
"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

author:Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review
"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?


Editor|Zhouzhou Film and Television Entertainment Review

Mango Channel's large-scale parenting variety show "Daddy Home 3" has been launched, and I have to say that Mango Channel really has a variety show for male parenting.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

From "Where Are You Going, Dad" in the early years to "Dad's Home" to "Dad's Home" is a hot mess.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

The difference is that the father takes the trip to the father to take the baby full-time, which shows the audience the importance of the father in family parenting.

Dads don't just play with their children, they need to be more deeply involved in parenting.

01 Word-of-mouth is bursting, and the guests are changed

The reputation of the variety show "Dad's Home" is very good, from the score of 8.3 on Douban in the first season to the score of 9.2 in the second season, I don't know how the third season will perform this year.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

The guest lineup for the third season is a new lineup, and some of the guests from the previous season are not used like the second season.

Some netizens also want to see the family they liked in the previous season in the third season, expressing that they don't understand the casting of the third season.

Why not take some of the previous members and find some new families that you don't know at all?

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

There are also some netizens who feel that the previous family should not go to the new season.

First, I feel that I should let my family live well;

The second is the fear of aesthetic fatigue or the emergence of new slots, which will ruin the beautiful image in their hearts.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

So why doesn't the program team continue to use the guests of the second season?

The reason should be that although the first season of "Dad's Home" has received a lot of praise, it is still not enough in terms of popularity.

If the second season is full of strange guests, it may lose some of the audience.

And with the super high popularity of the second season, "Dad's Home" has become a big IP, and it's time to inject more fresh blood.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Of course, the program team invited four groups of families in the second season to make advance planning, or to warm up the third season with a wave of super heat.

It also satisfied those netizens who missed the guests of the second season!

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

In fact, this kind of guest change also happened when the second season was about to air, and many viewers complained about why it wasn't the original cast.

Even when the second season first aired, it was malicious towards the new family.

But after the third season aired, the comment section is now friendly, and everyone is attracted to the new family.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Some viewers who have watched it said that there is a lot of gain from watching this show.

The contradictions or ways of dealing with problems that appear in the show in these groups of families can be extended to their own families.

There are also some mothers who say that although this show is called "Dad's Home", dads don't have time to watch this show.

Although the "dads" don't watch it, they have won the hearts of many young aunts.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Of the six groups of families that appeared in the first two seasons, which one do you like the most?

If you want to talk about the top of these groups of families, you have to be on the hot search Xinjiang cute baby Mario's house many times.

So, why is he so popular?

02 New top stream in Xinjiang

The baby Mario in the second season is known as the "new top stream in Xinjiang"!

Although he is naughty, he is very cute and has captured the hearts of many unmarried girls.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mario has a father (Ma Yang) who "convinces people with virtue", and a mother (Ma Junyan) who "I'm going to beat you up" at any time.

The acquaintance of these two people is also very dramatic.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

No one expected that the two who had just met each other would enter the palace of marriage ten days later.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

It wasn't until the show that the family knew that the two were married in a ten-day flash.

In 2019, their baby Mario was born.

Mario was born prematurely at more than seven months, and his mother drove to the hospital at the time.

I was just over two pounds old and spent more than 40 days in the ICU.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

The tough guy dad who bleeds and doesn't shed tears cried heartbreaking in the corridor, and signed a critical illness notice many times during the period.

Mom endured the pain and comforted him, and because she had to run back and forth to the hospital at home, she didn't sit in confinement.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mario was distressingly small when he was born.

But in the nourishment of family love, the three-and-a-half-year-old Mario has already weighed 20 kilograms, and has now grown to 110 centimeters.

In just half a year, he has changed from a "fat baby" to a handsome guy.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

03 Rich three generations?

When Mario became popular all over the country, there were also some doubts.

Say that their happiness is because the family has money.

When Mario's grandfather bought a camel with a wave of his hand, he was picked up by netizens who already had a company with a registered capital of 12 million in 96, saying that Mario was a proper rich third generation, and some people questioned that the registered capital was not paid-in capital.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Some netizens pointed out that those who go on this kind of show are all from their families, how can ordinary people get on it.

Some netizens also picked it up and said that Mario's relatives and families relied on Mario to get traffic.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

But grandma, grandpa, and aunt's accounts are not all for Mario, and they were often posted before Mario's fire, and there were never advertisements in the video.

Even Mario's own account has never had an advertisement, just a simple sharing of Mario's daily life.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Many netizens said that watching Mario brought warmth and happiness to their boring life.

Mario also gave a very positive feedback to these aunts who met him, and after taking a group photo, he would pull the person who took the photo and say that there is still you.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

When life is not very satisfactory, it is not a heart-warming thing to have such a beam of light to light up?

04 "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Cultivation Record

Mario is a child who loves to ask "why", and is also known as "Brother Northwest Why" by netizens.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

In addition to asking why, Mario is also very naughty, and adults often can't control it.

But why is it that there are almost no bad reviews of Mario on the whole network?

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

He will express his love anytime and anywhere, and always inadvertently, he will say "I love you" to his family.

In many cases, the love he expresses is to say, "I love you too", that is because everyone in the family will often tell him "I love you", so that his confession is used to adding the word "also".

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mario is also out of the circle with his cute words.

His expression is AB not B, for example, cute or not, delicious or not, powerful but not harmful······

With his soft voice and cute little expression, who can resist it!

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

At a young age, he has super high emotional intelligence, and when he rides a camel with his father, he thinks that his position is too small and uncomfortable, and he will say "Dad, you see that my position is not small, and your position is not big".

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

When dividing the watermelon, I don't want my foul-mouthed dad to eat his own watermelon,

But because of the deep love between father and son, he had to let his father taste it.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mom was jealous and wanted to eat, and Mario asked, "Don't you have a bad mouth?"

Got a bad answer, and Mario asked his mother to bite the side he had eaten.

If my mother has a bad mouth, I guess I can only eat it with my father!

After not sleeping well made my father angry, he would sweeten his mouth and say, "I'm asleep, I miss you." ”

Soften Daddy's heart.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Never hesitate to praise others, and always send out praise words such as "you are beautiful", "you are so gentle" and "you are handsome".

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mario is also very polite.

He is a very face-loving child, and he will pull his pants because he is embarrassed to say that he wants to go to the toilet.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

But he apologized immediately after making a mistake.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

He is also very capable of providing emotional value to people.

He and Sanxi went to Hong Kong Disneyland to play, Sanxi ran and fell, he immediately ran to Sanxi's side and sat down with Sanxi.

This is on the hot search "The moment Mario sat down, all idol dramas were weak".

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

05 Even if the northwest is full of deserts, roses can still be grown

Dad Ma Yang said on the show that he wants to convince people with virtue.

He often wipes his face when he is tossed by Mario, but he will take the initiative to apologize to Mario when he is hungry for Mario.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

He felt that the premature baby was not in good health, and hoped that Mario would eat more, which caused the famous "food accumulation incident", but Ma Yang would reflect on himself and not shirk responsibility.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

He was helpless in the face of Mario's naughtiness, but he showed his majesty when Mario was playing with fire.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Compared with his father's "convincing people with virtue", his grandfather is even more fond of Mario, saying that his grandson is his lifeblood.

Distressed that Mario was born prematurely, he never refused Mario's hugging behavior, even though he himself was sixty years old.

When his grandson said that he liked camels, he didn't care about Ma Yang's opposition at all, and bought it directly with a wave of his hand.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

When he saw Mario crying, he felt distressed, saying that he had a hernia because he was angry when he was a child, so he couldn't see Mario crying.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Netizens shouted: Grandpa, do you still lack a granddaughter, the kind in your 20s!

Grandpa and Mario are also going both ways.

When eating dumplings, I will think about keeping them for my grandfather, remember my grandfather's favorite songs, and express my love for you to my grandfather at any time.

Grandpa even staged a "national tour to think of his grandson" on social media.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Compared with the pampering of these two men in the family, mother and grandmother seem to be more strict.

Mario will say "my grandmother beats people", but he will also say that he misses his grandmother when he opens a video with his grandmother.

Grandma remembers every stage of Mario's growth, and the copy she posts on social media is specific to the date the video was taken.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Mario under his grandmother's camera washes his own socks, peels carrots, cooks for his grandfather, and plays various musical instruments.

Grandma taught Mario to solve her own affairs and not to sue.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Grandma will answer questions for some confused young people on social media, but she does not have the attitude of the elders.

Such a funny and loving grandmother is the ideal grandmother in many people's hearts?

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

Ma Junyan even suppressed Mario's blood.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

A look, a gesture, and a sentence of "I'm going to beat you" can scare Mario to apologize immediately.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

There is a 100% pampered grandfather, a strict and kind grandmother, a father who convinces people with virtue and an optimistic and tenacious mother.

In such a loving family atmosphere, it is not surprising that "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" was born.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?


Since the second season, there has been a lot of controversy on the Internet, and the show has become popular, and it is understandable that the attention is high.

But in the advance planning of the third season, I saw that every child was not affected by public opinion and was growing up well, which is the most important thing.

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?

"Home Daddy 3" has already aired an episode, and the reverse is as good as ever.

The new season of families has their own highlights, so do you think this season will be able to create another brilliant future?

"Home Daddy 3" is broadcast, do you remember the second season of "Northwest Little Sweet Bean" Mario?