
Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

author:A hundred years of elegant entertainment

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Let me give you a detailed explanation of the ins and outs of this play. "Walking with the Phoenix", this is a TV series that stirs people's hearts. Speaking of these two protagonists, one is Zhao Liying and the other is Lin Gengxin, who are both well-known names. If you think that if the two of them play well, then the atmosphere of the play will be good, but if one person can't do it, then it will be a problem.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

This drama is like a very popular period drama, the scene is set in ancient times, everyone is wearing ancient costumes and talking ancient words, and the plot is exciting. The gossip that is circulating now says that the performance of these two protagonists in and out of the play is really distinct.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's talk about Zhao Liying first, you have to know that she plays a little sad and lost girl in the play, named Shen Li. There was a scene where she followed the male protagonist played by Lin Gengxin, and the two accidentally kissed.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

But it was this carelessness that made the audience talk a lot. Also, once she was late for a message in the live broadcast and said sorry, and then, Lin Gengxin also replied to her. Isn't this kind of interaction hot, you say?

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's talk about Lin Update. This guy is a caring person, and he takes care of Zhao Liying. Whether in the play or in real life, he cares about her.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Especially at the dinner, he also told his assistant to take good care of Zhao Liying, isn't this distressing for her? His acting skills are also well-known, you see that he plays so well, and all kinds of emotions can be interpreted vividly.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Have you ever heard of the relationship between these two people? It's the kind of relationship that makes everyone envious. Some people even called on Zhao Liying to consider Lin Gengxin, which really made people wonder about the emotions between them. But the matter of the two of them is their own business, so outsiders should not get involved too much.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's move on to the details of this play. Let's start from the plot, this is a sweet drama. It is said that Shen Li, played by Zhao Liying, accidentally kissed Lin Gengxin when she was healing. But this time, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You see, this embarrassment comes from Lin Gengxin's performance. His acting skills are really unsatisfactory. To put it bluntly, it's just pulling the crotch, and the performance is not good. Netizens began to complain, saying that his acting skills were not good, and he was about to pull his crotch home.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You also have to see that the relationship between these two people is not smooth sailing. You say, how embarrassing Zhao Liying is, who let the acting skills of the partner pull her hips? But she has to maintain her demeanor, after all, she is a public figure, and she has to update Lin to some steps. Can you imagine the awkwardness between these two people? It's like an unexpected situation in a play, which makes the audience a little overwhelmed.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

After the show was broadcast, the ratings were really good, but the topic didn't get up much. I have to say that I really have to rely on the traffic of Zhao Liying and Lin Gengxin to support the scene.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You think, these two people are big stars who are loved by everyone, and their personalities are also the ones who are favored. But the character design of this play is a bit bland and lacks some attractiveness, you know?

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

It's like if you've seen an actor who is a bit dull, and the role is just like that, and the audience doesn't think there's anything special about it. It's like a bowl of water, and it doesn't taste good when you drink it, it's just the feeling that makes people feel bland.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's talk about Lin Update. This guy is really a delicate person, and he takes care of Zhao Liying enough. Whether it is in the play or in real life, he looks very concerned.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

This guy is like a caring buddy, and he takes care of Zhao Liying meticulously. Even in inconvenient situations, he never forgets to give her a warm hug. Isn't that considerate enough?

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

He also often expresses his affection for her on Weibo, and also gives gifts, which are really interesting and always hide deep meanings. It's as if I'm silently expressing my heart to her, you can imagine.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You see, once she was late for the live broadcast and apologized to her fans, which is a big deal. But at this moment, Lin Gengxin came out and replied to her. This kind of interaction is simply warm.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You said that the interaction between these two people is simply a perfect match in and out of the play. It's like a wonderful play, which makes people watch with relish, full of anticipation and surprises.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Netizens are also envious of their relationship, and they are all shouting, "Zhao Liying, why don't you think about Lin Gengxin?" This really focuses on the two of them, you think, this is not an easy thing.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's talk about the plot and performance of this play. You have to know that although there are some sweet scenes in this play, the overall plot is not highly discussed.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Netizens said that this drama just lacks attraction. The character design and acting skills are not good, compared with Zhao Liying's previous hit dramas, the gap is still quite big. You said that no matter how hard we work in the renewal of Jialin, it is only a part of it.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

It's like a painting, no matter how beautiful the picture is, no matter how gorgeous the colors are, if there is no compelling storyline, then the audience will not resonate too much. It's like a song, no matter how emotional it is, if it doesn't have a heart-warming melody, it won't become a classic.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You know, art comes from life, and these two people also have a lot of details in life.

Let's take the dinner party as an example, Lin Gengxin specially told the assistant to care about Zhao Liying's safety. Isn't this just treating others as one's own family? This kind of care and care is almost like the relationship between relatives.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

You have to know that Lin Gengxin's acting skills are highly praised. This guy not only has outstanding appearance, but also excellent acting skills, and he is simply an all-round little brother. His ability to perform a variety of emotions and roles with great brilliance is impressive.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

The relationship between these two is not ordinarily good. It's like a pair of tacit partners, full of trust and understanding between each other. Their cooperation is not only for the sake of drama, but also to interpret a sincere friendship.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Netizens are also very supportive of their relationship, what to say, some even called on Zhao Liying to consider being with Lin Gengxin. However, the affairs of the two of them, that is, they know best in their own hearts, so outsiders should not meddle in their affairs.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

Let's talk about the future. There are still many unknowns about the relationship between the two, especially after the show, their interactions and future collaborations. Netizens will definitely continue to pay attention, after all, the relationship between the two is not something that can be clarified in a while.

Lin Gengxin asked Zhao Liying a word, and Zhao Liying's expression made netizens pick up some details

This is the story of this gossip, what do you say?

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