
"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

author:Finishing business

Dare to innovate, dare to be the first, and be the pioneer of art coatings. - Holland Kodi

From March 19th to 31st, 2024, with the theme of "Strong Focus, Bound to Burn", Holland Kodi launched an empowerment conference and new product launch conference in Yancheng, Jiangsu, Shijiazhuang, Hebei and Nanchang, Jiangxi, aiming to form a joint development force of products, services and brands, empower terminals, and lead the acceleration.

Comprehensive focus, efficient execution

Excellent brand power is an important symbol of the high-quality development of the enterprise, Lei Juan, director of the product publicity department of the Netherlands COLDEC, comprehensively trained the corporate background, development history, brand concept and other related knowledge of the Dutch COLDEC Group in the meeting, and continued to provide you with the latest marketing ammunition, at the same time, it also emphasized the direction of the online brand promotion of the Netherlands Kodi in 2024, focusing on the local life of Douyin, strategically laying out the home track, and working with Douyin to settle in stores, live broadcast, promotion, Starting from the five dimensions of training, online ordering, offline verification, providing a new marketing method for offline stores to settle down online, attracting traffic in the whole city, and accurately acquiring customers to empower terminal stores.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Gathering the experience of big business, absorbing the strengths of hundreds of schools, in the meeting of Nanchang Station in Jiangxi, the Netherlands Kodi invited outstanding dealers from Hunan, Anhui and Jiangxi to share their successful experience in market expansion, channel management, customer service and other aspects, helping everyone to learn from each other and inspire each other, so as to copy the successful template, master the sales strategy and skills faster, and let the professional drive the professional, and the excellent drive the excellent.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

(Upper left) Holland Kodi Hunan Changsha Store: Amy (Bottom left) Holland Kodi Hefei Silihe Store: Hong Yanqin

(Upper right) Holland Emperor Jiangxi Anyi Store: Zou Xing (lower right) Holland Emperor Anhui Lixin Store: Mao Lei

Peng Jun, general manager of Holland Koudi China, explained in detail the development strategy of Holland Koudi in 2024, and emphasized the core value of "focus", in view of the ever-changing market environment, Holland Koudi takes the focus on "seven dimensions" as the key path to win, and strongly empowers the sustainable development of the brand through an all-round and multi-level marketing mechanism, and is a strong backing for everyone.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

In view of the development of each region and the actual situation of stores, Holland Kodi also gives targeted empowerment policies. In the 2024 national layout plan, Peng Jun, general manager of Holland Kodi China, emphasized in the meeting that in 2024, Dutch Kodi will adopt a combination of investment + excellent business, and continuously optimize the dealer system, so as to help the brand develop more rapidly in the market.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Yu Chengcheng, Design Director of Koudi China, explained the trajectory of the continuous development and progress of the Koudi brand through two aspects: store design and product development design, and comprehensively empowered the terminal to help upgrade and develop. The new product is just a concept word, when several new product process models are presented in front of everyone's eyes, the concept becomes substantial, so that everyone can feel the charm and characteristics of the new product more clearly.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Yang Yan, the director of operations of Holland Emperor China, released the blockbuster new products of the year - Kewozi color art series and Yunweide color art series at the meeting, which undoubtedly became the focus of attention. The release of the new series not only proves the strong strength of Koudi in product development and innovation, but also further enriches the product line and provides consumers with more diverse choices.

New products are hot and pre-ordered

The release of the new Dutch Kodi products in 2024 set off a wave of enthusiasm in the conference. Whether it is its delicate texture or unique texture effect, it is widely praised by dealer partners. At the new product ordering meeting, the dealers showed great enthusiasm, have placed orders, the scene is warm and orderly, good news is frequent, which not only set a record high for the new products of the Netherlands, but also further proves the market potential and attractiveness of the new products of the Netherlands.

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully
"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

The successful holding of the National Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference has injected new vitality into the development of the Dutch Kodi brand. Through the tour of many cities across the country, Holland Kodi has established closer ties with many dealers, with "focus" as the traction, breaking through the depth and breadth of the terminal market coverage in the channel, consolidating the position of Kodi in the national market, exploring forward, and being a pioneer!

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Nanchang, China

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Shijiazhuang, China

"Strong Focus, Bound to Burn" 2024 Holland Kodi Empowerment Conference and New Product Launch Conference ended successfully

Yancheng, China

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