
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

author:Charm Wujiagang
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

The hymns of heroes are sung forever, and the names of martyrs are remembered through the ages. On the morning of April 3, Wujiagang District organized more than 100 people, including cadres and employees of some district-level organs, Wujia Fire and Rescue Brigade, representatives of retired soldiers, and mass organizations, to carry out the activity of "Casting Souls 2024 Qingming Festival for Heroes and Martyrs" in the Common Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery.

Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

Cleaning the Martyrs' Cemetery · Let the monument shine brighter

On the occasion of the Qingming Festival, the Wujiagang District Martyrs Memorial Facilities Protection Center organized the subsidence repair and overall whitewashing of the Common Revolutionary Martyrs Cemetery.

Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

倡议文明祭扫· 让清明更文明

In order to better inherit the deeds of heroes and martyrs, carry forward the spirit of heroes and martyrs, lead the trend of advocating, remembering, learning, and defending heroes and martyrs, and establish a new trend of martyrs' sacrifice. On the eve of the Qingming Festival, the Wujiagang District Veterans Affairs Bureau issued a civilized sacrifice and sweeping initiative to the majority of residents (villages) through WeChat public accounts and text messages.

Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs · Let history be remembered

At that time, the revolutionary martyrs' cemetery was lush with pines and cypresses, and the monument to the revolutionary martyrs stood majestically. In front of the Martyrs' Monument, all the personnel stood in a solemn line, and with the passionate and majestic "March of the Volunteers" sounded, all the personnel sang the national anthem of the People's Republic of China in unison. After the singing of the national anthem, the audience stood solemnly and bowed in silence to the revolutionary martyrs to express their respect and remembrance. After the silence, the Young Pioneers sang "We Are the Successors of Communism" in unison and reviewed the oath of joining the regiment. All party members reviewed the oath of joining the party in front of the party flag. Accompanied by the affectionate "Flower Song", the salute soldiers presented flower baskets to the revolutionary martyrs, Zhang Qin, deputy head of the district government, slowly stepped forward to the monument, climbed the steps to mourn, carefully arranged the flower basket ribbons, bowed deeply, and went around a week to pay respects. Subsequently, all the staff presented flowers to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs in an orderly manner to express their infinite sorrow for the martyrs.

Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

During the period, the sacrificial sweeping activities were carried out at the tomb of Wang Hua martyrs.

Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them
Today, this bouquet of flowers is dedicated to them

▌Source: Wujiagang District Veterans Affairs Bureau

Editor: Tang Haoran

First instance: Zhao Dan

Second trial: Wu Mingyan and Gong Yanju

Final review: Zhang Youbing