
Don't be envious about eating too much, this is a cure!

author:The popular science lecture hall was opened

Eat more, don't gain weight

Instead, it is getting thinner and thinner

Isn't this the "chosen one" for weight loss

But the "Chosen Son" himself - Ms. Qin

But he couldn't be happy

Because it is accompanied by weight loss

There are also short tempers, sweating, and trembling hands

and a series of symptoms

It made Ms. Qin very uncomfortable

A check-up at a hospital near home

What a weight loss chosen child

It turned out to be hyperthyroidism!

Emaciated, irritable, and thick-necked

Hyperthyroidism (hyperthyroidism) is a common disease of the endocrine system and is more common in women between the ages of 30 and 60. In addition to the well-known symptoms of "bulging eyes" and "thick neck", there are also some symptoms that are also early warning signs of hyperthyroidism:

Heat intolerance and sweating, persistent palpitations, increased eating and weight loss, excessive food and hunger, increased bowel movements, irritability, irritability, insomnia, tremors in the limbs or hands, muscle weakness, and infrequent menstruation.

Ms. Qin has been taking Western medicine for 3 years after she was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, but her thyroid function indicators have been fluctuating, and she has been seeking treatment in many hospitals with no good results. Finally, she found the Thyroid Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Affiliated Hospital of Hubei University of Chinese Medicine) on the Internet, so she came to see her.

After receiving the consultation, Professor Hua Chuan from the Thyroid Diagnosis and Treatment Center treated Ms. Qin's condition with a combination of in-hospital preparations of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine. After many meticulous personalized adjustments, Ms. Qin's thyroid function indicators stabilized. After stopping the drug for 1 and a half years, the re-examination is still stable.

The combination of Chinese and Western makes the indicators stable

Huachuan said that the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in the treatment of hyperthyroidism can relieve clinical symptoms such as palpitations, heat intolerance, and fatigue more quickly, reduce adverse reactions such as liver damage, leukopenia, and allergies to a certain extent, and help reduce goiter and relieve "thick neck".

TCM "tailor-made prescriptions" can accurately adjust the dosage of drugs, avoid fluctuations in thyroid function indicators, shorten the course of hyperthyroidism, and reduce the recurrence of hyperthyroidism.

Key precautions for hyperthyroidism

⚫ Replenish your calories

Don't be envious about eating too much, this is a cure!

The daily dietary energy supply is maintained at 3000-3500 kcal. Supplement with 1.5-2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. You can also appropriately increase the number of meals, and you can reasonably increase snacks between meals to replenish the energy consumed in the body in time.

⚫ Remembering the key "iodine"

Avoid iodine-containing foods such as iodized salt, kelp, seaweed, seaweed, dried shrimp and other seafood. Be cautious in the use of iodine wine and iodine-containing drugs to avoid affecting the treatment of antithyroid drugs. River shrimp and freshwater fish can be eaten in moderation. Do not drink stimulant drinks, such as coffee, strong tea, etc.

⚫ Movement and stillness need to be balanced

Don't be envious about eating too much, this is a cure!

Get enough sleep, be active, watch your weight, prevent overexertion, and avoid strenuous exercise. Adjust your emotions, keep your mind calm, calm your mood, and be less angry and less excited.

⚫ Inspections are indispensable

Because antithyroid drugs may cause liver function damage and leukopenia, liver function and blood routine should be monitored before and after treatment. Allergic reactions such as rash and itchy skin will occur after taking the medicine, so it is necessary to return to the doctor and adjust the treatment in time.

⚫ Don't be lazy when taking medicine

Don't be envious about eating too much, this is a cure!

The course of antithyroid drug treatment is generally 1.5-2 years, and it is important to take the drug regularly according to the doctor's instructions during the course of the disease, and regularly review the thyroid function and other relevant indicators, so as to adjust the dosage in time.

⚫ Eye.

If there are symptoms of exophthalmos, avoid strong light, ultraviolet rays, dust, wind and sand irritation, and wear dark glasses when going out. Elevate your head while sleeping to reduce eye swelling. Patients with eyelid insufficiency can wear ointment and eye patches at night to prevent infection, moisturizing eye drops for dry eyes, and antibiotics or glucocorticoid eye drops for patients with hyperemia. Prevent excessive use of eyes, and do not face computers, TVs, mobile phones, etc. for a long time. Avoid smoking, both active and passive smoking can aggravate exophthalmos.

Source: Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Editor-in-charge: Summer

Editor: Wang Jun