ill frequently, and even Li Laohan himself often felt unwell and depressed.

People in the town are talking about it, saying that this family's small thatched house is facing the gate of the Li family, which is a taboo in feng shui and will definitely bring bad luck to the Li family. Although Li Laohan didn't believe this, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart when he looked at the increasingly decaying scene of his home.

One day, Qingyun Town ushered in a new county magistrate. This county magistrate is young and promising, talented, and even more rare is that he is honest and fair, and is deeply loved by the people. One day, the county commander inspected the countryside and happened to pass by in front of the Li family's door and saw the scene of the family's small thatched house facing the Li family's gate. The county commander frowned, and secretly thought to himself: "There must be something strange here." ”

The county magistrate walked into Li's house and talked with Li Laohan. He inquired about the situation of the Li family in recent years, and carefully inspected the layout of the home. After some observation, the county magistrate found that although the Li family's mansion was spacious, the layout was a little messy, especially the location of the small thatched house, which seemed out of place. The county commander had a plan in his heart, so he said to Li Laohan: "Uncle, I think the layout of your house is a little inappropriate, especially the place where the thatched house is facing the gate, it is a taboo in feng shui. If it is not rectified, I am afraid that the fortune of the family will not improve. ”

Li Laohan listened to the words of the county order, although he didn't believe it in his heart, but he couldn't help but be shaken when he thought of the misfortunes that had happened to his family one after another. He hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask my lord, is there a way to crack it?" The county magistrate nodded and said: "The way to crack is not difficult, just re-plan the layout of the house, move the thatched house, and then place some things from the town house at the door, and you can resolve this situation." ”

A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

Li Laohan listened to the guidance of the county order, and his heart suddenly brightened. He hurriedly thanked the county order and decided to follow the county order's recommendations to rectify the feng shui in his home. As a result, the Li family began to get busy, replanning the layout of the house, moving the thatched house, and placing the things of the town house. After some renovation, the Li family's house has a new look, and it is no longer the messy appearance it used to be.

However, in the process of the Li family's renovation of the house, the family did not move at all. They didn't seem to care about the guidance of the county order, nor did they care about the Li family's rectification actions. This made Li Laohan feel a little strange, and he couldn't help but think to himself: "Where did this family come from? Why do you care so much about feng shui?"

After the rectification was completed, the life of the Li family really improved. The crops in the fields began to harvest, the livestock also regained their health, and even Li Laohan himself felt refreshed, as if he was much younger. The people of the town were amazed and praised the wisdom of the county order and the good fortune of the Li family.

However, just as the Li family was celebrating, the family suddenly heard a cry. It turned out that the owner of the family had died of a sudden illness. The news caused an uproar in the town, and people talked about the family's misfortune and the Li family's good fortune.

After Li Laohan heard the news, he couldn't help but feel a pity in his heart. When he came to the door of the house, he saw that they were busy taking care of the aftermath, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of sympathy in his heart. He stood silently aside, looking at the busy figure of the family, and thought to himself: "Although this family does not believe in feng shui, it still suffers misfortune after all." It seems that the fortune of this world is still elusive after all. ”

However, just when Li Laohan sighed, he suddenly discovered a strange phenomenon. It turned out that although the owner of the family died of illness, the family did not show too much sadness. On the contrary, they seemed to be busy with something, and there was even a slight smile on their faces.

A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

Li Laohan couldn't help but feel a wave of doubt in his heart, and he decided to secretly observe the family's every move. After some observation, he was surprised to find that the family had quietly dug up a treasure chest at the owner's funeral. The treasure chest was filled with gold and silver jewels, apparently the family's savings over the years.

When Li Laohan saw this scene, he suddenly understood in his heart. It turned out that the reason why this family didn't believe in feng shui and didn't care about the Li family's rectification actions was because they had long known where the family's wealth was. They deliberately built the thatched house in front of the gate of the Li family, just to hide people's eyes and ears and protect their wealth from outsiders.

Thinking of this, Li Laohan couldn't help but feel a little afraid. He was glad that he had followed the advice of the county order and rectified the feng shui in his home, otherwise, he would probably be like this family, although he has wealth, he will not be able to enjoy it with peace of mind.

Since then, Li Laohan's admiration for the county order has become even deeper. He praised the wisdom and fairness of the county decree whenever he met people, and often reminded the people of the town to pay attention to the feng shui doctrine to avoid misfortune. Although the family lost its owner, the family's wealth was preserved, and with the help of the Li family, they gradually walked out of the haze and started a new life.

However, the story doesn't end there. As time passed, the people of Qingyun Town gradually discovered that although the family had lost its owner, their lives were getting richer and richer, even surpassing many large families in the town. This has led to curiosity and speculation about the family's secret to being able to accumulate wealth so easily.

At this time, the term of office of the new prefectural magistrate had expired and he was about to leave office. Before leaving office, the county magistrate specially came to Li's house to say goodbye to Li Laohan. During the conversation, Li Laohan couldn't help but mention the strange phenomenon of that family to the county order. After listening to Li Laohan's description, the county commander frowned and pondered for a moment.

A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

"Uncle, this matter is indeed a little strange. "However, I suspect that the reason why this family has been able to accumulate wealth may not be all due to luck or secrets, but because they have a unique way of doing business and frugal living habits." ”

Li Laohan listened to the words of the county order, although he had some doubts in his heart, he also felt that there was some truth. He remembered that although the owner of the family died of illness, the wife and children of the family were industrious and thrifty, and never wasted a single thing. Perhaps, this is the reason why they have been able to accumulate wealth.

Seeing that Li Laohan had an understanding, the county commander continued: "Uncle, things in the world are often not as simple as they seem. Although that family seems lucky, there must be unknown efforts and dedication behind it. We should learn from their diligence and frugality, rather than blindly pursuing the so-called Feng Shui and fortune. ”

Li Laohan listened to the words of the county order, and suddenly became enlightened. He bowed deeply to the county order and said gratefully: "Thank you, Lord for your guidance, the old man has been taught." ”

The prefectural commander smiled and nodded, and turned to leave. Since then, the people of Qingyun Town are no longer overly superstitious about feng shui, but pay more attention to diligence and frugality. They learn from each other, help each other, and together create a harmonious and prosperous home.

And with the help of the people in the town, the family gradually regained its former vitality. They continued to live a thrifty and thrifty lifestyle, and at the same time, they began to pay attention to the needs of others in the town and actively participate in public welfare activities. Their good deeds have won the respect and praise of the people in the town, and have also made them a beautiful scenery in Qingyun Town.

A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

This story has been circulated in Qingyun Town for a long time and has become a good story in the hearts of generations after generations. It tells people that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges they face, as long as they maintain the quality of diligence and thrift, and face life positively, they will be able to create a better future of their own. At the same time, it also reminds people not to be overly superstitious about feng shui and fortune, but to believe in their own efforts and dedication, and believe that a better future will come. And just when the people of Qingyun Town were immersed in this harmony and prosperity, a sudden natural disaster broke the peace. Days of torrential rain triggered flash floods, which swept in like beasts, submerging Qingyun Town in a vast ocean.

In this disaster, many houses were washed away, fields were flooded, people were displaced, and life was in dire straits. However, just when everyone was feeling desperate, the family showed amazing cohesion and self-help.

It turned out that although the owner of the family died of illness, his wife was an extremely intelligent woman. Expecting the possibility of flooding in the town, she dug a large cellar under her home to store rainwater and domestic water. When the flood hit, she resolutely led her family to take refuge in this water cellar and thus escaped.

Not only that, but she also actively organized her family and the survivors in the town to save themselves. They used their boats and tools to rescue many trapped villagers and put them in a safe place. In the days that followed, the family was even more generous, distributing their food and belongings to the affected villagers to help them tide over the difficulties.

Li Laohan was also one of the victims of this disaster. His home was washed away by floods, his fields were flooded, and his life was in dire straits. However, it was in this most difficult moment that the family's wife reached out. Not only did she help him rebuild his home, but she also taught him how to grow crops that are resistant to waterlogging to cope with future floods.

In the eyes of Li Laohan and other villagers, this family is no longer the "strange" family that they once talked about, but their life-saving benefactor and their relatives. They were grateful for the kindness and selflessness of the family, and admired their wisdom and courage.

After this disaster, the people of Qingyun Town were more united. Together, they repaired houses and roads that had been washed away by floods and rebuilt their homes. And that family also won the respect and admiration of the people of the town because of their kindness and wisdom.

A thatched house is facing the gate of the house, and the county order passes by: there must be something strange here

Time flies, time flies. Years later, Qingyun Town has regained its former prosperity and beauty. And the deeds of that family have also been praised to this day, and have become a good story in the mouths of people in Qingyun Town and even the surrounding areas.

Whenever someone mentions this family, people sigh. They lamented the family's industriousness and frugality, their wisdom and courage, and even more so their kindness and selflessness. And this family has always maintained that simplicity and kindness, and together with the people of the town, they are creating a better future.

This story tells us that true wealth is not gold, silver and jewelry, but the quality of hard work and frugality, the courage to face adversity, and the kindness of willing to help others. Only with these can we go further, more stable and more wonderful on the road of life.