
Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

author:Our country will be strong, and our generation will be self-reliant


The Middle East is one of the cradles of ancient civilizations.

However, the situation in the Middle East has been complex and unstable. There are many political, religious, ethnic, and economic contradictions and conflicts in the region, such as religious differences, territorial disputes, and resource struggles.

In addition, factors such as the intervention of external forces, the existence of terrorist activities, and the instability of the political systems of some countries in the region have also exacerbated the unpeace in the Middle East.

In particular, the Middle East war, which was fought by Israel with Egypt, Syria and other surrounding Arab countries. This instability has been exacerbated. It can be said that historical grievances have a long history. The heat in the Middle East is just as hot there is.

The recent situation in the Middle East can be described as full of great uncertainty.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has resumed. A large number of Palestinian civilian casualties have been caused.

Grievances between Israel and Iran have intensified, and war is on the verge of breaking out.

Israel's hard-line attitude is evident to all.

01 Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". The next U.S. assistance to Israel will depend on what specific steps Israel takes to protect civilians and aid workers in the Gaza Strip.

U.S. President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after seven international aid workers died in the Gaza Strip that U.S. assistance to Israel next would depend on what concrete steps Israel takes to protect civilians and aid workers in the Gaza Strip.

Biden issued the warning during another phone call with Netanyahu on Thursday (April 4).

Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

Biden made it clear to Netanyahu that U.S. policy toward the Gaza Strip will depend on our assessment of Israel's immediate, concrete actions, the White House said.

White House spokesman Kirby said that if we don't see Israel changing, we will make it. We hope to see some Israeli announcements in the coming hours or days.

Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?
Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?
Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?
Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

Seven international aid workers from the charity organization "World Central Kitchen" were killed by Israeli airstrikes in the central Gaza Strip on the 1st.

Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

Seven international aid workers from the charity organization "World Central Kitchen".

The attack on seven international aid workers at the charity organization "World Central Kitchen" has caused an international uproar. This has been strongly condemned by many countries.

This time, the U.S. position seems to be firm. One of the major factors that prompted Biden's "shift" in stance was the attack on the death of seven international aid workers at the charity organization "World Central Kitchen".

Despite the fact that the United States is a staunch ally of long-standing supporters of Israel, Biden has been under intense pressure to suspend or stop arms shipments to Israel.

02 Israel is tough

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on the 4th that we know how to protect ourselves, and we will act according to a simple principle, that is, no matter who harms us or plans to harm us, we will return it one by one.

Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

On the same day that Netanyahu's remarks, the Israeli army announced that all combat units were suspended from vacation. Israeli Defense Minister Gallant said on the same day that Israel is stepping up its preparedness in the face of threats from all over the Middle East.

03 If Israel continues to be tough and does not heed Biden's "warning", what can the United States do to Israel?

If Israel continues to be tough, will the United States really be able to do something out of the ordinary against Israel? Will the United States be able to abandon Israel?

The answer should be no.

Why does Israel dare to do this? First, Israel is indeed strong enough, but if the United States does not help behind it, the situation will change.

Israel is indispensable as a staunch ally and an important strategic fulcrum of the United States in the Middle East.

Jews wield a wide range of influence in the United States, especially in the economic, political, and cultural spheres.

In the United States, whether it is the news media, propaganda agencies, Wall Street financial institutions. According to US media reports, 3% of Jews in the United States control 70% of the wealth of the United States. In the political field, Jews also have a certain say in American politics, and many Jews are actively involved in international peace activities and have had an impact on American international policy. The influence and lobbying power of Jews in the U.S. Congress cannot be underestimated. In the field of culture, the influence of Jews in American popular culture cannot be ignored, and they control 60% of the media resources in the United States, including the three major newspapers in the United States, such as the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal, as well as CNN, CBS, NBC and other media. In addition, many of Hollywood's film giants are also backed by Jewish capital.

Jewish influence in the United States is arguably significant. Therefore, the United States cannot give up on Israel at any time, which is why Israel dares to be so, and Netanyahu is also determined that the United States cannot do anything to him.

04 Recently, Israel's behavior has gone a little too far, and some of its rampage has gone too far. The United States is under moral pressure

Recently, some of Israel's actions have gone too far, and some of its rampage has gone too far. Like an angry lion.

Recently, Israel can be said to be "holding a deck of cards in its waist, saying who to play with". The United States is under moral "pressure" and wants to "do something" and "advise" Israel in order to reduce its own moral pressure. In addition, for the sake of its own interests, the United States must be able to control the behavior of other countries in its own hands, and everything must not get out of control, so the United States hopes that Israel will not continue to run violent like this.

Write at the end

When we look up at the starry sky and see the vast beauty of the universe, how small we are to the universe as individuals, shouldn't we join hands and put down the butcher's knife in our hands for the sake of a better future for mankind and move towards a peaceful and beautiful future?

When we see that there are still some people who are suffering from hunger and sickness, and we should not face natural disasters together, will we also have a desire for peace in our hearts? Are we willing to put down the butcher's knife in our hands and build a harmonious world with love and tolerance?

Biden gave Netanyahu an "ultimatum". Will the United States be serious? Will Israel listen?

Disclaimer: The content is taken from the Internet

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