
1 millennium anti-aging prescription!sweep hair loss, white hair, tinnitus and backache, and greatly replenish the essence and blood of the body

author:Lingsu Chinese Medicine

We Chinese, spare our lives. Since the time of our ancestors, generation after generation of Chinese have been constantly pondering how to live forever. As a result, there was the elixir in the alchemy furnace and the legend of Penglai Immortal Island. However, going back and forth, immortality is always an ethereal myth that cannot be realized. However, in the process of long-term exploration, the Chinese have found a series of ways to prolong life and delay aging.

1 millennium anti-aging prescription!sweep hair loss, white hair, tinnitus and backache, and greatly replenish the essence and blood of the body

That's right, it's to slow down aging. Immortality cannot be achieved, but there is great hope for delaying aging. So after thousands of years of deduction, Chinese medicine has come up with an anti-aging prescription - Qibao Hair Pill.

There is no basis for words, but today through one of my patients, I would like to elaborate on it for you:

The patient is a 41-year-old male who ages very quickly. There is not much hair left, and he is often hunched over.

Progression of the disease: Since half a year ago, the person has had flaky hair loss. But I didn't care about it, and the hair loss became more and more serious, and even the eyebrows fell down.

Current patient condition: soreness in the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus. Walking, hunched over, looking old.

1 millennium anti-aging prescription!sweep hair loss, white hair, tinnitus and backache, and greatly replenish the essence and blood of the body

The problem is getting worse and the patient seeks TCM help.

After learning about the situation, I used the following recipes: Shou Wu, Poria cocos, hyssop, angelica, wolfberry, dodder seed, psoralen, mulberry, black sesame, boiled licorice, Chuanxiong, chicken blood vine.

1 millennium anti-aging prescription!sweep hair loss, white hair, tinnitus and backache, and greatly replenish the essence and blood of the body

After taking it, new hairs have grown in the area of hair loss, and no new hair loss appears. Tinnitus and dizziness have been reduced. Later, the patient's eyebrows and hair all grew back, and the tinnitus disappeared.

So what's the truth behind this?

The process of aging is actually the process of liver and kidney insufficiency.

Why? The liver stores blood, and the kidneys store essence. The liver and kidney are homologous, and the kidney is the innate foundation. The essence and blood of the liver and kidneys are the life capital hidden in our bodies by our parents. This cost, use a little, a little. A little less, we age a little more. In the end, when it is completely used up, we should also have premature aging.

Is the liver and kidney essence and blood sufficient, where is it reflected?

Embodied in our hair. Hair is not only blood, but also the flower of the kidneys. The liver and kidneys are full of essence and blood, and our hair is black and beautiful. Why do girls like to have long hair? Because they are showing the opposite sex that they have enough sperm and blood and are in good health.

In addition, it is also reflected in our ears. The kidneys open up to the ears. If the liver and kidneys are deficient in essence and blood, and the ear is not nourished, we will have hearing loss, tinnitus and deafness.

In addition, it is also reflected in our waist and knees. The waist is the house of the kidneys, and the knees are the house of the tendons. The liver and kidneys are insufficient, and they cannot master the waist and knees, so the waist and knees are sore, weak and weak, and even walk and bend over and hunch.

In short, our liver, kidney, essence and blood, as the capital of life bank, its rise and fall directly determine our life experience and life image. The fewer they are, the older we get.

The patient in the medical case above. He is actually a typical example of hair loss, tinnitus, and backache caused by insufficient sperm and blood in the liver and kidney. The veins are fine, the tongue is light, and the moss is thin and yellow, which is the tongue vein of the liver and kidney with insufficient sperm and blood. The essence and blood are insufficient, and the pulse is depleted, so the pulse is thin and the tongue is weak. Sperm and blood are insufficient, and the deficiency heat is endogenous, so the pulse number is slightly yellow.

Let's take a look at this recipe, which is actually the addition and subtraction application of Qibao Beauty Hair Pill:

1. Preparation of Shou Wu, wolfberry, dodder seed, psoralen - great tonic liver and kidney essence and blood.

2. Poria cocos - strengthens the spleen, promotes the biochemistry of qi and blood, and can promote dampness, so as not to nourish and become greasy.

3. Oxknee - nourishes the liver and kidneys, strengthens the muscles and bones, and relieves limb discomfort. Angelica, nourishing blood and invigorating blood.

1 millennium anti-aging prescription!sweep hair loss, white hair, tinnitus and backache, and greatly replenish the essence and blood of the body

All in all, we need to know where human aging comes from and from where. We should master more of the anti-aging and anti-aging skills in traditional Chinese medicine. The Chinese have dreamed of longevity for thousands of years, and in the current era, it should be time to realize it.

Finally, I would like to remind you that the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine needs to be added or subtracted from specific clinical symptoms, if you have any uncomfortable symptoms, do not blindly apply it, please go under the guidance of a professional physician to recuperate.