
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness

author:ballistic missile
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness
Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness

Giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness

I used to believe that the true meaning of life lies in constantly pursuing and having. However, after years of baptism, I gradually realized that giving is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness. This change came from an unexpected experience that made me re-examine my life.

It was a sunny afternoon, and I was sitting in the corner of the café, enjoying a rare leisure time. With a book on the philosophy of life in my hand, I immersed myself in it, trying to find the true meaning of life. Suddenly, a familiar voice broke my musings.

"Long time no see, how are you doing?" I looked up and saw that it was Xiao Li, an old friend I hadn't seen for many years. We used to be confidants who talked about everything, but gradually lost touch because of the busyness of life.

"It's okay, it's just a little confused. I responded with a slight smile, but an inexplicable melancholy welled up in my heart.

Xiao Li saw my emotions, he sat down, and began to share his life experience. He said that he has been busy pursuing his career and money all these years, but he has neglected the needs and feelings of his heart. It was only recently that he began to reflect on his life and try to let go of some obsessions in pursuit of true happiness.

Listening to Xiao Li's narration, I seemed to see my own shadow. I have also been pursuing more material wealth and higher social status, but I have neglected inner peace and contentment. I began to think, should I also be like Xiao Li, learn to give up, learn to let go?

A few days later, I attended a charity bazaar. There, I met a lady named Ah Fang. She is a volunteer who is busy every day helping those in need. She always has a happy smile on her face, as if she has endless joy.

I couldn't help but ask her curiously, "Ah Fang, why are you so happy? Don't you feel tired when you're so busy every day?"

Ah Fang replied with a smile: "Actually, busyness is the source of my happiness. When I see those in need being helped because of my efforts, I feel extremely satisfied and happy. This kind of happiness is incomparable to money and material things. ”

I was deeply touched by Fong's words. I began to realize that true happiness is not about having material possessions, but about the satisfaction and dedication of our hearts. When we are willing to help others, to give love and care, we gain not only gratitude and respect, but also inner peace and happiness.

After that, I started trying to change my lifestyle. I began to be willing to let go of some unnecessary obsessions and pursuits, and pay attention to my inner needs and feelings. I began to learn to appreciate the beautiful moments in life and feel the magic and charm of nature.

At the same time, I also started to actively participate in some volunteer activities to help those in need. I find that when I put my heart into it, my heart is full of satisfaction and joy. This kind of happiness has never been seen before, and it makes me feel the true meaning and value of life.

In the process, I also gradually improved my state of mind. I have learned to face the challenges and difficulties in life with a more peaceful mind, and to deal with the shortcomings and shortcomings of others with a more tolerant attitude. I have found that when my mindset becomes more positive and sunny, my life also becomes better and more fulfilling.

Now, I am no longer confused and melancholy. I know very well that giving up is the harvest, the state of mind is the cultivation, and the busyness is the happiness. These experiences have made me cherish my present life even more, and they have also filled me with confidence and anticipation for the future.

I believe that as long as we learn to give, give with our hearts, and maintain a positive attitude, we can reap more happiness and joy. Because the true meaning of life is not about how much we have, but how we have, how we feel, and how we give.

I remember one time, I participated in an environmental welfare event. It was early one weekend morning, and I went to the outskirts of the mountains with a group of volunteers to clean up the trash and pollutants there. The trail was rough and we were sweaty, but everyone had a smile on their faces.

When we see the patches of land that have been cleared, we feel a sense of satisfaction. I know that our efforts have not only rejuvenated this land, but also allowed us to reap growth and joy for ourselves. At that moment, I deeply felt the joy of busyness.

As I experienced more and more, I gradually realized that being busy is not a burden, but a pleasure. When I dedicate myself to something, I forget the passage of time, forget the distractions of the outside world, and focus on every detail of the moment. This kind of focus and dedication makes me feel the fullness and beauty of life.

At the same time, I also began to pay more attention to my state of mind. I understand that a person's state of mind has a direct impact on his quality of life and well-being. So, I started learning meditation and relaxation techniques to make my mind more calm and serene. When I face difficulties and challenges, I am able to think more calmly about problems and find solutions to problems.

Willingness, mood, and busyness are three words that have been deeply imprinted in my heart today. They are my guide to life and the secret of my pursuit of happiness. I believe that as long as I can persevere, my future will be brighter and more fulfilling.

Looking back, I am grateful to the people and things that made me realize these truths. They have made me grow and made me stronger and more mature. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I believe that as long as I can maintain a willing heart, a peaceful state of mind, and a busy happiness, I will be able to bravely face all challenges and meet a better future.