
170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

author:Sunny life


In the torrent of the global semiconductor market, SMIC is like a ship rocking in a storm, facing unprecedented financial pressure. Huge investments are like violent waves, hitting this giant ship of science and technology again and again. SMIC's investment in advanced process technology is a huge and necessary bet. This bet is to win a place in the ruthless competition in the wafer foundry market, but then it comes the dilemma of a tight capital chain.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

1. SMIC: A ship in the financial turmoil

Despite the financial pressures, SMIC has not slowed down the pace of its technological development. In terms of chip technology, SMIC continues to promote and strive to narrow the gap with international giants. This technology competition is not only a contest of speed, but also a severe test of resource integration ability. Every technology upgrade comes with billions of dollars of investment, and the return on these investments is not always immediate. On the road of technological innovation, SMIC is like a ship sailing in a rough sea, facing both wind and waves and maintaining its course, which is difficult and challenging.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

However, as the growth of the global consumer electronics industry begins to slow, SMIC's challenges become more complex. The downturn in the market has not only affected the demand for chips, but also made SMIC's financial situation worse. How to adjust its strategy and stabilize its financial position in such a market environment has become an urgent problem for SMIC to solve. Whether the ship can cleverly adjust its course and avoid the reefs in the financial turmoil will depend on how SMIC responds to the next challenges.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

2. Misalignment of supply and demand in the chip market: crisis or turnaround?

In the past few years, the supply and demand relationship in the global semiconductor market has been like a big chess game, and the movement of each chess piece can cause ripples in the market. In this game in the chip market, SMIC is not only a chess player, but also a chess piece. For a time, the demand for chips has surged, as if everyone is in urgent need of an intelligent "heart", whether it is smartphones, computers, cars, home appliances, every corner is calling for more chips. However, the situation has changed and the supply chain crisis has turned the entire market from frenzy to suffocation.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

The pandemic has been a bombshell that has violently shaken the stability of global supply chains. The semiconductor industry has not been spared, from raw material shortages to production line shutdowns, from logistics delays to order backlogs, everything from logistics to order backlogs has been put under a tight spell. SMIC struggled to find a balance in the midst of this sudden crisis. The surge in demand, which was originally a good thing, has turned into a challenge under the constraints of the supply chain and the constraints of production capacity. However, every crisis is an opportunity to reshuffle the cards, and SMIC urgently needs to find an opportunity in the midst of a turnaround.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

Time flies, the haze of the epidemic gradually dissipates, and the global economy begins to gradually recover. The progress of science and technology has never stopped, and at this critical moment, if SMIC can seize the train of technological upgrading, it may be able to fly high in the spring breeze of market recovery. The wave of intelligence shows no signs of retreating, and the vigorous development of 5G, artificial intelligence, Internet of Things and other fields are injecting new vitality into the chip market. If SMIC can find its place in this new demand, then this crisis of misalignment between supply and demand may turn into a turning point that will propel the company to a new level.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

3. The brilliance and challenges of Kirin chips

Kirin chips, Huawei's self-developed semiconductor pearls, and its technical advantages once attracted everyone's attention in the market. With its unique integration and energy efficiency ratio, the Kirin series is like a dark horse in the smartphone market and has become synonymous with high-end chips. Every iteration of the update is a technological leap, from a single performance improvement to a multi-dimensional intelligent development, Kirin chips continue to break through themselves, providing users with an unprecedented intelligent experience. However, technological innovation and market leadership are not completely immune to external storms and internal challenges.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

Huawei's huge investment in semiconductor R&D is due to its insistence on independent innovation and deep insight into future technology trends. Kirin chips not only carry the heart of Huawei's mobile phones, but also the core carrier of its all-scenario smart ecosystem strategy. From mobile phones to tablets, from smart wearables to IoT devices, the role of Kirin chips is constantly expanding, and its role in Huawei products is becoming more and more prominent. However, just as Kirin chips are poised to gallop in the field of intelligent technology, external sanctions and internal bottlenecks have brought unprecedented tests to Huawei.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

SMIC's relationship with Kirin chips is complex. On the one hand, SMIC is an important force in semiconductor manufacturing, and its advanced process technology is the key to Huawei's mass production of Kirin chips. On the other hand, the market's misunderstanding often oversimplifies the cooperation between the two, believing that SMIC is the only condition for the success of Kirin chips. In fact, the ecology behind Kirin chips is far more complex than imagined, and there are countless challenges and opportunities in every link, from design to production. In the changing global semiconductor supply chain, the fate of SMIC and Kirin chips seems to be closely linked, facing the ups and downs of the market together.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

4. SMIC's Future Journey: Soaring Against the Wind?

In the sea of the semiconductor industry, SMIC is like a ship, trying to stabilize its hull in the fierce market competition and the huge waves of external challenges. In the face of technological blockade and geopolitical volatility from global giants, SMIC's future strategy must be both sharp and flexible. It may have to abandon some of its past routes in favor of new waters, whether that means working in a particular technology field or finding a breakthrough in an underexplored market.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

Market expansion and technology development are the two strategic fulcrums of SMIC's future journey. In terms of market expansion, it may extend its tentacles to those areas that are less demanding on advanced processes, but have huge growth potential, such as the Internet of Things, automotive electronics, etc. In terms of technology development, SMIC may increase R&D investment and focus on certain core technologies of strategic significance, such as advanced packaging technology, to consolidate and enhance its competitiveness. Its goal is not only to survive, but also to find a way out of adversity.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!


In the global chip foundry market, SMIC is at a potential turning point. Its role and influence not only determine its own destiny, but can also be a catalyst for change in the entire industry. With the independent innovation of technology and the improvement of production capacity, SMIC is expected to transform from a follower to a leader. Every technological breakthrough and every successful market expansion case will inject new vitality into the global chip foundry market.

170 billion turned into ashes, and profits were cut in half by 78%!

In the turbulent landscape of the global semiconductor industry, can SMIC and Kirin Chips join hands to break the waves and jointly create a new era?

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