
The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

author:Sister Pa is entertaining

When I was in school, my teacher would often ask people about their vision for the future, and many times we would choose to be a teacher or a police officer, and the big idea was to be a scientist.

Because this is the most visible profession for their age, and it is also the profession they aspire to, but some children are in a different environment from an early age, so they often speak amazingly.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

On an ordinary day, on April 3, a video of elementary school students making sentences accidentally went viral, sparking a widespread discussion around dreams, identity, and truth.

In this video, a young boy loudly declares that his dream is to inherit the family business and become the president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, because his family, from his grandparents to his parents, seems to have an indissoluble bond with the bank.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

The boy's remarks immediately attracted widespread attention and discussion among netizens. In his view, becoming president is not only a career choice, but also a kind of inheritance of the family mission. However, things are not as simple as the little boy imagined.

The Agricultural Development Bank of China quickly investigated the matter and stated that the boy's remarks were not true. They clarified that the boy's grandfather was not the president of the bank, and he never became a president, and he was only an employee until he retired.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

His mother was not a vice president, but a section-level cadre. However, the investigation and revelations of netizens revealed another layer of truth - the boy's grandfather was really the president, and his mother used to be the vice president, and his father was also the president of the local agricultural bank.

Even the photos of the boy's parents who inherited the president were picked up, and everyone found that this is actually a very ordinary family, they are very low-key in life, and they will not even travel at will.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

But as more information was revealed, what was originally a simple child's dream of becoming the president of the bank turned into a public discussion about the truth, family background and social concepts, and even many people questioned the whole world.

However, netizens reacted differently, with some praising the little boy's sincerity and innocence, while others questioned the motivation and sense of responsibility of the video publisher.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

In fact, the young boy's ideals, whether out of family inheritance expectations or personal aspirations, reflect society's deep concern for the inheritance of fathers, births and unequal opportunities.

In traditional Chinese culture, the inheritance of the father's business is regarded as a virtue, which represents the continuation and inheritance of the family business. However, in the context of modern society, this concept is being re-examined and challenged.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

The rapid development and changes of society, as well as the emphasis on individual ability and fair competition, have led more and more people to reflect and discuss: what kind of inheritance of the father's business is a positive inheritance, and what kind of may become a shackle that restricts individual development and social progress.

Although the incident originated from a video of a child, it provoked deep reflection on the complex relationship between society, family and individuals. As many netizens have pointed out, everyone should have the right to pursue their dreams.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

Whether this dream is to continue the glory of the family or to forge its own path. At the same time, society should also provide equal opportunities for everyone to realize their dreams based on their own efforts and abilities.

Behind this story, we see a microcosm of society, an ongoing discussion of dreams, effort, and fairness. Whether or not this little boy will be able to realize his dream of becoming a president in the future.

The photo of the boy's parents who inherited the president was picked up, and his father was the president of the Agricultural Development Bank, all of which were true

His story reminds us that in fact, he is telling the truth, but everyone is reluctant to admit it, so on this basis, everyone will naturally have a very heated discussion about this matter.

Similarly, the video exposer also made many people curious, because according to the statement, we can know that this video was not exposed by the teacher, so the exposer's thoughts also made many people think deeply.

But in any case, everyone must be serious about their work and career, so that they can get good results, and this result is also related to the future of children, isn't it?

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