
Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Your eating habits do need to be adjusted, and while simple steaming and boiling is healthy, it also needs to be done with other nutrients in moderation. "

In the days before the Qingming Festival, Zhao Yunsong had just returned to his hometown and was on the lips of this doctor's advice.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Zhao Yunsong is a computer programmer, because he works long hours in front of a computer and lacks exercise, he decided to start with diet to improve his health.

Two years ago, he started steaming and boiling food, and seasoned it with only salt.

On the occasion of returning to his hometown to sweep the tomb during the Qingming Festival, Zhao Yunsong visited his long-lost relatives and elders, and the topic of health naturally became a hot topic at everyone's gathering.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Zhao Yunsong shared his dietary practice in detail in the past two years.

He noticed that his weight had dropped significantly, and his lower abdomen was gone, but at the same time he felt that his strength was not as good as before, and he often felt tired and sometimes dizzy.

This caught the attention of Dr. Li, who was sitting on the sidelines, an experienced veteran doctor from Zhao Yunsong's hometown.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Dr. Li believes that Zhao's problem may be related to his eating habits.

Dr Lee explains that while steaming and boiling are healthy cooking methods, eating too one-dimensionally can lead to nutritional imbalances.

In particular, seasoning with salt alone can deprive the body of other essential minerals and vitamins.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Dr. Lee explained the principles of nutrition in detail, and he mentioned that the human body needs a variety of nutrients, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.

It's hard to meet these complex needs with a single diet.

For example, Zhao's diet may be deficient in fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, K) because these vitamins need to be absorbed by consuming the right amount of fat.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Dr. Lee also supported his point with some actual cases.

He talked about a case like Zhao Yunsong, where the patient only ate steamed and boiled food for a long time.

As a result, there is a severe deficiency of vitamin D, which in turn leads to problems such as bone softening.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

Dr. Lee has provided a wealth of data showing that similar health problems have become more common in recent years.

Dr. Li then suggested that Zhao Yunsong should adjust his diet, such as adding some vegetable oils, nuts and fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, to ensure a complete nutrition.

He also stressed the importance of a balanced diet, reminding Zhao that even healthy foods need to be diversified to ensure the proper functioning of various body functions.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

As the conversation deepened, Zhao Yunsong gained a new understanding of his eating habits.

He began to realize that a healthy lifestyle is not just about what you eat, but more importantly how you eat.

At the end of the meeting, Zhao thanked Dr. Li for his advice and decided to re-plan his diet when he returned to the city.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

At this point in the story, I would like to ask a question: if a person neglects the intake of certain nutrients in the process of long-term healthy eating,

So in addition to changing his eating habits, what should he do to quickly adjust and restore the body's nutritional balance?

To answer this question, we need to dig deeper into the science of nutrition.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

When the body is deficient in certain nutrients, it may take longer to correct the nutritional imbalance simply by changing the diet.

Therefore, in this case, rapid improvement with nutritional supplementation can be considered.

This includes vitamin and mineral supplementation such as vitamin D, calcium, iron, etc.

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?

But this supplementation should be done under the advice of a medical professional to avoid other health problems that may be caused by excessive intake.

At the same time, an appropriate amount of physical activity to enhance the body's metabolic ability and nutrient absorption capacity is also an effective way to promote nutritional balance.

What do you think about this? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Uncle only eats steamed and boiled food, and only salts are used for seasoning, how is his health after two years?