
"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

author:Love Jade Gate

Source: Little Jasmine's Gourmet Notes

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Spring is short, especially after the spring equinox, you can really use one scene a day to describe the growth rate of flowers and trees, so you should enjoy the spring scenery as soon as possible, and taste the "spring freshness" even more quickly. Before and after the Qingming Festival, wormwood is in a delicious moment, people who know how to eat will eat it a few more times, and many people will pick more and save it, and leave it for weekdays to eat slowly. This is an important embodiment of not eating from time to time, and it is also the health wisdom left to us by the older generation. Since ancient times, wormwood has been given many good names such as "fairy grass", "women's health grass", "king of herbs", etc., which shows its status in people's hearts.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

As early as more than 3,000 years ago, people began the history of eating Ai, and at the same time, in the development of traditional culture in the mainland, the "Ai" culture was also formed. In addition, wormwood is also endowed with the meaning of driving away disasters and blessings, and every Dragon Boat Festival, the folk have the custom of hanging wormwood on the lintel.

Not only that, the important value of wormwood is reflected in medicine, as a "medicine and food homology" plant, wormwood in the field of ancient medicine can be said to shine, many medical works can see its figure, "Compendium of Materia Medica" has such a record: "Artemisia leaves can moxibustion a hundred diseases." Therefore, the people often hear the old people chanting "eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not be disturbed". Modern medical research tells us that it contains a large number of volatile substances, plant protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron plasma, which helps to antibacterial and antibacterial, invigorate qi and blood, dispel dampness and cold, beautify and nourish the skin, moisten the lungs and relieve cough, enhance resistance, etc., and have many benefits to physical health.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

Qingming is coming, mugwort leaves are green, and it is the season of eating mugwort, every time at this time, I will pick as much as possible, after simple processing, preserve. When we remember its taste, we will take some out to make snacks or pastries, and the fragrance of mugwort leaves can accompany us all year round. Let's share the saving method, you can try it too!

1. Don't be blind when picking wormwood, try to choose a clean environment to find, and pick the top part when picking, pinch it with your hands, and pick the tender one. Of course, it can also be bought on the market, so you also need to pick and pick before cleaning, and choose the tender part to preserve. Don't throw away the older ones, clean them and dry them, and they are good for mosquitoes in summer and foot soak in winter.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

2. Put the prepared fresh wormwood into the pool, add some baking soda first, then put more water, stir a few times, and soak for ten minutes. Then put the water down, continue to release the water, rinse the dust in the wormwood further, and then remove and drain.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

3. Then we take out the big pot at home, add wide water to boil, put a small spoon of alkali or baking soda and stir well, put the wormwood inside, and cook until the texture becomes soft.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

4. In addition, prepare a large basin to connect the cold water in advance, put the wormwood directly into it, and change the water 1-2 times after all the wormwood is fished out, so that the wormwood quickly becomes cold and cool.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

5. Then we divide the wormwood into several times and scoop it up, grab the water in it, form a round ball, and place it on a dry container in turn.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

6. Finally, we take out the plastic wrap or a plastic bag with a sealing strip, put the sorted wormwood dough inside, and wrap a few more layers of plastic wrap, so as to better preserve its flavor and nutrients. Once everything is packed, put it in the refrigerator and freeze it. If you plan to save it in several parts, it is best to write the date on the surface each time, and follow the "first-in, first-out" principle when you usually take it.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

Wormwood is generally used to cook soup or make pastries with wormwood juice, let's share with you a [wormwood red bean roll] method, a mouthful of wormwood, emerald green and delicious, don't you try it?

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

1. Prepare some cleaned wormwood, blanch it in boiling water first, then take it out, beat it into wormwood juice through a food processor, pour it into a basin, continue to add yeast and a little sugar and stir well, wait for about five minutes, and then put flour when bubbles appear.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

2. Use wormwood juice to knead the flour into a ball, then seal the basin well, leave enough time for fermentation, and wait for its volume to be doubled before proceeding with the subsequent operation.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

3. While waiting for the dough to rise, we prepare some fillings, walnut kernels and red dates, walnut kernels are best fried first. In addition, you can prepare some red beans, which can be made in advance, or you can use a pressure cooker to press them, and then add brown sugar and fry them until they are sandy.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

4. Add a little dry powder to the dough, press and knead repeatedly to ensure that all the gas in it is drained, and continue to cover and let rise for five minutes. Then take it out, stretch it directly on the mat, and cut it into small pieces.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

5. Simply sort out the small dough, roll it into an approximate rectangular shape after flattening, first spread a layer of red beans, then fold it in half from the left and right sides to the middle, and gently compact and roll it out with a rolling pin. Add another layer of chopped fruit and roll it up from the end.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat

6. Brush a little corn oil or olive oil on the steaming drawer, put the wormwood roll on the top, wait for about 20 minutes to ensure that its volume expands and is soft again, and then turn on the high heat, subject to the boiling water, and continue to steam for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and wait five minutes before turning it on. You can take advantage of the fact that the wormwood is tender and steamed more, freeze it, and re-steam it every time you eat it, which is the same as freshly made, and it is very convenient to use it for breakfast.

"Eat a grass during the Qingming Festival, and all diseases will not disturb you", one is antibacterial, two is beneficial to qi, and three is dampness, don't know how to eat