
Hundreds of poverty alleviation enterprises in Shaanxi have settled in China's agricultural support network - working together to help farmers • help farmers • Ben Xiaokang

author:Weinan Youth Network

Weinan Internet Association Innovation and Entrepreneurship Incubation Enterprise - Shaanxi Nongfu Network Business and Trade Co., Ltd., after more than half a year of research and development, built the online "China Agricultural Support Network" agricultural and sideline commodity trading platform. "China Agricultural Support Network" aims to create a smart agricultural big data platform with the unique characteristics of "China Agricultural Support Network" to : to help the sales of agricultural products, to hold hands with 100 famous enterprises to alleviate poverty, to promote the development of ecological agriculture, to help farmers and to help well-off".

Hundreds of poverty alleviation enterprises in Shaanxi have settled in China's agricultural support network - working together to help farmers • help farmers • Ben Xiaokang

Since its establishment, the company's investment department has visited more than 200 poverty alleviation enterprises in Shaanxi Province, conducted in-depth field investigations, and after multi-faceted review, selected more than 120 poverty alleviation enterprises with high-quality products to settle in China Agricultural Support Network. Among them, five enterprises have obtained organic certification to meet export standards: grape product production enterprise Linwei District Weinan Xianxiang Ziyun Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., winter jujube production enterprise Dali County Luyuan Red Jujube Professional Cooperative, honey production enterprise Pucheng Qinjude Bee Farm; apple production enterprise Baishui County Beautiful Home Agricultural Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd., Luochuan County Fubai Apple Professional Cooperative; there are more than 50 county (city, district) geographical indication boutique production enterprises There are 9 enterprises with non-genetic inheritance products: Shaanxi Pucheng Yongxin Food Co., Ltd., a production enterprise of Yanxingyuan sandwich steamed sauce; Qiaoniang Straw Weaving Production Enterprise Linwei District Qiaoniang Straw Weaving Handicraft Professional Cooperative; Tongxichang Crystal Cake and Boiled Cake Production Enterprise Tongxichang Food Processing Factory of Linwei District, Weinan City; Tongguan County Pickle Food Factory of Sauce Shoot Production Enterprise; Magnolia Kiln Coarse Cloth Home Textile Co., Ltd., Pucheng County Yunu Tubu Professional Cooperative; Snowflake Sugar and Qiong Pot Sugar Production Enterprise Tongchuan Yaozhou District Stadium DapingtangFang ;Qiong pot sugar production enterprise Shaanxi Fuping Qinzhen Food Co., Ltd.; indigo sugar production enterprise Sanyuan County Ruimei Tateshina sugar factory.

Hundreds of poverty alleviation enterprises in Shaanxi have settled in China's agricultural support network - working together to help farmers • help farmers • Ben Xiaokang

China Agricultural Support Network will take "selecting landmark products, creating organic famous products, online and offline linkage, and launching commodities that benefit the people" as its development strategy, and join hands with poverty alleviation enterprises to unremittingly and work together to promote the development of China's agricultural undertakings on the road of helping poverty alleviation.

Source: China Agricultural Support Network