
The Lakers are the top two in the league in interior scoring and the third in the free throw league, this is normal!


The Lakers are the top two in the league in interior scoring and the third in the free throw league, this is normal!

The Lakers missed free throws because they had the league's lowest foul count, which in my opinion is the Lakers' weakness, especially in the playoffs. More fouls mean more physical confrontation, in fact, in the playoffs, emphasizing defense will be significantly more advantageous.

The Lakers are the top two in the league in interior scoring and the third in the free throw league, this is normal!

The Lakers are now on the defensive end, and Russell Rivers and Prince are all among the bottom players in the league's defense, and they have been played by various guards in the league, and their physical confrontation ability is almost non-existent, and they may not be able to commit fouls if they want to

And the Lakers' inside line, thick eyebrows, his physical confrontation ability at the No. 5 position is actually not outstanding, thick eyebrows defense basically relies on height and arm span and bounce to block, when he encounters a serious center with confrontation ability, thick eyebrows often play poorly, so thick eyebrows' ability and playing style problems lead to him will not have any fouls under confrontation.

And the Lakers' No. 4 James, in fact, is actually the Lakers' most capable person, but his physical strength basically can't allow him to fight a lot, so the Lakers' defense completely relies on thick eyebrows to cover the defense on the inside to maintain around 15th in the league, that is, the average level

The Lakers are the top two in the league in interior scoring and the third in the free throw league, this is normal!

It is conceivable how huge the Lakers' outside hole is, and in the playoffs that emphasize physical confrontation, the fundamental reason why I am very unoptimistic about the Lakers is that not only the Lakers' internal physical confrontation is not good, but it is also difficult to be eaten by Jokic, Embiid, Sabonis, and Zubac Nurkic

And the Lakers' outside line is the confrontation that exists at the bottom of the league, when attacking when encountering a sticky defense, the basic shooting action must be deformed, and the three non-sticks are common, and the defensive end is either a step, or directly pushed away, everyone who has watched the Lakers game understands, as long as you rush to the basket, the Lakers will basically not give you physical confrontation, you will shoot, either be covered, or score easily, and there will rarely be a deformation of the shot under the physical confrontation.

The Lakers are the top two in the league in interior scoring and the third in the free throw league, this is normal!