
"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

With the continuous improvement of living standards, people's awareness of health is getting better and better, whether it is diet therapy or through exercise, they hope that they can have a very healthy body.

However, in today's high-pressure and fast-paced society, many people are plagued by diseases, and some people often have some minor problems, which bring a lot of inconvenience to their lives and work.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

If we choose a good way of exercising, it may help us solve some small problems and make our body healthier.


The importance of the feet to the body

Our feet are very important to the body and can be used to carry weight for walking, our feet have 5 toes and the soles of the feet, and the instep is composed of the necessary organs for walking.

According to research statistics, the average number of times modern people touch the ground with their feet exceeds 10 million times in their lifetime, and their feet have an amazing ability to withstand them.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

For a person weighing 50 kilograms, the total pressure on the feet is in the hundreds of tons per day, and he is able to perform many challenging and even legendary movements.

Our feet are the farthest from the heart, and there are many nerve endings in the feet, and if the function of the feet declines, the entire blood circulation of the body will be affected, so we should pay attention to the exercise of the feet.


"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

Standing on tiptoe is a very simple movement, and if we can take 15 minutes a day to stick to it, it may be of great benefit to our body.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

1. Improve sleep quality

Nowadays, whether it is the elderly or the young, many people have sleep disorders, difficulty falling asleep, waking up in the middle of the night, etc., which seriously affects their sleep quality and causes mental exhaustion on the second day.

If you want to keep yourself getting enough sleep, we can try tiptoeing, which can improve the vitality of the body, improve the efficiency of work, and let our nerves and muscles get a relaxed state, which is conducive to falling asleep smoothly.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

2. It plays the role of slimming thighs

Every woman wants her legs to be slimmer, and some girls happen to have thicker legs, one is because of their own reasons, and the other is because of the problem of frequent sitting.

If this happens, you can try tiptoeing, which can promote blood circulation, accelerate fat burning in the legs, and play a certain role in shaping.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

3. Relieve the soreness in the lower back

As we age, back pain is a phenomenon that many people have, often making people feel very tired, if you can stick to tiptoe for 15 minutes, you can stimulate the muscles in the waist and relieve the pain in the lower back.

In the process of tiptoeing, the waist and spine will be subjected to a certain traction, which can reduce the soreness of the waist and make our waist more comfortable.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

4. The role of tonifying kidney qi

Due to various bad lifestyle habits, various organs of our body have undergone certain changes, and kidney problems are relatively common.

If the kidney qi is insufficient, it will affect the normal metabolism and life activities of the human body, which is not conducive to the health of the body, resulting in insomnia and dreaming and physical fatigue.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

If you can tiptoe for 15 minutes a day, it is conducive to improving the lack of kidney qi, which can play a role in dredging the three yin meridians of the legs, which is conducive to replenishing kidney qi.

5. It has a certain effect on the prevention of hemorrhoids

After hemorrhoids, I am really most afraid of stool, although many people feel that it is not a big problem, but it does bring a lot of trouble to themselves, and it is relatively private, it is really painful to speak.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

Then in the process of tiptoeing, the muscles of the legs will relax, and the anus will be tightened, which can promote the return of blood in the rectal veins, which is conducive to the timely discharge of garbage toxins from the body, which can relieve hemorrhoids.


What do I need to pay attention to when tiptoeing?


If we have just finished eating, our stomach and intestines are digesting food, and if we tiptoe, it will cause the body's blood to flow to the stomach, accelerating the burden on the stomach and intestines, which is not conducive to the body's digestion.

2. Put gravity on your toes

When we are on tiptoe, we should have a reasonable grasp of gravity, try to press gravity on our toes, and master our own breathing rhythm, which can make the effect better.

"Tiptoeing" for 15 minutes a day for a period of time may help you alleviate 5 problems

3. Pay attention to a process, not in a hurry

When we first start tiptoeing, we may feel that our body is unbearable, and we can start from three minutes, five minutes, step by step, and let ourselves have a process of slowly adapting. This avoids a lot of pain in the feet.

If we can do it for 15 minutes a day, the body will slowly adapt, it will improve our ability in all aspects of the body, make our body healthier, and in order to soothe our feet, we can soak our feet in hot water, which can relieve physical fatigue.