
Curry 29+6, Klay 29+4, Smith 24+3, Warriors 133-110 Rockets!

author:Shan Lake Sea
Curry 29+6, Klay 29+4, Smith 24+3, Warriors 133-110 Rockets!


The two teams have met twice this season, with the Warriors winning them all. 目前勇士西部第10,火箭队第11,两队相差2个胜场,本场一旦火箭输球,基本就失去附加赛资格,追梦‬格林‬在节目中‬表示‬,火箭‬队‬已经‬失去‬了‬追上‬勇士‬队‬的机会,今天‬将‬终结‬火箭‬队‬进入‬季后赛‬希望‬。 开场‬后‬火箭‬队‬进攻‬不顺‬,外线‬打不开‬,而‬勇士‬下起‬三分‬雨‬,勇士‬打出了‬不错‬的开局‬,火箭‬队‬外线‬手感‬不佳‬,只能‬通过‬内线‬与‬勇士‬展开‬周旋‬,但‬‬防不住‬勇士‬外线‬,这样‬的‬比赛‬节奏‬也‬就在‬勇士‬这边‬。

Curry 29+6, Klay 29+4, Smith 24+3, Warriors 133-110 Rockets!

In this ball, Curry singled Jalen Green, a step-back three-point shot, and Curry entered the state quickly at the beginning.

Curry 29+6, Klay 29+4, Smith 24+3, Warriors 133-110 Rockets!

The Warriors played this ball together, Curry hung to Davis on the inside, Davis quickly released a book to Klay in the bottom corner, Klay received the ball and hit a three-point shot, stopping the Rockets.

Curry 29+6, Klay 29+4, Smith 24+3, Warriors 133-110 Rockets!

The Warriors counterattacked, the Rockets didn't mark the man tightly, and Wiggins missed the bottom corner, and Wiggins received the ball and made a three-point shot.

Both starters:

Warriors: Wiggins, Green, Curry, Klay, Davis

Rockets: Dillon, Amen, Jalen Green, Van Jordan, Smith