
One day to know a card array|Where should I live on April 4 Tarot card array

author:Constellation Tarot said
One day to know a card array|Where should I live on April 4 Tarot card array

Today in history

On this day in 1956, Grace Kelly, an American woman, boarded an ocean liner bound for the French Riviera in New York Harbor with her family, bridesmaids, poodles and more than 80 pieces of luggage. Thousands of New York fans came to see them off. In Monaco, more than 20,000 onlookers lined the streets to greet their future princess.

An overview of the array

Despite the fanfare surrounding Grace Carey's move, making the decision to move was not an easy task. If you have a big decision to make right now, this array can help you find the lifestyle of your dreams.

One day to know a card array|Where should I live on April 4 Tarot card array

Lay out the formation

1. Should I move to a brand new location?

2. If I don't leave, will I feel sorry?

3. What kind of environment do I like?

4. What type of accommodation will make me feel comfortable?

5. Would I want to move far away?

6. Should I move somewhere else?

7. Where do I aspire to live?

8. Is it suitable for me to live in a big city or a small town?

9. Is culture important to me?

10. Is it important for me to have friends living nearby?

11. Will other people's opinions influence my decision?

12. What is the final result?

One day to know a card array|Where should I live on April 4 Tarot card array

The 8 of Cups and the 6 of Swords are both cards related to Move, Leave. Both cards are a sign that the future will be better than the present. The Holy Grail 8 represents a solo operation, while the Sword 6 is accompanied by someone else.

One day to know a card array|Where should I live on April 4 Tarot card array

PS: The above content is excerpted from "365 Magic Tarot Card Array"

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