
"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

author:The old girl reads

"Lychee in Chang'an" is a word-of-mouth masterpiece in Ma Boyong's "Seeing the Subtle" series, with "a ride on the red dust concubine laughs, no one knows that it is a lychee" as the introduction, telling an unknown historical secret. The plot of the novel is full of ups and downs, showing the changes of the big era through the perspective of the little people, which makes people want to read it.

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

In this novel, there are 7 essence sentences, they not only tell the true meaning of life, but also cure my spiritual internal friction, today to share with you, I hope you also gain:

1. "Since you are in a desperate situation, there is no way to retreat, why not fight to the death forward, maybe you can fight a little hope." ”

This sentence made me deeply realize that when faced with difficulties, we are often easy to choose to escape or give up, but true warriors will choose to face difficulties and fight bravely. Because only in this way can we find a glimmer of life in a desperate situation and make our lives shine with new brilliance.

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

2. "To be a man, you must be able to raise your head, but also be able to bow your head." One pitch and one bow is not only a posture, but also an attitude. ”

This sentence taught me how to face the ups and downs and changes of life correctly. On the road of life, we must not only have the courage and self-confidence to look up, but also have the humility and tolerance to bow our heads. This mentality will support us to be more calm on the stage of life and more determined and powerful in the face of challenges.

3. "There is no hopeless situation in the world, only people who are desperate for the situation." ”

This sentence made me deeply realize that the predicament is not absolute, it is only a relative state. As long as we maintain a positive attitude and firm belief, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and get out of the predicament. And those who feel hopeless about their situation often fall into endless despair because they have lost faith and courage. If the heart does not collapse, there will be no hopelessness in life!

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

4. "The world is bustling, all for profit, and the world is bustling, all for profit." What's so bad about talking about money?"

This quote made me re-examine the place of money and profit in life. While money is not everything, it is indeed an integral part of our lives. A correct view of money and interests can not only make us face various temptations and challenges in life more rationally, but also make us cherish the fruits of our labor and the value of life more.

5. "Don't be overly obsessed with the help of noble people, make yourself valuable, and you will encounter valuable opportunities." ”

This sentence made me realize that in order to achieve success and achievement in life, we must constantly improve our abilities and values. Only in this way will we be able to attract more opportunities and resources and be able to achieve our goals in life. If you want someone to help, you first have to let someone know where to reach out.

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

6. "The only way to do things through the ages is to do things, and one thing can be done." No one succeeds casually. ”

This sentence made me deeply realize that success is not easy to come by. Behind every success lies countless hardships and dedications. Only those who can persevere and move forward will be able to succeed in the end. People who only think of taking shortcuts and taking shortcuts will only achieve nothing in the end.

7. "The important thing to be a man is to be happy, which is the way to maintain health." ”

This sentence made me realize that happiness is not an end, but a state. No matter what situation we find ourselves in, we should maintain an optimistic mindset and enjoy every beautiful moment in life. A good mood is the best health, and a good attitude is happiness itself!

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

"The Lychee of Chang'an" is not only a novel, but also a treasure book about the wisdom and philosophy of life. It uses vivid stories and profound truths to give us a lot of inspiration and make us more determined on the road of life.

The author Ma Boyong is known as a "literary genius", he is good at historical decryption novels, often using fast-paced narratives, tense plots, ups and downs, and humor, so that readers can't stop and have to read them in one breath.

"The Lychee of Chang'an": 7 classic sentences, which make people feel uplifted!

Many of his novels such as "The Twelve Hours of Chang'an", "Da Ming under the Microscope", "The Secret of the Three Kingdoms and the Hidden Dragon in the Abyss", "The Wind Rises in Longxi", and "Antiques in the Bureau" have been adapted into popular film and television dramas. This "Lychee of Chang'an" was also made into a TV series by CCTV.

If you are in a difficult life, confused in the workplace, and have trouble communicating, you can read this interesting and informative historical short novel, and in just two or three hours, you will have an epiphany!

Chang'an's lychee ¥29 purchase

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