
Dark circles are getting heavier, is it a bad sleep?

author:Yu Hui

The so-called "panda eyes", the formation of dark circles, are not only the preserve of night owls, they are distinctive, regardless of age and gender, especially in cases of lack of sleep and lack of rest. The physiological mechanism behind this phenomenon is that the vascular network around the eyes is particularly dense, and any factor that causes darkening of the blood color or poor circulation can trigger pigmentation of the skin around the eyes.

Dark circles are getting heavier, is it a bad sleep?

The color of dark circles can be broadly divided into two types: blue-black and brown. Blue-black dark circles are mainly caused by poor blood return in the veins in the tiny blood vessels around the eyes, while brown dark circles are usually associated with excessive production or poor metabolism of melanin. Although dark circles mainly affect a person's appearance, their appearance can also be a sign of certain health problems, so they should not be taken lightly and should be paid attention to and dealt with in a timely manner.

Dark circles are getting heavier, is it a bad sleep?

What diseases do dark circles portend?

When exploring the link between physical health and facial features, particularly liver health, we noticed that about 20% of patients with liver disease exhibit hyperpigmentation around the face and eyes. This is usually associated with persistent abnormalities in liver function and an enlarged liver, manifested by persistent dark circles. This condition reflects the body's response to mood swings and a high-pressure state, resulting in poor liver qi, obstructed blood circulation, and ultimately a buildup of melanin in the tiny blood vessels around the eyes.

Poor kidney health can also manifest itself in facial features such as dull eyes and dark circles, which reminds us that we need to avoid overexertion and staying up late and maintain a positive mindset to prevent the risk of kidney failure, which can be caused by conditions such as nephritis, kidney stones, high blood pressure, or diabetes.

People with heart disease may also experience dark circles under their eyes, accompanied by difficulty breathing and tingling in the chest area. This condition requires immediate medical attention and a comprehensive examination to ensure heart health.

Finally, menstrual irregularities and dysmenorrhea, as a manifestation of abnormal flow of qi and blood, may also appear on the face in the form of dark circles. In this case, it is advisable to increase the intake of hot water, keep warm, and seek professional gynaecological endocrine treatment if the problem persists.

From the above discussion, we can see that facial features, especially changes around the eyes, can be used as an external indicator of health problems within the body. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of these changes and take appropriate lifestyle adjustments and timely medical consultation.

Dark circles are getting heavier, is it a bad sleep?

Treatment and prevention of dark circles

When discussing ways to improve dark circles, you can start from two aspects: pigmentation and blood circulation. First of all, the key to targeting pigmented dark circles is to reduce the accumulation of melanin around the eyes. Skincare products containing antioxidants, such as vitamin C, niacinamide and arbutin, are recommended to improve the evenness of skin tone around the eyes. At the same time, the use of a gentle moisturizing eye cream can effectively strengthen the moisturizing and whitening of the skin around the eyes. In addition, effective sun protection measures, including wearing a hat and sunglasses and using sunscreen, are essential to prevent the formation of dark circles. In some cases, it may be necessary to use specific topical medications, such as hydroquinone or tretinoin, under the guidance of a doctor, or to consider picosecond laser treatment for more dramatic improvements.

For vascular dark circles, the key is to improve circulation and avoid bad lifestyle habits. Adequate and regular sleep is fundamental, and it is generally recommended to get 6 to 9 hours of sleep per night and try to fall asleep before 11 p.m. While resting during the day can reduce fatigue, it can't fully offset the negative health effects of staying up late. In addition, moderate aerobic exercise, such as walking or yoga, can effectively promote blood circulation. Avoiding foods high in caffeine and sugar before bed is also an important measure to reduce dark circles. For those with high skin clarity and prominent blood vessels, consider using a massage around the eyes, scraping or a warm compress to improve blood circulation and lighten dark circles, or a professional medical treatment to cover the blood vessels.