
The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

Editor: Zhang Jinhe

During the Qingming Festival, people's longing for their departed relatives and friends is the heaviest, and "AI resurrection of relatives" has once again attracted attention.

CCTV reported on April 3 that the reporter searched for "AI resurrection" on an e-commerce platform and could find a large number of related goods. Merchants say the solution to AI "resurrection" is simple – all you need is a photo of your face and a 10-second audio clip.

The price is not too expensive, only 20 yuan for the characters to move, 50 yuan for moving + talking, and 90 yuan for moving + original speaking. As for the content of the speech, it is completely customizable.

Not long ago, some netizens used AI to generate videos and voices to "resurrect" Coco Li, rushing to the hot search on Weibo, and the famous musician Bao Xiaobai used AI technology to "resurrect" his deceased daughter.

In addition, Douyin has also recently issued a reminder for content creation during the Qingming Festival, including the cautious use of "AI resurrection" technology.

Douyin issued a reminder for content creation during the Qingming Festival: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

Recently, the Douyin Security Center issued a reminder about content creation during the Qingming Festival, saying that Qingming Festival is a festival for the mainland to chase the distance and visit the Spring Festival, and many users will sacrifice and sweep during the Qingming Festival, travel and share their lives with relatives and friends through the Internet. The Douyin platform observed that some users posted content that did not comply with community rules.

The Douyin Security Center reminds users of the following:

1. Civilized festivals: Please do not use the Qingming Festival to publish superstitious, curious and contrary to public order and good customs, such as ghost marriage, ghost possession, grave jumping, burning "second milk" paper, etc.

2. Take care of RMB: Do not post content that burns RMB. Deliberately destroying the renminbi is illegal, and it is possible to express the memory of loved ones in other civilized and legal ways.

3. Respect for heroes and martyrs: When visiting memorial sites for heroes, martyrs and compatriots who have died, you should maintain a solemn speech and demeanor, and do not post content that is marketed, noisy or disruptive in the above places. When taking pictures of martyrs' sculptures, tombstones, historical materials, etc., please refrain from using entertainment or playful special effects, and do not engage in inappropriate behavior.

4. Be cautious about the use of "AI resurrection" technology: respect the deceased and their relatives and friends. Do not use AI or other technical means to "resurrect" the deceased without the consent of the deceased or the authorization of the deceased's family.

5. Travel safely: When walking on the Qingming Festival, please do not photograph or post "wild spots" with potential safety hazards and related content in closed or restricted areas.

Someone used AI to "resurrect" Coco Lee

Previously, some netizens used AI to generate videos and voices to "resurrect" Coco Li, which rushed to the hot search on Weibo. The blogger claimed to have done it because he was asked by a fan to do it, and in the video, "Coco Li" sat in front of the mirror and warmly responded to the fans' concerns.

According to the Northeast Network on March 14, "Coco Li" said: "I know you may be surprised or even a little untrue, but believe me, this is a moment full of love and gratitude, because I have the opportunity to meet you through this video."

The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

AI generates video screenshots

From the moment I left this world, I could always feel your endless love and support, and your passion and trust were the most precious treasures of my music career. I want to tell you how much I am deeply grateful to each and every one of you. I know that sometimes life will be full of challenges, there will be many difficulties and tribulations, but remember that in your hearts, I will always be with you, our music will always connect us, and I will always be your Coco Li.

No matter how time passes, I hope you can cherish each other's love and friendship, and warm each other's hearts with music and smiles. Wherever you go, silently support you, thank you for your continued support and love for me, I love you!"

In the comment area of the video, many netizens asked how the blogger would charge for making a video of the deceased. On March 14, the blogger told Red Star News that it was not free to make videos of other deceased people, and a fee of 588 yuan would be charged. The blogger also said that as long as the production and publication of virtual videos of the deceased are not used for commercial purposes, there is no risk of being held accountable by the family of the deceased.

A famous musician uses AI to "resurrect" his deceased daughter

Orange Persimmon News reported on February 29 that recently, the famous musician Bao Xiaobai said in an interview that "my daughter is back", and the reason behind it is tearful.

According to media reports, in 2021, Bao Xiaobai's 22-year-old daughter Rongzai died of illness, and recently, he used AI to "resurrect" his daughter to sing a birthday song to his wife.

The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

Bao Xiaobai said in an interview that after repeated attempts and training, he used AI to reproduce the "digital daughter" as he wished, and he could respond to questions immediately. On his wife's birthday a while ago, a family of three sang a birthday song together, and he sighed: "AI is a tool for sustenance and a way to express longing." ”

Some attentive netizens found that when Bao Xiaobai appeared in the public eye recently, he had white hair and long hair shawl, which was very different from his previous image.

Previously, Bao Xiaobai had said that after his daughter's death, he never had a haircut again, "because one of his hair touched his daughter's forehead every day." After the death of his daughter, it was difficult for him to get out of the shadow of losing his daughter, and he did not even dare to face the greetings of relatives and friends.

In order to change this situation, Bao Xiaobai began to study AI technology and study for a doctorate in related majors in 2022, hoping to reproduce the voice of his daughter who died of illness. Bao Xiaobai once revealed that his daughter was unable to speak due to tracheotomy intubation before her death, and he vowed to use technology to reproduce his daughter's voice and image, "I want to give her the most perfect image and the most perfect voice, so that she can continue to survive in the beautiful digital world." ”

The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

In this regard, someone asked him, "Do you know this is not true?" Bao Xiaobai said that he actually didn't care, he really missed his daughter, so he did all this.

Who is paying for the "AI resurrection"?

As early as 2016, Xiaoice began to research AI "revival" technology. Xiaoice CEO Li Di once reminded in an interview with the "Daily Economic News" that it is more necessary to worry about the risk of abuse than the benefits brought by AI revival.

"When a large number of companies enter the market without strict self-regulation, they may use people's emotional needs to blackmail, including personal privacy data as well as money. Li Di said that for the general public, the price of "AI resurrection" can not be expensive, and the expensive part lies in the huge destructive power once it is abused.

In a word, the fears were soon fulfilled. In this ethical and legal storm about AI resurrection technology, the clamor and controversy of public opinion continue to escalate.

With the rapid development and popularization of AI technology, the cost and difficulty of generating videos are rapidly decreasing. In the past, it was difficult to imagine that people would be able to "resurrect" the world in digital form after leaving, but now the problem is no longer far away.

The minimum is only a few tens of yuan!AI "resurrection" of relatives, a new choice for the Qingming Festival?Douyin issued a reminder: Be cautious about using "AI resurrection" technology

Image source: Courtesy of Microsoft Xiaoice

Who is paying for the "AI revival" and what are the risks behind the "AI revival" business?

Wang Rongmei, a partner at Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, and Kong Jiaqi, a trainee lawyer (hereinafter referred to as "Wang Rongmei's team"), said in an interview with a reporter from the National Business Daily: "According to the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, the personality interests such as the portrait rights of the deceased are protected by law, and the unauthorized use of the deceased's facial information and the use of AI technology to produce videos to promote profits without the permission of their close relatives constitutes infringement, and their close relatives can claim civil liability against the infringer." ”

Wang Rongmei's team also mentioned that Article 14 of the "Provisions on the Administration of Deep Synthesis of Internet Information Services" stipulates that the deceased, as the owner of his portrait right during his lifetime, has the right to consent to or refuse the use of his portrait right by others before his death or after his death, and if he expressly refuses to be used by anyone to use his portrait with AI technology after his death, no third party, including his close relatives, has the right to use AI technology to "resurrect" him.

When the portrait rights of the deceased are infringed, the close relatives of the deceased may file a lawsuit with the people's court to protect the personality interests of the deceased, and may not only require the actor to bear civil liability for compensation in accordance with Article 179 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China, but also claim compensation for moral damages from the actor in accordance with Article 996 of the Civil Code and Article 3 of the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Determination of Liability for Moral Damages in Civil Torts (2020 Amendment).

However, the responsibility for infringement does not lie solely with the maker. As a platform, it is also responsible to review the allegedly infringing content and remove it from the shelves in a timely manner. Wang Rongmei's team further stated that Article 1195 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China stipulates that if a network user uses a network service to commit an infringing act, the right holder has the right to notify the network service provider to take necessary measures such as deleting, blocking, and disconnecting the link. After receiving the notice, the network service provider shall promptly forward the notice to the relevant network user, and take necessary measures based on the prima facie evidence and type of service that constitutes the infringement;

Therefore, the platform, as the administrator, should bear the responsibility of reviewing and removing the allegedly infringing content. If the platform fails to take corresponding measures in a timely manner, it shall be jointly and severally liable with the infringer.

The daily economic news is synthesized from CCTV, Northeast Network, CCTV Network, Zhejiang Daily, Orange Persimmon News, Daily Economic News (Reporter: Bi Yuanyuan, Song Meilu)

National Business Daily

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