
The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

author:Ah Hai views the world

I don't know if you know about the life of a seafarer? Recently, there was a seafarer girl who opened my eyes. She generously shared her dormitories on the Royal Caribbean on social media, which is compact but has everything in its functions. This aroused my great interest, what is life at sea like?

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

To be honest, I've always been curious about the profession of seafarer. This girl with a monthly salary of 15,000 does not seem to be as monotonous and boring as we imagined. Every day, I can't wait to refresh her social media and see the magnificent seascapes she shares during the voyage, and the feeling of being one with nature is truly refreshing. She also shares happy moments with colleagues from all over the world, friendships that transcend borders and give a sense of the unique charm of seafarers' lives. Watching her sharing, I felt as if I was also in the vast ocean, and felt the spirit of freedom and adventure.

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

Netizens, like me, are full of curiosity and envy for this seafarer's sharing. Every time I see people leaving messages in the comment section, some ask about various details of life at sea, such as how the food is on the ship, and what they do in their daily work. Some netizens said that after reading her sharing, they all wanted to take a seafarer's certificate and see the world at sea. This enthusiasm and yearning made me feel everyone's exploration of unknown areas and love for life.

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

Of course, there are also concerns about her life at sea. After all, drifting at sea for a long time will inevitably make people feel lonely and lonely. But I found that this seafarer girl knew how to adjust her life. Not only does she relieve her loneliness through video calls with family and friends, but she also finds some fun on board, such as participating in various activities on board, or playing cards and watching movies with her colleagues. That kind of team spirit and joy of life is really enviable.

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

In addition to her daily life, I paid special attention to her experience working on the ship. She said that although working at sea sometimes comes with some challenges, such as bad weather and malfunctioning machinery, every time there is a difficulty, everyone works together to solve the problem. This team spirit not only made her feel warm and empowered, but also showed me the unity and wisdom of human beings in the face of difficulties. Moreover, whenever the ship docks, she also has the opportunity to explore different countries and regions and experience different cultures. This kind of work experience of being able to travel the world is simply drooling with envy!

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

Looking at her sharing, I couldn't help but start to envy this seafarer girl. Living and working at sea gives you the opportunity to enjoy the magnificent views of the sea and the opportunity to travel to all corners of the world. This is a way of life that many people dream of, and the profession of seafarer has a good salary package and development prospects. I want to think about whether I want to get a seafarer's certificate and start my adventure.

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

But then again, while life at sea is full of temptations and novelties, it also has its hard side. For example, being adrift at sea for long periods of time can have a certain impact on mental health, the living space on board is relatively limited, and every inch of space needs to be planned and utilized reasonably, and there are also challenges brought about by unpredictable natural and climatic conditions. These are all questions that we need to seriously consider when choosing a life at sea. But even so, I still yearn for a different way of life and a unique style of work.

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

I noticed that she was also very particular about the layout of the dormitory. Although the space is not large, she makes the dormitory feel like a small home by skillfully using various storage skills and tricks. The beds are neat and comfortable, the items on the desks are well organized, and the clothes in the wardrobe are sorted out. This kind of love and pursuit of life is really admirable!

The crew dormitory with a monthly salary of 15,000 is cramped but very comfortable, and you are willing to live for half a year?

Not only that, but she also unleashed infinite creativity in a limited space. The walls are decorated with beautiful posters and family photos, adding a warm and homely atmosphere to the dormitory. This practice of creating a sense of home at sea not only reflects her love for life, but also makes people yearn for the freedom and adventure of life at sea.

Overall, I am full of envy and yearning for this seafarer's life at sea. Her spirit of pursuing her own dreams and lifestyle with her own hard work and enthusiasm also deeply affected me. Although life at sea is full of challenges and uncertainties, it is also full of infinite possibilities and wonderful! This attitude and values of life are not only worthy of our learning and reference, but also make us cherish and love our lives even more.