
58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

author:Home Queen

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, I have spent two years of warm time in this small home of 58 square meters. Whenever I think back to the bits and pieces of decoration, my heart is full of satisfaction and pride. Today, I would like to share with you the detailed steps and checklist of my home decoration, hoping to bring some inspiration and help to you who also love life.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style
58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

A little dossier about my family

Area: The construction area is 72 square meters, and the usable area in the suite is 58 square meters.

House type: Comfortable two-bedroom and one-living room layout, bright kitchen and bathroom, excellent lighting.

Style: Choose a natural and warm log style to make the home full of warmth.

Construction method: Design by yourself, the construction team carried out half-package construction, and injected a lot of effort.

Cost: The entire hard decoration part only costs 70,000 yuan, which is super cost-effective.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style
58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

A journey of transformation from a rough house to a warm little home

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

1. The birth of the first draft of the design

Before starting the renovation, I asked a friend to help me draw detailed design drawings. After communicating with the construction team many times, the final construction plan was finally determined.

2. Renovation of old walls

Since my house is relatively simple, there are not many parts that smash the wall. The sliding door of the small bedroom was mainly removed, a new wall was built, and the sliding door of the balcony was removed, and the window was directly sealed to make the space more transparent.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

3. Sound insulation engineering

To ensure the quiet and comfort of the home, the water pipes in the bathroom, kitchen and balcony are carefully wrapped with soundproof cotton.

4. Hydropower transformation

According to my own living habits, I carefully planned the location of the water and electricity switches in my home, and reserved sufficient sockets for future needs.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

5. Waterproof treatment

The waterproof layer height of the shower area is not less than 180cm, and the height of the non-shower wall is also 30cm to ensure the dryness and comfort of the home.

6. Masonry and tiles

The whole house was leveled, and then the tiles were carefully selected for paving. I chose gray for the doorway stone, which complements the original wood style and avoids the heaviness of black.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

7. The big project of sealing the balcony

Since it took time to make the windows, the work of sealing the balcony was scheduled after the masonry. I chose a high-quality broken bridge aluminum material, and although there were some hiccups in the process, the final result was satisfactory.

8. Wall treatment

Before scraping the putty, I specifically asked the workers to carry out the hanging net treatment to reduce the risk of wall cracking in the future.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

9. The charm of whole-house customization

In order to save costs, I chose a local factory for whole house customization. After in-depth communication with the designer, detailed drawings were issued. On the day of installation, I personally watched the construction site to make sure every detail was flawless.

10. Painting and protection

After the cabinet was installed, I applied a protective film in time to prevent the paint from getting dirty during construction.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

11. Wooden flooring and baseboards

I carefully selected the wooden floors and skirting boards, and the recessed skirting boards were slotted in advance.

12. Installation and finishing

Subsequently, lamps, switches, sockets, bathroom cabinets, etc. are installed one by one.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

13. The embellishment of beautiful sewing

When choosing the color of the seam, I deliberately chose the same color as the tile, which is both beautiful and not obtrusive.

14. Clearing and cleaning

Finally, a thorough cleaning was carried out to give the new home a new look.

58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style
58 square meters of warm small residence, 70,000 to create a log style

Now, this small family has been with me for two years. Every time I return home, I can feel the warmth and tranquility. I hope my decoration experience can bring some inspiration and help to you who are also on the road to decoration.

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