
Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

Because everyone works and lives in different environments, the number of baths is also different, some people may take a bath once a day, and some people may take a bath every few days.

Some people work in a hot environment, or when the summer is hot, some people may take a bath more frequently and take a bath every day, so that their bodies can be more comfortable.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

There are also people who work in a very clean environment, work relatively easily, and do not sweat, so they may only take a shower once a week, and everyone's situation is different, so what are the benefits of bathing for our body?


What are the benefits of bathing for the body?

1. In winter, taking a bath can exude the cold evil in the body, avoid the harm of cold evil to the body, and help people keep warm.

2. It can promote blood circulation, play a role in promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, especially for some people who have diseases, if they can take a proper bath, it will have certain benefits to the body.

3. Taking a bath can play a role in strengthening the spleen and appetizing, we will consume a lot of energy when taking a bath, which has a certain role in promoting the emptying of the stomach and the absorption of food.

4. It can remove the dirt on the body, and has a certain relieving effect on the pressure and fatigue in life and work, which can make people relax.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

5. Bathing can hydrate the skin, which is conducive to keeping the skin moisturized and has certain benefits for the body.

6. If you take a bath at night, it can not only eliminate the fatigue of the day, but also promote sleep at night.

7. Bathing can also resist the invasion of bacteria to a certain extent, which can enhance the body's resistance and reduce the appearance of skin diseases.


Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day or a person who bathes once a week?

In fact, doctors suggest that you should not take a bath too often, because after taking a hot bath, the body will generally sweat a lot, and if you take a bath every day, it may cause damage to the yin fluid.

Especially for some patients with chronic diseases, if you take a hot bath frequently, it may trigger an increase in blood pressure, which is not good for your health.

Because bathing every day can easily destroy the normal structure of the skin, the outermost layer of our skin is the stratum corneum, which will automatically fall off after aging or dying, and will not produce a lot of dirt when mixed with skin sweat.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

If this part is washed off every day, it will damage the stratum corneum, and the skin may lose some protection, and the moisture in the skin cells will evaporate more easily, resulting in dry skin.

However, because everyone's skin condition is different, the seasons can also change greatly, for example, in summer, when the weather is hotter, everyone is more prone to sweating.

There will also be a lot of bacteria on the body, and there is sweat, which will cause people uncomfortable, you can wash it once a day, but you can't wash it for too long each time.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

Therefore, we have to determine according to multiple conditions such as weather, personal physical condition, and how often we should take a bath will be more appropriate. For some people who are not easy to sweat, they may not be uncomfortable when they take a shower once a week.


What do I need to pay attention to when taking a bath?

1. In summer, the human body secretion is relatively vigorous, sweating more, which can appropriately increase the frequency of bathing, but for lukewarm weather, it can be appropriately reduced, and for the elderly, the sebaceous gland secretion is relatively small, which can reduce the number of baths.

2. It is better to try to get close to the body temperature of the bath, that is, around 35~37 degrees, if the water temperature is too high, it will lead to the expansion of epidermal cells and the lack of oxygen.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

Many people like to take cold showers in summer, but if the bath water is too cold, the pores will suddenly close, and the heat in the body will not be easy to dissipate, which can easily lead to the appearance of arthritis.

So even in summer, we should avoid the water temperature being too low and try to keep it above 10 degrees.

3. No matter what season it is, the bathing time is not suitable for too long, and the time of each bath can be controlled at about 15~30 minutes, and for summer, some people wash every day and try to reduce the time.

4. When we feel hungry or just after eating, it is not suitable to take a bath, taking a bath after a meal will cause the epidermal blood vessels to be stimulated and dilated, which is easy to cause hypoglycemia, and some people will even faint.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

5. It is not suitable to take a bath after drinking, because alcohol will inhibit the activity of the liver and prevent the recovery of glucose.

6. When the body is relatively tired, it is not suitable to take a bath, and some people should not take a bath in time when they are working hard or using their brains a lot, otherwise it may cause insufficient blood supply to the heart and brain and fainting.

7. If the blood pressure is too low, it is not suitable to take a bath, because it is easy to lead to the phenomenon of dilation of blood vessels, insufficient blood supply to the brain, and prostration.

Which is healthier, a person who bathes once a day, or someone who bathes once a week?

8. Some people are not suitable for bathing too often, such as epilepsy patients, cerebrovascular disease patients, the elderly, etc., which may cause some harm to the body.